Show #1046 - Monday, March 6, 1989


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Kathy Weber, a student from Washington, D.C.

Tom Zemaitis, an attorney from Pennsauken, New Jersey

David Gordy, a law clerk from Woodland Hills, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $11,100)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 8
São Paulo is Brazil's largest city while this one is 2nd
    $100 22
This state's flower is the trailing arbutus, also known as the mayflower
    $100 2
His foster mother, the Pharaoh's daughter, hired his real mother to be his wet nurse
    $100 9
Musical instrument mentioned in "Hey Diddle, Diddle"
    $100 5
Hers smiling face is topped with a red, yellow & white bandana, which you know if you enjoy her pancakes
    $100 1
Called 'The King of the Innkeepers", he titles his book "Be My Guest"
    $200 10
In 1970 this country's Salvador Allende became 1st freely elected Marxist head of state in Lat. America
    $200 23
Oklahoma's state flower, its leaves & berries are much in demand at Christmas
    $200 26
Of 3 hours, 3 days or 3 weeks, amount of time Jonah spent in the belly of the great fish
    $200 11
"O dear, what can the matter be? Johnny's so long at" this
    $200 15
He's the only web-footed creature we know with his own brand of orange juice
    $200 3
Born Teodor Korzeniowski, he wrote "Lord Jim" under this name
    $300 12
Ecuador's coat of arms shows the Andean, not the Calif., variety of this vulture
    $300 24
This shrubby plant, common in the desert, is Nevada's state posy, pardner
    $300 27
What we know about this 3rd son of Adam & Eve is that he lived 912 years, & fathered many kids
    $300 19
The only word that's a contraction in "Humpty Dumpty"
    $300 16
Though this type of eyewear is rarely seen today, Mr. Peanut wears one
    $300 4
"Wild Wild West" star whose ads challenged viewers to assault the battery on his shoulder
    $400 13
In 1975, this country made Quechua, an Incan language, its 2nd official language
    $400 29
The state "flower" of this Pine Tree State is the white pine cone & tasssel
    $400 28
He was the son of Abraham & Hagar, the 1st person in the Bible to see an angel
    $400 20
He learned to play music when he was young; later he turned to pilfering porkers
    $400 17
The children's variety of this pain reliever features Pandy the feel-better panda on the box
    $400 6
Radio's Matt Dillon, he's now "the Fatman" on TV
    DD: $1,200 14
When this country lost the War of the Pacific in 1879, it lost its only ocean port
    $500 30
This aptly named rose is the official flower of Washington, D.C.
    $500 25
Joab killed his cousin Absalom, the rebellious son of this man, Joab's uncle
    $500 21
Time of the scholar in "A Diller, a Dollar"
    $500 18
On many food products this woman's name appears in white letters on a red spoon
    $500 7
He suffered Maude's acerbic tongue before going on to "Diff'rent Strokes"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

David Tom Kathy
$1,100 $3,000 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

David Tom Kathy
$3,000 $3,700 $600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 17
This comic woke the Discovery crew with a hearty "Good morning, Discovery!"
    $200 3
Play in which Vladimir says, "We'll hang ourselves to-morrow. Unless Godot comes."
    $200 2
19th. century politician whose wealthy wife said, "Dizzy married me for my money"
    $200 22
Noel Coward wrote that these 2 groups "go out in the midday sun"
    $200 9
The 1st instrument J.S. Bach learned to play, it's the most common instrument in
an orchestra
    $200 14
Fighting depression, he underwent shock treatments at this Minnesota medical center
    $400 18
This Canadian Olympic athlete, disqualified in 1988, has the same name as an Oscar-winning actor
    DD: $1,600 4
This Agatha Christie play opens with the music of "3 Blind Mice" followed by a piercing scream
    $400 16
Her psychotic mother believed herself to be queen Victoria but she grew up to smash saloons
    $400 23
In a 1697 play, Colley Cibber wrote that this "is 11 points in the law"; today it's said to be 9/10
    $400 10
He's known for "Hark! Hark! The Lark" which he finished & "The Unfinished Symphony" which he didn't
    $400 27
1 of the 4 women he married
    DD: $1,500 19
In fall 1988 scientists announces that it only dates back to the 3 Middle Ages & is a fraud
    $600 5
In John Osborne's historical drama, this reformer tells his son, "You should have seen me at Worms"
    $600 11
Crazy Horse was killed in jail in 1877, & he was killed in a scuffle with Indian police in 1890
    $600 24
It was the historian Herodotus who 1st called Egypt "The Gift of" this
    $600 12
Shortly after his arrival in America in 1892, Dvorak set to work on this, his final symphony
    $600 28
In "The Old Man & the Sea", they ate the giant marlin the old fisherman caught
    $800 20
Director Herbert Ross married this woman who was once a president's sister-in-law
    $800 6
This theatrical form originated in the 1840s & featured an M.C. called the interlocutor
    $800 8
Belle Boyd was a spy during this war & worked as a scout & courier for "The Gray Ghost"
    $800 25
Before WWiI Stalin asked about this religious leader, "How many divisions does he got?"
    $800 13
A 1975 Ken Russell film portrayed the "mania" the public had for this composer
    $800 29
In 1938 he wrote his only play, "The Fifth Column", which dealt with this war
    $1000 21
The 1st 1988 presidential debate was held at Wake Forest University in this southern city
    $1000 7
This 1-act Sartre play is set in a drawing room with no mirrors & no windows
    $1000 1
Charlotte Corday pinned a note to her dress explaining her motive before she killed him
    $1000 26
Wm. Henry Vanderbilt's reply when asked if eliminating a certain train run was in the public interest
    $1000 15
This "Father of the Symphony" was a pal of Mozart's & taught Beethoven
    $1000 30
Hemingway's minor novel of 1937 that became the 1st film to pair Bogie & Bacall

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

David Tom Kathy
$9,500 $6,700 $4,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Henry & David are the 1st names of these men who are often paired but mainly worked separately

Final scores:

David Tom Kathy
$14,000 $700 $9,560
2-day champion: $25,100 3rd place: Al/Sy lamps 2nd place: trip on Hawaiian Airlines to Honolulu & stay at Turtle Bay Hilton

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

David Tom Kathy
$8,600 $4,800 $4,800
21 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
13 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $18,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1988-11-28
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