Show #2499 - Thursday, June 15, 1995

Jim Vercolen game 3.


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Valerie Meunier, a teacher from Bridgeport, Connecticut

Charles Bayar, a lawyer from Edgemont, New York

Jim Vercolen, a part-time teacher from Rochester, New York (whose 2-day cash winnings total $22,100)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
Pacific varieties of this fish like the coho spawn only once & then die
    $100 21
To preserve this pesto herb, pack it in a clean jar, cover with olive oil & store in a cool place
    $100 10
Gastritis is defined as the inflammation of this organ, especially its lining
    $100 2
Remains of the Spanish-occupied Fort San Miguel are on a historical site in Pensacola in this state
    $100 26
Some say this phrase originated in pubs & was shortened from "Mind your pints and quarts"
    $100 1
Bobby Brown's first solo hit, it's also the title of an Elvis hit
    $200 17
The extinct saber-toothed Thylacosmilus was a member of this pouched order of mammals
    $200 22
This Italian type of ice cream is denser & firmer than the American type
    $200 12
The delta type of this viral inflammation of the liver only occurs in people who also have type B
    $200 3
The Union held this Charleston fort for 4 months after South Carolina seceded
    $200 27
This phrase may be a corruption of "He's the very spirit and image of his father"
    $200 7
Neil Diamond & Barbra Streisand recorded this song individually before performing it as a duet
    $300 18
This deer got its name because its ears resemble those of the offspring of a horse & donkey
    $300 23
Legend says that the baba was invented when a Polish king steeped a Kugelhopf in this liquor
    $300 13
This virus that causes mononucleosis is called EB for short
    $300 4
Forts along this trail included Boise, Bridger & Laramie
    $300 28
When you take an irrevocable step, you "cross" this river, like Caesar
    $300 8
In the Broadway musical, Evita asks for the support of her country in this song
    $400 19
The skipjack variety of this fish is also called the Oceanic Bonito
    $400 24
Alba is the center of the Italian area that produces the white form of this precious fungus
    $400 14
Myasthenia gravis is a disorder that weakens these, especially in the face & neck
    $400 5
The city of Albany, New York has its roots in Fort Orange, founded by traders from this country
    $400 29
People who live with zestful exuberance have this, French for "joy of living"
    $400 9
This Andrews Sisters request precedes "with anyone else but me"
    $500 20
Tree shrews are found in the southeastern rain forests of this continent
    $500 25
Called nonpareilles, the best of these pickled flower buds come from the south of France
    $500 15
A vitrectomy removes this jelly from the eye & replaces it with a chemical solution
    $500 6
After Fort Duquesne was destroyed by the French, this fort was built & a "burgh" grew up around it
    DD: $1,000 30
In a speech by Ophelia, Shakespeare coined this phrase for the "floral" road of self-indulgence
    $500 11
This Cole Porter song in the style of a cowboy ballad was based on a poem

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jim Charles Valerie
$700 $1,700 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jim Charles Valerie
$3,300 $2,200 $1,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
All Greek soldiers wore these facial adornments until ordered to remove them by Alexander
    $200 2
The origins of this denomination go back to the Holy Club, founded by Charles Wesley at Oxford
    $200 3
This English art style that fell between Gothic & Renaissance is named for a Tudor queen
    $200 12
Covering nearly half of South America, it's the fifth-largest country in the world
    $200 18
At the time of his death in 1992, he was researching his paternal "Roots"
    $200 26
Now rarely seen, this train car serves as the conductor's office & as living quarters for the crew
    $400 5
When Alexander went off on his conquests, Antipater was left in charge of this country, Alexander's home
    $400 4
This sage's Analects are also known as the Lun-Yu
    $400 13
Thomas Jefferson used the Neoclassical style for this university
    $400 17
The Tigris & this river eventually merge before emptying into the Persian Gulf
    $400 19
Before making it as a writer, he worked as a chemist, a surveyor, & a fruit-picker like his Joads
    $400 27
This symbol for gold comes from its Latin name, aurum
    $600 6
Alexander subdued this city, now the capital of Turkey, in 333 B.C.
    $600 9
It's the religion of most of the Tamils in Sri Lanka; the Sinhalese people are usually Buddhist
    $600 14
From the French for "rock-work", this art style was popular during the reign of Louis XV
    DD: $1,500 23
Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, is located on this island off South America
    $600 20
With money earned from his novels, he built a villa outside Paris called "Monte Cristo"
    $600 28
In 1928 Shredded Wheat was bought by this baking company
    $800 7
After the death of Alexander, Ptolemy I was appointed Satrap of Libya & this country
    $800 10
In this religion, a mirror is the symbol of the sun goddess Amaterasu
    $800 15
In the 1920s the international style of architecture emerged from this German school
    $800 24
Besides the mountain, this country has an administrative region called Kilimanjaro
    $800 21
This author's father, a distinguished doctor, was the model for Dr. LaRiviere in his "Madame Bovary"
    $800 29
It's the official language of Liberia
    DD: $1,000 8
In "Parallel Lives", this Greek paired Alexander's biography with Julius Caesar's
    $1000 11
Some sources say this religious founder was born circa 628 B.C. in what is now Iran
    $1000 16
Born on Crete in 1541, this painter came under the influence of mannerism while working in Italy
    $1000 25
These Danish islands lie about midway between the Shetland Islands & Iceland
    $1000 22
This author of "The Luck of Roaring Camp" wrote the play "Ah Sin" in collaboration with Mark Twain
    $1000 30
Yankee & the Old Farmer's Almanac are published in Dublin in this New England state

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jim Charles Valerie
$11,400 $3,000 $5,700
(lock-tie game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Annual salary of the first 17 presidents; double it 3 times for today's salary

Final scores:

Jim Charles Valerie
$11,400 $0 $0
3-day champion: $33,500 3rd place: Krups kitchen products + Jeopardy! home game 2nd place: O'Sullivan home theater + RCA 27" TV + Jeopardy! home game

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jim Charles Valerie
$10,000 $4,000 $5,700
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
15 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1995-02-07
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