Show #1123 - Wednesday, June 21, 1989

Cathy Boggs game 4.


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Suzi Peterson, a bookkeeper from Baltimore, Maryland

Steve Hinshaw, a professor originally from Columbus, Ohio

Cathy Boggs, a telecommunications policy analyst originally from Appleton, Wisconsin (whose 3-day cash winnings total $35,100)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 12
To both a fish & a philosopher, it's a group or movement to which he belongs
    $100 17
With rodents as the lead characters, "Miami Vice" became this title for the comics
    $100 8
First name of 5 presidents, 6 signers of the Declaration of Independence & 10 men on the Mayflower
    $100 1
Some criticized this new health care plan for the elderly as a step toward socialized medicine
    $100 2
Purchase one sack-encased sow
    $200 13
Plato considered him his brightest student and called him the "mind of the school"
    $200 18
A Marvel comic chronicles his adventures on both Earth & Melmac
    $200 9
The Greek word for sovereign or tyrant gave us this first name of a "power"ful actor
    $200 5
On July 17 Jim Ryun set a new record by running this race in 3 min. 51.3 sec.
    $200 3
Allow little bits of wood to plummet haphazardly
    $300 27
A popular kids' song written back in 1945 is about a tuba named this
    $300 14
Zeno's followers were called this after their meeting place on Athens' Painted Porch, the Stoa Poikile
    $300 19
In the titles of their current comics, Spider-Man is "Amazing" & the Hulk is this
    $300 10
Palindromic name that's also a verb meaning to move up & down, like a cork in water
    $300 11
One of the fashion fads of the year was the disposable dress made of this
    $300 4
Rehearsal produces flawlessness
    $400 26
It's the national instrument of Spain
    $400 15
We're pretty sure Pyrrho of Elis initiated this school of philosophy, but you can never be certain
    $400 20
Archie's girlfriend who has her own comic in which she jet sets around the world
    $400 22
Bill Cosby took home an Emmy for his role as Alexander Scott in this series
    $400 6
Use one's teeth to tear out a hunk whose size exceeds one's mastication ability
    $500 25
On "The Addams Family", Lurch was known for his recitals on this piano-like instrument
    $500 16
Leibniz's optimistic view of the world was ridiculed by Voltaire in this work
    $500 21
In 1941 "The 3 Musketeers" became the 1st book to be transformed into a comic in this series
    $500 24
Meaning "he gave" in Hebrew, it's the name of a patriot who gave his life for his country
    $500 23
Arthur Schlesinger's history of the Kennedy administration that won a Pulitzer in 1966
    $500 7
Pleasant tourist spot, yes; residence, no

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Cathy Steve Suzi
-$100 $1,400 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Cathy Steve Suzi
$1,500 $1,600 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 20
Shot for hides, 3,500 tons of their bones were hauled by the Santa Fe railroad in 1874
    $200 15
Oak Park, a Chicago suburb, has been called a museum of his Prairie School style of architecture
    $200 1
Return of the Killer tomatoes", 1988 sequel to this "classic", grossed a whopping $20,000
    $200 4
Sappho of Lesbos was considered the best lyric poet of this ancient civilization
    $200 6
On T\/'s "Get Smart", this was the number of the agent who gave birth to twins
    $200 13
She was tried under procedures of this tribunal, often associated with Spain
    $400 21
In the old West if an outlaw died of "hemp fever", he died in this way
    $400 19
The Romans used colored stone or glass backed by gold foil to make these intricate art works
    $400 2
When Gene Kelly broke an ankle, he came out of retirement to stroll down the avenue in "Easter Parade"
    $400 5
Lady Sei Shonagon wrote "Pillow Book", gossipy stories considered a classic in this country
    $400 9
Amazingly on July 8, 1987 the Dodgers lost this many baseball games in St. Louis
    $400 14
Joan's executioner said afterwards he found this intact amid her ashes
    $600 22
In 1891 this was discovered in Poverty Gulch, Colorado by Robert Womack, a cowboy who died in poverty
    $600 25
After the Great Fire of London, he oversaw the rebuilding of 51 churches in addition to St. Paul's
    $600 3
In "Beaches", 46-year-old Lanie Kazan plays the mother of this 43-year-old
    $600 16
In "A Christmas Carol", it's described as a jolly giant wearing a simple green robe with white fur
    $600 10
WWI doughboys used to say this many "Frenchmen can't be wrong", even though there weren't that many
    $800 23
Group of California-bound settlers who made the fatal mistake of taking the "Hastings Cut-Off" in 1846
    $800 26
These fantastic figures, human & animal, were so named because they were 1st found in a grotto
    $800 7
In 1947 he played Macy's Santa both on film & in its Thanksgiving parade
    $800 17
The last name of this squire who served Don Quixote means "paunch"
    $800 11
Number of "lords a-leaping" in the song "The Twelve Days Of Christmas"
    $1000 24
During the peak year, 1871, Texans drove about 600,000 cattle north to Abilene, Kansas on this route
    DD: $100 27
Mies van der Rohe designed a famous chair that shares its name with this Spanish city
    $1000 8
"Hercules" & "Hercules Unchained" starring this muscleman are available, uncut, on home video
    $1000 18
You can see this, the most famous of the Irish illuminated manuscripts, at Trinity College in Dublin
    $1000 12
In Italian art & literature "quattrocentro refers to the style of this century

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Cathy Steve Suzi
$3,100 $1,800 $3,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Department whose 1st secretary was Oveta Culp Hobby & whose last was Patricia Roberts Harris

Final scores:

Cathy Steve Suzi
$100 $10 $5
4-day champion: $35,200 2nd place: trip Eastern to the Bahamas & stay at the Bahamas Princess 3rd place: Krementz jewelry

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Cathy Steve Suzi
$3,100 $1,800 $3,100
14 R,
6 W
11 R,
3 W
18 R,
7 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $8,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1989-02-14
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