Show #3902 - Tuesday, July 17, 2001

Alan Bailey game 4.


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Anthony Alford, a software engineer from Raleigh, North Carolina

Jenne Bergstrom, a library science student from Julian, California

Alan Bailey, a playwright and director from Sherman Oaks, California (whose 3-day cash winnings total $34,601)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 26
Noted gangster Pretty Boy Floyd's pretty boyhood was spent in this state's Cherokee Indian Territory
    $100 9
Elian Gonzalez' relatives in this U.S. city were a regular headline presence in 2000
    $100 6
"Inn Of Grief"
    $100 21
Also called epidemic parotitis, it's characterized by a sweling of salivary glands near the neck
    $100 16
From the German for "home-ruler", it's a Ford or a Fonda
    $100 1
(Johnny Gilbert reads the clue, with organ music in the background.) Emily tells Drake the baby's his & she named it Sarah, after this pair's song "Sarah Smile"
    DD: $500 27
Foreign president seen here, a trail used in the '60s was named for him
    $200 10
In October 2000 a bomb damaged the U.S.S. Cole in this Mideastern country
    $200 7
"Salute The Gambling Mecca!"
    $200 22
Transmitted by a mosquito bite, protozoans called Plasmodia cause this dangerous disease
    $200 17
Italian "lady" for Ritchie Valens or Dion
    $200 2
(Gilbert reads, with organ music.) FBI agent Malone arrests Teri's ex, Benny, & tosses him into this, a nickname for jail from the Spanish for "courtroom"
    $300 28
After making some major changes in his life in 1952 George Jorgensen changed his name to this
    $300 11
President Fujimori of this country led a manhunt for his disgraced adviser Vladimiro Montesinos
    $300 8
    $300 23
Caused by a type of streptococcus, it's a "colorful" childhood malady marked by a widespread red rash
    $300 18
It's Aramaic for "twin", not "tank engine"
    $300 3
(Gilbert reads, with organ music.) Benny's murder of Malone's father by a mine wasn't this, meaning "planned beforehand"
    $400 29
She defected to the United States in '67, lost Soviet citizenship, went back to Russia in '84, got citizenship back, fled in '86
    $400 12
In 1999 a Protestant parade was ordered to bypass the Catholic areas along Ormeau Road in this city
    $400 14
"Refrain From Inflicting Pain"
    $400 24
AKA varicella, it's marked by blisterlike eruptions on the skin & is even more severe in adults than children
    $400 19
Karen is just a Dutch form of this "Great" name
    $400 4
(Gilbert reads, with organ music.) Agent Malone, Drake & Trent find out they're brothers & that they were this, a popular feature of Spy Magazine
    $500 13
This smaller partner in the Yugoslav Federation has a sometimes uneasy relationship with Serbia
    $500 15
"Mail Back Towards The Dispatcher"
    $500 25
Without using a "diph"stick, the Schick test can tell if you've had a close shave with this disease
    $500 20
Minnie, as in Mouse, is a pet name of this female version of William
    $500 5
(Gilbert reads, with organ music.) At Emily and Drake's wedding, Trent meets Brad; they hit it off & take a "fun" cruise on this Kathie Lee advertised line

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Alan Jenne Anthony
$1,600 $1,100 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alan Jenne Anthony
$3,200 $3,000 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 17
In this play the question is, who's going to die--the King, the Queen, Ophelia & the title guy do
    $200 5
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey operates JFK, LaGuardia & this Jersey Airport
    $200 1
In 1905 this most famous formula was first published in Annalen der Physik
    $200 7
"In space no one can hear you scream"
    $200 16
"The Union of Earth & Water", seen here, was painted by this zaftig-loving Baroque artist
    $200 22
A knockout punch
    $400 18
An anaconda squeezing her to death in Act V wouldn't work, so will used an asp instead
    $400 6
On Aer Lingus to Ireland, you may land at Dublin Airport or at this one whose code is SNN
    $400 2
The 4 basic forces that exist in nature are strong, weak, electromagnetic & this one
    $400 12
"Everyone dies. Not everyone leaves."
    $400 27
He's the unique Neoimpressionist whose work "Study for Le Chahut" is seen here
    $400 23
"But where is the boy who looks after the sheep? He's" here
    $600 19
Will had this title man do the dirty work in Act V, smothering his wife for her supposed infidelity
    $600 8
What is now Miami International Airport was built in 1928 by this hemisphere-covering airline
    $600 3
Term for the point toward which lines of magnetic flux converge
    $600 13
"Julianne fell in love with her best friend the day he decided to marry someone else"
    $600 28
As evidenced here, this artist's Neoclassic style made him a favorite of French rulers
    $600 24
In the early 1960s he co-founded Students for a Democratic Society while attending the University of Michigan
    $800 20
Banquo & his kid Fleance were ticking Will off, so he penned this play & tried to knock 'em off; only got Dad
    $800 10
A terminal at LAX is named for this former L.A. mayor who's buried in nearby Inglewood
    $800 4
His principle states a body floating in a fluid will displace a weight of the fluid equal to its own weight
    DD: $2,500 14
"They're young...
They're in love...
And they kill people"
    DD: $1,000 25
    $1000 21
Will thought he'd keep this pal of Romeo alive, but the "plague o' both your houses" speech really worked
    $1000 11
The Tokyo international airport opened in 1978 to partly replace Haneda is commonly called this
    $1000 9
In superconductivity this isn't futile, it's basically nonexistent in the material
    $1000 15
"They're on a mission from God"
    $1000 26
The identity of the person who threw the bomb during this May 4, 1886 Chicago riot was never determined

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alan Jenne Anthony
$11,900 $5,400 $3,400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A good place to be!)
This author & biochemist who died in 1992 has at least one book in all 10 main Dewey Decimal categories

Final scores:

Alan Jenne Anthony
$10,900 $3,900 $6,799
4-day champion: $45,501 3rd place: a Fisher home theater system with stereo and 27" stereo TV 2nd place: a trip to Kona, Hawaii

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alan Jenne Anthony
$10,000 $5,400 $3,100
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
17 R,
2 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $18,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2001-03-22
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