Show #4964 - Thursday, March 23, 2006


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Ed Angleton, a biochemist from Indianapolis, Indiana

Jessica Liese, a contract coordinator originally from Havre, Montana

Mary LoSardo, a retired executive, now web site designer from Bayonne, New Jersey (whose 1-day cash winnings total $20,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
It begins, "When in the course of human events..."
    $200 23
In basketball, 2 types of these are personal & technical
    $200 10
Many thirsty folks were tempted by this company's slogan "Can't beat the real thing"
    $200 15
It's heard here & found in a famous horror movie title
    $200 20
The Brahmaputra River & the Krishna River both flow into this bay
    $200 5
To cook eggs on one side, then flip 'em & cook 'em again is to cook them in this style
    $400 2
His "Song of Myself" says "I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world"
    $400 24
(Hi, I'm Allan Houston of the NBA.) I helped the U.S. bring home the men's basketball gold from the 2000 Summer Olympics held in this city
    $400 11
Many hungry folks were tempted by this fast food company's slogan "Your way, right away"
    $400 16
One thing I'm pretty sure of, we need more of this instrument heard here
    $400 21
The Tagus flows into this ocean
    $400 6
Proverbial avenue of affluence
    $600 3
He wrote, "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society"
    $600 25
In the 2001 playoffs, Derek Fisher set a record, making 15 of these in 4 games against San Antonio
    $600 12
If a hill of boulders is part of your commute, this GM vehicle really is "Like nothing else"
    $600 17
You might hear this Afro-Asian big cat before you "spot" it
    $600 28
The Seine reaches its end in this, also called La Manche
    $600 7
In July 1961 Billboard unveiled a new chart for this style also called "beautiful music"
    $800 4
This 1849 work says "Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is... prison"
    $800 26
(Hi, I'm Michael Finley.) As a Badger on this college basketball team, I became its all-time leading scorer with 2,147 points
    $800 13
"That was easy" lures many in need of pens & toner into this store
    $800 18
If this measuring instrument developed in the 1920s reads high, run!
    $800 29
The Purus & the Putumayo both pour into this river
    $800 8
Popular brand of oven-cleaning aerosol
    $1000 22
In "The American Scholar", he wrote that "Character is higher than intellect"
    $1000 27
He coached the University of North Carolina men's college basketball team in 4 different decades
    $1000 14
Garlic breath sufferers can't resist this chewy mint, "The Freshmaker"
    $1000 19
It's the "happy" 3-word name for the piece heard here
    DD: $1,000 30
The Tigris flows into this gulf
    $1000 9
"You're an alien and I'm from the Valley" is a line from this 1989 sci-fi comedy

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mary Jessica Ed
$0 $2,600 $3,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mary Jessica Ed
$600 $4,400 $8,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 7
Finns love to retreat to a forest cabin beside a jarvi, one of these bodies of water
    $400 2
He was a writer & the title character on the 2001 sitcom "Bob Patterson"
    $400 8
When judges talk about the establishment clause, they're talking about this Constitutional Amendment
    $400 1
These female vow takers got their name from nonna, the Latin word for "tutor"
    $400 4
This "Great" king of the New Testament became King of Judea with Rome's help in 37 B.C.
    $400 22
Surrealist painter who had pop & country hits with "Here You Come Again" & "9 To 5"
    $800 12
Market Square is on a waterfront course for this Helsinki event that began in 1981--something the Finns are good at
    $800 3
This actor seen here has an actress sister & is married to Paul Anka's daughter
    $800 9
Creative works not protected by copyright & land that has never been privately owned are in this
    $800 10
The small beads on this are called aves; the large ones are paternosters & glorias
    $800 15
Led by Bleda & his brother, this group attacked Rome in the 5th century A.D.
    $800 23
Milli Vanilli No. 1 hit that was a bloody period of executions during the French Revolution
    DD: $2,000 26
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew accepts the goods from a blonde market vendor in Helsinki, Finland.) I'm in Helsinki buying a CD of this cultural icon who got a life pension from the Finnish Senate in 1897 & lived until 1957
    $1200 5
This star of "Rush" and "Speed 2" is the son of actor-playwright Jason Miller
    $1200 19
The oldest federal law to safeguard consumers fights this type of communications fraud
    $1200 11
Reformation thinkers denied the existence of this place of punishment to cleanse venial sins after death
    DD: $2,000 16
From the Latin for "offspring", they were the lowest class of ancient Roman citizens
    $1200 24
Spanish royal road connecting Leon & Madrid that's an MTV show in which 7 strangers live together
    $1600 27
Finnish word for the "hot spots" where women used to give birth; they're clean, as charcoal soot resists bacteria
    $1600 6
He's been seen on screen playing a "Loser" & in the title role in "Saving Silverman"
    $1600 20
This federal crime of raising impediments can be assaulting a process server or destroying audit records
    $1600 13
St. Augustine famously defined these as the "outward and visible signs of an inward and spiritual grace"
    $1600 17
In Cicero's day, this December Roman festival of unrestrained merrymaking lasted for 7 days
    $1600 25
Thornton Wilder novel about a collapsing structure that's a stand-up comedian whom "Everybody Loves"
    $2000 14
Before becoming a stage & film star, he served in the Navy & was at Pearl Harbor, earning the Navy Cross
    $2000 21
They're formal claims & defenses by the parties to a civil suit; additional targeted ones may be "special"
    $2000 28
When the Pope speaks in this manner, Latin for "from the chair", he's infallible
    $2000 18
The most central of Rome's 7 hills; Nero & Augustus lived on it

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mary Jessica Ed
-$1,400 $8,000 $12,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The last British king not named George, William or Edward was named this

Final scores:

Mary Jessica Ed
-$1,400 $1 $9,199
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $9,199

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Mary Jessica Ed
-$1,400 $8,000 $16,600
4 R,
4 W
15 R,
0 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $23,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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