Show #1849 - Thursday, September 24, 1992

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


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James Garrett, a sommelier from Charlotte, North Carolina

Joan Steinberg, a senior programmer analyst from Peaks Island, Maine

Marty Brophy, a physicist from Urbana, Illinois (whose 1-day cash winnings total $1,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 3
The 2 Soviets to win a Nobel Peace Prize are Andrei Sakharov & this man
    $100 5
Fred Allen said of this state, "It's a great place if you happen to be an orange"
    $100 16
Little Jack Horner pulled this fruit out of his Christmas pie
    $100 10
At age 17, she commanded the Dauphin's troops & liberated the city of Orleans in 1429
    $100 9
In 1979, Vinoba Bhave fasted to compel India to enforce the religious law against killing these
    $100 1
To misuse your energy is to do this up the wrong tree
    $200 4
In 1983, he became the first Pole to win a Nobel Peace Prize
    $200 12
Although Walden Pond is not this state's largest pond, it's probably the most famous
    $200 21
Simple Simon met him going to the fair
    DD: $1,100 17
At a U.S. exhibit in Moscow in 1959, these 2 men held their famous kitchen debate
    $200 22
On March 18, 1965, Alexei Leonov became the first man to walk here
    $200 2
Quickly move the second finger down against the thumb to produce a sharp noise
    $300 6
Americans who won for their plans include Charles Dawes for 1925 & this man for 1953
    $300 26
This state's first governor was Charles N. Haskell of Muskogee, who was elected in 1907
    $300 13
The 2 items Little Miss Muffet was eating
    $300 19
On May 20th, 1927, this aviator left New York's Roosevelt Field for Paris
    $300 24
Hugo Eckener built 88 of these for the German Navy & once commanded the one that burned May 6, 1937
    $300 8
Most people eat; gourmets do this
    $400 11
She lived through the Civil War & WWI, founded a settlement house, fought for peace, & won the prize for 1931
    $400 29
In 1524, Verrazzano became the first Eur. explorer to reach what's now this state when he visited Cape Fear
    $400 20
Jack Sprat's wife couldn't eat this
    $400 27
From 697 to 1797, this Italian city-state was ruled by a doge
    $400 25
In 1922, Jef Denyn established the first school to teach people how to play this set of tuned bells
    $400 18
A forensic expert will do this to a room to check for fingerprints
    $500 15
In October 1961, the committee awarded the prize to this late United Nations leader
    $500 30
Founded in 1817, Fort Smith in this state was one of the first military posts in the Missouri Territory
    $500 14
"The king was in his counting-house, counting out his money, the Queen was in the parlor eating" these 2 items
    $500 28
On December 12, 1937, planes from this nation sank the U.S. gunboat Panay
    $500 23
We bet you know U Nu was premier of this country three times
    $500 7
To lie in the warmth of the sun, you might do it on the beach in Spain

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Marty Joan James
$1,400 $1,200 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Marty Joan James
$3,600 $1,500 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
Cinnabar, the most important ore of mercury, is this bright color
    $200 16
In a 1787 letter, Henry Knox addressed this man as "the father of your country"
    $200 11
1965 play in which you'd hear the lyrics, "I am I, Don Quixote"
    $200 1
"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east &" she "is the sun"
    $200 19
This St. Petersburg, Russia museum has 25 paintings by Rembrandt
    $200 2
Appropriately, this part of a mountain was sacred to Zeus
    $400 23
Named for a German bacteriologist, this vessel is used to culture microorganisms
    $400 18
His campaign plane was called Peanut One
    $400 12
This Herbert & Dorothy Fields play was produced in Paris in 1950 as "Annie du Far Ouest"
    $400 6
Her first line in Othello is, "My noble father, I do perceive here a divided duty"
    $400 25
In French, this capital of East Flanders is called Gand
    $400 3
Zeus disguised himself as a cuckoo to seduce this goddess, but she married him anyway
    $600 24
It's the aerodynamic force that resists the forward motion of an object
    $600 21
William Henry Harrison was nicknamed "Old Tip"; Tip was short for this
    $600 13
When it premiered in 1957, Mickey Callan played Riff & Ken LeRoy played Bernardo
    $600 7
King Henry V falls in love with a princess from this country
    $600 30
Mount Gunnbjorn is the highest point on this Danish island that's much larger than Denmark itself
    $600 4
The statue of Zeus at Olympia depicted him holding a scepter on which this bird was perched
    $800 26
This branch of physics studies the effect of extreme cold on matter
    $800 20
The motto on his seal was, "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God"
    $800 14
She played the leading role in the 1960 Broadway musical "Wildcat"
    $800 9
This title character is the daughter of a Trojan priest named Calchas
    $800 29
Jubayl, Lebanon is the site of this ancient city whose name gave us the word Bible
    $800 5
After Zeus swallowed his consort, Metis, this goddess of wisdom was born from his head
    $1000 27
These particles are the smallest energy units of light
    DD: $3,800 17
This New Yorker was the 8th President & the 8th Vice President
    DD: $2,000 15
Act 1, Scene 1 of this play takes place in Nonnberg Abbey
    $1000 10
2 of the 3 women in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" whose names start with the letter H
    $1000 28
This Laotian capital is also called Viangchan
    $1000 8
This queen of the underworld was Zeus' sister-in-law, as well as his daughter

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Marty Joan James
$11,000 $6,700 $8,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Containing Army surplus food, the first of these arrived in France in 1946 & cost $15 a box to send

Final scores:

Marty Joan James
$16,001 $8,000 $13,001
2-day champion: $17,801 3rd place 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Marty Joan James
$8,200 $5,700 $7,100
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $21,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1992-07-27
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