Show #891 - Monday, June 20, 1988


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Claude Muncey, a computer programmer from Merced, California

Fred Lewis, a personal electronics sales consultant from San Diego, California

Steve Herron, a letter carrier from Shawnee, Oklahoma (whose 2-day cash winnings total $15,001)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 7
In his oath, the president swears to "preserve, protect, & defend" this
    $100 19
He played Pope John Paul II in a 1984 TV movie, a far cry from his big 1963 role, Tom Jones
    $100 22
It's the act of giving birth, which makes the 1st Monday in September sound like another Mother's Day
    $100 1
Of Wynken, Blynken, or Nod, the land to which Cain fled
    $100 6
"Every little breeze seems to whisper" this name
    $100 13
What Carlos sings at Christmas time
    $200 8
Officially, the president has the use of the White House & a house here
    $200 20
In "Funny Girl", Walter Pidgeon played this father of the "Follies"
    $200 2
He must have been a slow chiseler: it took him 40 days just to take down the 10 Commandments
    $200 9
In "Guys & Dolls", "Chances are he's insane as only a John can be for a" girl named this
    $200 14
Without him, Krystle Carrington might find life bleak
    $300 16
The NLRB, it's one of the independent agencies under the direction of the president
    $300 21
"Easy Rider" who called his villain in "Blue Velvet" "1 of the great romantic lead roles of all time!"
    $300 3
2 of 4 body parts named in Old Testament standard of justice which begins "life shall go for life"
    $300 10
For 1 week in March 1975, this title tart was LaBelle's #1 "Lady"
    $300 15
To make his life calmer, Clint moved here
    $400 17
It's the current annual base salary of the president
    $400 23
7 yrs. after they danced down the Yellow Brick Road, he was Judy Garland's co-star in "The Harvey Girls"
    $400 4
At age 187, while still very young, he begat Lamech, who lived to age 777
    DD: $900 11
Well-known subtitle of the following 1973 Helen Reddy hit:

"Leave me alone, won't you leave me alone / Please leave me alone, now leave me alone / God leave me along.."
    $400 25
Selma dates them
    $500 18
Doctrine invoked to protect presidential assistants from having to testify before Congress
    $500 24
Son of King Ban of Benwick, he's been played on film by Robert Taylor & Franco Nero
    $500 5
In the Bible, they're the 1st things that were ever sewn
    $500 12
It's the only Top 10 pop hit for Jessi Colter, but it's 1 more than her husband, Waylon Jennings, has had
    $500 26
Some might refer to this prime minister as "that great charmer"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Steve Fred Claude
$1,800 $400 -$300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Fred Claude
$2,800 -$100 $400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 5
This city in Virginia was named for 2 men, William Newce & Christopher Newport
    $200 16
In the Grimm version, the bit of apple is dislodged from her throat when the prince's men shake her coffin
    $200 15
The lammergeier drops large bones onto rocks in order to eat this
    $200 11
For some 3000 years, this Egyptian structure was the world's largest building
    $200 1
British Commonwealth forces suffered over 200,000 casualties at Gallipoli in this war
    $200 12
According to a popular saying, supreme happiness is being there
    $400 6
To lure German capital to finance Northern Pacific Railway, Edwinton, N.D. was renamed this
    $400 20
Dying in bed, he shot an arrow out the window, saying he was to be buried where it landed
    $400 24
Falcons used in falconry wear jesses, which are leather straps attached to this part of the bird
    $400 19
Term for the distance between 2 floors of a building
    $400 2
In 1976, Sec'y of State Kissinger tried to negotiate an end to the guerilla war in this African nation
    $400 13
In Catholic tradition, her 7 joys were matched by her 7 sorrows
    $600 7
This oldest city in the U.S. was once the undisputed world leader in the building of shrimp boats
    $600 26
The part of an Englishman Jack's giant uses to make his bread
    $600 25
New World vultures lack this ability because, unlike most birds, they ha\ve no syrinx
    $600 21
The 3 Greek orders refer not to takeout from Nick's Cafe but to styles of these supports
    $600 3
Spanning the 16th & 17th centuries, the 80 Years War led to this Low Country's independence from Spain
    $600 14
Commemoration or celebration of an event that occurred 7 years earlier
    $800 8
Frontier Days, featuring world's oldest annual rodeo, are the pride of July for this Wyoming town
    $800 27
It ends "Will you wake him? No, not I; for if I do, he'll be sure to cry"
    $800 22
The staircase as a decorative feature was 1st used in English mansions of this period starting around 1558
    $800 4
In 1965, during this Caribbean country's civil war, Marines were sent in to protect Amer. interests
    $800 17
As a member of the 1936 Fordham football team, Vince Lombardi was one of this stony septet
    $1000 9
This city is 1 of world's largest cattle markets & home to the Strategic Air Command
    DD: $400 23
Italians scorned this northern European style of cathedral architecture, linking it with a barbarian tribe
    $1000 10
Ceding its interests in Libya, this empire ended its war with Italy in 1912
    $1000 18
Based on the conflict between Oedipus' 2 sons, it's one of Aeschylus' later plays

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Fred Claude
$5,400 $1,300 $3,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This African river carries more water than any in the world except the Amazon

Final scores:

Steve Fred Claude
$3,199 $2,600 $1
3-day champion: $18,200 2nd place: trip on Delta to Mexico & stay at Holiday Inn Puerto Vallarta 3rd place: Hitachi hi-fi component system

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Steve Fred Claude
$4,900 $1,300 $4,400
22 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
10 R,
6 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W

Combined Coryat: $10,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1988-03-15
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