Show #748 - Wednesday, December 2, 1987


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Elizabeth Holloway, a writer from New York City, New York

Jeff Siggins, a wanderer originally from Warren, Pennsylvania

Jennifer Daniels, a graduate student from Rensselaer, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $7,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
A 28-story building, the tallest in Utah, is the office building of this church
    $100 6
To renew yours in California, you can't miss more than 3 out of 18 on the written part of the exam
    $100 3
Kublai Khan's grandfather, named "Temujin" at birth, was better known as this
    $100 1
Southerners love to fry this fish, but most don't eat its feline whiskers
    $100 13
On "Broken Arrow", Michael Ansara played this famous Apache chief
    $100 12
The Whiffenpoofs' words following "We're poor little lambs who've lost our way"
    $200 14
The statue of this president inside his Washington, D.C. "Memorial" portrays him standing
    $200 7
Types of these include the alpha, Wechsler, & Binet-Simon
    $200 4
Magnificent mime, Marcel Mangel
    $200 2
You might catch this state's state fish, the walleye, in 1 of its "10,000 lakes"
    $200 27
Relationship of Hoss, Adam, & Little Joe Cartwright to each other
    $200 15
In 19th c. hymn, words preceding "Lord God almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee"
    $300 21
Mesa Verde in Colorado is famous for these "homes"
    $300 8
When taking college exams, you often write your answers in "books" with this color cover
    $300 5
Born Thelma Booth Ford, she-,"maid" it as a TV star playing "Hazel"
    $300 24
American fish are protected by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, part of this department
    $300 28
Sugarfoot spent his spare time taking a correspondence course to become a member of this profession
    $300 16
In "The Omen", Gregory Peck found this ominous number on his adopted son's scalp
    $400 22
Only non-Germans can pass thru divided Berlin's Friedrichstrasse entry, known as this
    $400 9
1st used in early 1920s, this projective test was named after its creator, a Swiss psychiatrist
    $400 19
Bernadette Lazzara, who spent "Sunday in the Park with George"
    $400 25
This bass, Georgia's state fish, was named for its huge facial orifice
    $400 17
Possible monogram on a movie "Misfit"s towels when she was married to the author of "The Misfits"
    $500 23
Soviet president Podgorny & Egypt's Sadat waited 6 months to dedicate it on Gamal Nasser's b'day, Jan. 15, 1971
    $500 10
The Scholastic Aptitude Test for college admission measures skills in these 2 areas
    $500 20
Using this name, Louise Hovick became the "nomadic flower" of burlesque
    $500 26
The "cutthroat" variety is the state fish of New Mexico; the "steelhead" holds the title in Washington
    $500 18
Tho he may never have said it himself, most people imitate Cary Grant by saying this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jennifer Jeff Elizabeth
$1,200 $1,000 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jennifer Jeff Elizabeth
$1,400 $3,000 $1,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE '60s
    DD: $400 3
In 1965, she became 1st British female to top Billboard's Rock Era Pop Charts:

"When you're alone, and life is making you lonely / You can always go / Downtown..."
    $200 10
Frank Sinatra sang this Cher hit on an album called "She Shot Me Down"
    $200 8
When he opened his 1st store in Utica, N.Y., in 1879, nothing cost more than 5ยข
    $200 20
According to the legend, if you kiss the Blarney Stone, you'll get this
    $200 21
She took the blame for the missing 18 1/2 minutes in the Nixon tapes
    $400 11
Juliet's father thought she should marry him & a capital idea it was at that, N'est ce pas?
    $400 4
Many wondered why LBJ, 2 after declining to go himself, didn't send this VP to Churchill's funeral
    $400 13
Actor whose Martian "uncle" wasn't green, but whose other self, the Hulk, sure was
    $400 9
Name of this company that makes video games & computers is a Japanese word meaning, roughly, "I got you"
    $400 26
In "Finian's Rainbow" Sharon longs for Ireland, asking "How are things" there
    $400 22
Telephone poles with lines linking NYC to SF went up in 1915, during his administration
    DD: $1,000 1
Juliet said this surname "is... nor arm, nor face, nor any part belonging to a man"
    $600 5
N. Vietnam's alleged 1964 attack upon U.S. destroyers in this body of water has never been proven
    $600 14
He calls himself "the anonymous correspondent from '20/20'" but we've heard of him
    $600 17
Now in insurance, toys & clothing, they've modified their motto, "Babies are our business, our only business"
    $600 25
Enslaved in Ireland, this 5th c. Eng. youth escaped & later returned preaching Christianity
    $600 23
He could have been 1st to write in Cherokee that he had a giant tree named for him
    $800 2
1 of the 2 Franciscan friars named in the play
    $800 6
In the '40s, he was writing for parents; in the '60s, he was urging their children to evade the draft
    $800 15
"Billy Rose's Jumbo?" was the last film that "tapped" this choreographer's talents
    $800 18
Nearly all packages sent by air with this company, regardless of destination, go thru Memphis, Tn.
    $1000 12
Lady Capulet's fiery nephew, he stabbed Mercutio under Romeo's arm
    $1000 7
After Congress barred him in 1967, his Harlem constituents re-elected him to fill his vacant House seat
    $1000 16
This songwriter's father, the columnist, spelled his own first name "B-E-R-T"
    $1000 19
He's bought back the discount securities brokerage firm he sold to Bank of America
    $1000 24
A granite shaft marks the spot where this legendary tree stood in Hartford, Conn.

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jennifer Jeff Elizabeth
$6,200 $7,400 $4,100

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

With N.H. delegates signing 1st, Constitution wasn't signed in alphabetical order, but in this order

Final scores:

Jennifer Jeff Elizabeth
$5,700 $2,399 $8,200
2nd place: trip on Continental to Puerta Vallarta & stay as the Villa del Mar 3rd place: Bayley luggage New champion: $8,200

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jennifer Jeff Elizabeth
$5,800 $7,200 $4,100
12 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
12 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $17,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-08-31
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