Show #751 - Monday, December 7, 1987


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Richard Abram, a stockbroker from Tucson, Arizona

Shirley Findley, a homemaker from Cleveland, Mississippi

Alice Cohen, a labratory technician from Port Washington, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $8,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
When Rebecca, a nice Jewish girl, was accused of witchcraft, this Sir Walter Scott hero championed her
    $100 2
Called the most appealing of The Beatles early love songs, it asked, "Would you promise to be true?"
    $100 11
His name means "chief strong arm", but he made "1 giant leap for mankind"
    $100 1
Recipes for a Highland Fling designate this type of liquor
    $100 21
Much like our "G.I. Joe", "Tommy Atkins" represents the typical soldier of this country
    $200 17
James Hilton tale in which the high lama reveals himself to be 250-yr.-old founder of Shangri-La
    $200 7
Song in which Eddie Cantor exclaimed, "Oh! Oh! Oh! What a girl"
    $200 12
Tho this Russian's last name is derived from "hunchback", he doesn't have one, just a red spot on his head
    $200 3
Among this company's brands are Four Roses, 7 Crown, & V.O.
    $200 22
A. & S. Batt have set up a 24 hr. emergency hot line to save alligators living in this part of Manhattan
    $300 18
Daughter of dustman Alfred Doolittle
    DD: $300 8
Condition under which you could hear this tale:

"In a castle dark or a fortress strong / With chains upon my feet / You know that ghost is me / And I will never be set free..."
    $300 13
Norwegian for "bear from the castle", this Swede was a bar on the tennis courts
    $300 4
Grabbing the bottle which holds 26.6 ounces, or protecting yourself from self-incrimination
    $300 23
Highest personal fine ever, $50 million was levied in 1986 against this Wall Street "insider"
    $400 19
Among his title characters was Kimball O'Hara, a 13-year-old orphan in Lahore, India
    $400 9
Circumstances under which "ev'ry man would be as free as a bird, ev'ry voice would be a voice to be heard"
    $400 14
As "God's gracious gift, this Dixon has the gift of prediction, or so says the "Enquirer"
    $400 5
In separate TV ads, he tells kids to say no to alcohol & sings "Tonight" for Michelob
    $400 24
He was last seen July 30,1975, in a Detroit area restaurant
    $500 20
Book in which Joe Gargery reflects, "On the rampage, Pip, & off the rampage, Pip; such is life!"
    $500 10
Yvonne Elliman sang, "Am I strong enough to see it thru? Go crazy is what I'll do" if this happens
    $500 15
The name of this actress means "strong harp player", not "Mary's crazy neighbor"
    $500 6
To make a traditional daiquiri you need this kind of liquor
    $500 25
Original painting of G. Washington doing this was destroyed in a WWII allied raid on Bremen, Germany

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Alice Shirley Richard
$200 -$100 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alice Shirley Richard
$1,500 $2,200 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 13
Not surprisingly, this Roman named his first child Julia
    $200 11
It's the southernmost country in Central America
    $200 18
This ballpark feature may have gotten its name from its usual proximity to the Bull Durham tobacco sign
    $200 4
While some predatory birds use these alone to kill prey, some use their beaks & these
    $200 9
While the real Bali is in Indonesia, the fictional "Bali Ha'i" is in this musical
    $200 1
1 question in this home game reads, "Will your partner say whoopie does or doesn't make him sleepy?"
    $400 14
Manetho chronicled 30 dynasties of rulers of this ancient land
    $400 12
This Hawaiian island is not only farthest south & east, but closest to the U.S. mainland
    $400 19
From Dutch for "little man", it's where clothes hang out in store windows
    $400 5
On a cross section of a tree trunk, it's what is furthest away from the heartwood
    $400 10
Dilly Dally, Flub-a-Dub & Clarabell were all residents of this town
    $400 2
While playing the board game of this ABC soap, you can be Erica Kane
    $600 15
At this ancient site in Iraq, the "handwriting on the walls" is now mostly graffiti
    DD: $500 28
2 of the 3 Communist countries which form most of Greece's northern border
    $600 20
It's said this term for a tramp came from migrant workers who carried farm implements with them
    $600 6
This element comprises 40% of simple carbohydrates, like glucose
    $600 23
According to Jan & Dean, the population of this "City" consisted of "2 girls for every boy"
    $600 3
The L.A. Herald Examiner cried, "Heaven help our children, this "Best Picture" of '86 now has a home game
    $800 16
The Trojan War on which Homer based his epic took place in what is now this country
    $800 21
In early days, factory workers were "given" back this bag in which they had brought their tools to work
    $800 7
This plant is no longer widely grown to produce blue dye since the dye can be made synthetically
    $800 24
Comic strip "location" where Skeezix was found on a door step, grew up & fathered children of his own
    $800 26
The object of the game based on this TV sitcom is to keep Skippy out of the Keaton family portrait
    $1000 17
Many systems of "justice" are based on the codification of Roman laws by this Eastern emperor
    $1000 22
When Byzantine emperor Leo III destroyed church statues we got this word which means "image breaker" in Greek
    DD: $500 8
1 of 3 things that occur when an object accelerates towards the speed of light
    $1000 25
Archie Bunker lived in the real Corona District of Queens, N.Y., on this unreal street
    $1000 27
1st based on a board game, this TV game show now has a home game based on itself

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alice Shirley Richard
$6,300 $2,600 $2,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This letter begins the last names of 3 20th century presidents, more than any other

Final scores:

Alice Shirley Richard
$5,500 $2 $4,400
2-day champion: $14,301 3rd place: O'Malley's flowers 2nd place: La-Z-Boy recliner + Glassfyre fire screen & fire set

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alice Shirley Richard
$7,300 $2,900 $2,200
19 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $12,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-09-01
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