Show #1644 - Thursday, October 24, 1991


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Mickey Kieckhefer, a management specialist from Burbank, California

Bill Spencer, a public policy analyst originally from Jackson, Mississippi

Jerry Sobul, a film production manager from Los Angeles, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $12,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
The artificially created Lake Texoma borders these two states
    $100 24
The bulgur type of this grain can be an interesting substitute for rice
    $100 10
This 1950 Jimmy Stewart film could be titled "The Invisible Rabbit"
    $100 3
Dan Greenburg's 1965 best seller was titled "How to Be a Jewish" one of these
    $100 21
It's the "nuts & bolts" or physical components that make up a computer
    $100 12
    $200 2
For the 1988 Summer Olympics, new sports facilities were built along this city's Han River
    $200 27
Named for a spice, this baked sweet can be topped with lemon sauce or cut in the shape of humans
    $200 17
This 1988 film about a rabbit actor won 4 Oscars, including one for Special Visual Effects
    $200 6
He added a history of the Compsons to "The Sound and the Fury" 15 years after it was first published
    $200 22
A program that's easy to understand & operate is described by this "amicable" term
    $200 13
    $300 4
About 75% of the Caspian Sea's water comes from this river that empties into it
    $300 28
A recipe that calls for fines herbes expects you to do this to the herbs before adding them
    $300 18
In this 1987 film Glenn Close boils a bunny belonging to Michael Douglas' daughter
    $300 7
He opened an eye practice in London in 1891; no one came, so he wrote full-time about a private eye
    $300 23
Knowingly spreading one of these "infectious" programs is a criminal act
    $300 14
Captain Pike,
Captain Kirk,
Captain Picard
    $400 5
The extreme southern part of this sea, an arm of the Mediterranean, is called the Sea of Crete
    $400 19
This 1978 film based on a Richard Adams book is about a rabbit colony looking for a home
    $400 8
1 of 2 Thomas Harris best sellers that feature Hannibal the Cannibal
    $400 25
This term refers to the use of personal computers to design & print quality books & documents
    $400 15
    $500 9
Because of its catastrophic flooding, this river has been called "China's Sorrow"
    $500 20
1939 classic in which Lennie is excited at George's fantasy about operating a rabbit ranch
    DD: $500 11
In December 1989 this late author's son Yevgeny picked up his father's 1958 Nobel Prize medal in Stockholm
    $500 26
Called AI for short, it refers to the use of computers to simulate human thinking
    $500 16
apartment numbers

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Jerry Bill Mickey
$100 $0 -$600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jerry Bill Mickey
$900 $2,400 $400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
The original "Choo Choo" train station in this city is now a Holiday Inn
    $200 24
Elizabethan women wore long, tight bodices that ended in a deep point resembling this letter
    $200 11
Though best known for his revolver, he also invented a submarine battery used in harbor defense
    $200 6
In 1789 the royal family was taken to Paris by a mob yelling, "We have the baker... now we shall have" this
    $200 18
The opposite of an economic "bust", it's a period of swift economic growth
    $200 16
The first line sung in this show is "Pour, oh, pour the pirate sherry"
    $400 2
This city's metropolitan area includes Cook, DuPage & McHenry Counties
    $400 25
An elaborate dress worn originally by Polish women, or a stately dance of the same name
    $400 12
A museum in Mainz, Germany honors this inventor who developed printing from movable type
    $400 7
It took 21 years following his 1793 execution for a Bourbon to rule France again
    $400 19
From the Latin meaning "yearly", it's an investment or retirement fund that pays out yearly
    $400 17
Of a milkmaid, a countess or a fairy who lives underwater, what Iolanthe is
    $600 3
Lord Cornwallis called it a "hornet's nest", so this N. Carolina city put a hornet's nest on its seal
    $600 26
Some 18th century men wore "redingotes": the name is a corruption of this kind of "sporty" coat
    $600 13
He'd planned to charge only $5,000 for his stock ticker patents, but was offered $40,000
    DD: $1,500 8
The French declaration of these preceded the American Bill of Rights by two years
    $600 20
In real estate, it's the value of a property beyond the amount owed in mortgages
    $600 22
"Thespis" is set on this mountain where Diana, now an elderly goddess, uses a respirator
    $800 4
Named for a frontier scout, this capital was founded by land speculator Abraham Curry in 1858
    $800 27
In the 1600s Roundheads had close-cropped hair & these opponents sported long locks
    $800 14
In 1934 this man invented the first practical electronic organ
    $800 9
Robespierre was a leader of this political debate club
    $800 21
Type of federal tax that's levied mainly on alcohol, tobacco & gasoline
    $800 29
This operetta opens in the courtyard of Ko-Ko's palace in Titipu
    $1000 5
Though it's the largest city in Wyoming, it's not the state capital
    $1000 28
Crinolines were all the rage during the 1860s when this fashionable French empress wore them
    $1000 15
Wireless telegraph services in the U.K. observed a 2-minute silence after he died in 1937
    $1000 10
No one was sure how to run the elections for this parliament which hadn't met for 175 years
    $1000 23
This "law" says after a certain point, increased input will not result in meaningfully increased output
    DD: $100 30
The operetta that features the following song:

"For I'm called Little Buttercup--dear Little Buttercup / Though I could never tell why / But still I'm called Buttercup-- poor little Buttercup / Sweet Little Buttercup I!..."

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jerry Bill Mickey
$2,800 $9,500 $2,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2 former major party vice presidential nominees who are now senators

Final scores:

Jerry Bill Mickey
$1,199 $6,000 $4,200
3rd place: Maytag washer & dryer + Jeopardy! home game or computerized version New champion: $6,000 2nd place: Pacific Sun outdoor furniture + Michael C. Fina tea & coffee service + Jeopardy! home game or computerized version

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jerry Bill Mickey
$2,900 $9,100 $2,200
13 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
25 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $14,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1991-08-27
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