Show #627 - Tuesday, May 5, 1987

Missing introductions.


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Phil Marino, a dentist from Clearwater, Florida

Joanne Skelly-Gearhart, a nursing instructor from East Aurora, New York

Jean Volk, an attorney from North Brunswick, New Jersey (whose 1-day cash winnings total $10,900)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 19
It wasn't until 1931 that this North American dominion gained full independence from Britain
    $100 11
CBS' new "The Bold & The Beautiful" is a sort of spin-off from this soap
    $100 16
Australians call them "roos"
    $100 26
The initials G.O.P., referring to the Republican Party, stand for this
    $100 6
Take away a White Russian's cream, & you've got a drink named this
    $100 1
"Here comes" this rabbit, "hoppin' down the bunny trail, hippity hoppity, Easter's on its way"
    $200 20
To gain control of Indonesia, this country's East India Co. massacred British East India Company reps
    $200 12
Kathryn Leigh Scott has recently published a scrapbook about her life on this '60s Gothic soap
    $200 17
The "good guts", the whole "good guts", & nothing but the "good guts"
    $200 27
Term "solid south" referred to the fact that in the past, the South tended to do this
    $200 7
A large jigger of whiskey with a beer chaser on the side
    $200 2
A song written for but not used in the Disney film "Peter Pan" advised, "never smile at" 1 of these
    $300 21
Called highest ranking Soviet to shake hands with Hitler, gasoline firebombs are named for him
    $300 13
1st name of a Brady on "Days of our Lives" & a Buchanan on "One Life to Live"
    $300 18
In "Waltzing Matilda", it's the Aussie term for a hobo
    $300 28
If the president won't sign a bill but retains it up to 10 days until Congress adjourns, it's called this
    $300 8
This liqueur is half benedictine, half brandy
    $300 3
In a Beatles song he "checked into his room only to find Gideon's Bible"
    DD: $400 22
Though the U.S. paid Spain $20 million for this island country, we no longer own it
    $400 14
The 2 current network daytime soaps with "World" in their titles
    $400 24
While Americans are "Yanks", "Pommy" or "Pom" refers to one of these people
    $400 29
In 1986, he won the seat Tip O'Neill just vacated & his uncle had filled 40 years ago
    $400 9
The Official Mixer's Manual's "Cincinnati" is half beer & half this; talk about light beer...
    $400 4
Peter, Paul & Mary's "Stewball", who never drank water, but always drank wine, was one
    $500 23
This country's forces sank the U.S. gunboat Panay in 1937
    $500 15
Among his roles on soaps were Jeb Hampton, Mike Gallagher, & Scotty Baldwin
    $500 25
It's what you're drinking if you're sipping "plonk" or "lunatic soup"
    $500 30
"Citizens' lobby" with over 200,000 members, founded by former HEW secretary John Gardner
    $500 10
Botanical name of the most appropriate drink to toast Anita Bryant & Lawrence Welk at the same time
    $500 5
Though the Tokens were initially embarrassed by this song set in the jungle, it went to #1

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jean Joanne Phil
$100 -$300 $2,100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jean Joanne Phil
$400 $200 $2,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And, for hopefully a bit of levity...)
    $200 10
The Book of Romans quotes God as saying this "is mine; I will repay"
    $200 4
This keyboard instrument's name is the Anglicized form of the Italian "arpicordo"
    $200 9
If a show is playing in Peoria, you've got to go to this state to see it
    $200 3
Toy which uses compressed air to fire a cork attached to a string
    $200 1
The Cold War became a cola war in this Billy Wilder farce starring James Cagney
    $400 11
Only physician referred to by name in the Bible is this gospel writer
    $400 5
Beethoven work containing Schiller's "Ode to Joy"
    $400 15
Winter Park, Winter Garden & Winter Haven are all in this state to which many flee in winter
    $400 19
According to Webster's, this policeman's club was named for the time it was originally carried
    $400 2
Straightforward title of Alan Ayckbourn's 1975 bedroom farce
    $600 12
In the New Testament book of Revelation, this warrior angel leads the fight against Satan
    DD: $2,000 6
If you're too old to sing in this Italian's operas, you can retire to his home for opera singers:
    $600 16
While Seattle held a World's Fair in 1962, this 2nd-largest city in Washington held one 12 years later
    $600 20
Old weapon with a bladed head mounted on a handle, or slang for an overbearing woman
    $600 23
Title object sought in Rene Clair's film of the Labiche play "Un Chapeau de Paille d'Italie"
    $800 13
According to I Corinthians, "it is better to marry than to" do this
    $800 7
When they're played in order, it's the 1st of Vivaldi's 4 Seasons
    $800 27
"Out of Africa" & "The Flame Trees of Thika" were both set on coffee plantations in this country
    $800 17
Lined with banks & investment firms, this city's 17th Street has been called "the Wall Street of the West"
    $800 21
Kinds of these include the Kris, Kukri, & Kuttar, all found on pp. 1256-57 in our Webster's 3rd
    $800 24
Once the stage is lit in Peter Shaffer's "Black Comedy", we watch people stumble about in this
    $1000 14
Jesus told the soldiers, "do violence to no man... & be content with" these
    $1000 8
German-born composer of Italian operas who is buried in Poets Corner at Westminster Abbey
    DD: $100 26
Of Hope & Crosby's 7 "Road" movies, 1 of the 2 set in Africa
    $1000 18
Only city that's birthplace of 2 Presidents, both Adamses were born there
    $1000 22
From Latin "flagellum", whip, it's a staff with a shorter, free swinging stick attached to its end
    $1000 25
Georges Feydeau put this bug "in her ear" in title of his 1907 play

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jean Joanne Phil
$2,000 $400 $4,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In December 1986, a computer analyst claimed that the model for the "Mona Lisa" was this person

Final scores:

Jean Joanne Phil
$2,000 $790 $4,190
2nd place: trip to New Orleans, Louisiana 3rd place: Frigidaire washer & dryer New champion: $4,190

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jean Joanne Phil
$2,000 $400 $4,100
12 R,
4 W
6 R,
2 W
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $6,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-01-13
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