Show #645 - Friday, May 29, 1987


[<< previous game]

Steve Kallaugher, a promotion director from Brooklyn, New York

Beve Byer, a controller from Framingham, Massachusetts

Stephen Bradshaw, a graduate student from Fayetteville, Arkansas (whose 1-day cash winnings total $7,900)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 3
Role played by Elmo Lincoln, Miles O'Keeffe, & Christopher Lambert
    $100 1
Arithmetic comes from the Greek "arithmos", which means these
    $100 13
Talk about colorful: she plays Rose on "The Golden Girls"
    $100 18
In the early 1940s, "Besame Mucho" & "Mairzy Doats" were among popular ones
    $100 17
Its name comes from the Dutch words for "cabbage" & "salad"
    $100 9
Two evenly weighted teams grasp opposite ends of a strand of woven hemp fibers & pull
    $200 4
A Miss Sweden, this "Iceberg" entertained troops with Bob Hope & played a key role in "La Dolce Vita"
    $200 2
Term for an integer that is not divisible by 2 into whole numbers
    $200 14
Shari Lewis played the niece of this character on "Captain Kangaroo"
    $200 27
In 1967, this former child star tried to run for a California seat in Congress
    $200 19
Command to a dog team or what you might share with them for breakfast--if they're really hungry
    $200 10
Compact, with mittened hands, a mass of soft, solid precipitation into a sphere
    $300 5
He turned down 6 athletic scholarships but later turned up as tennis champ Kelly Robinson
    $300 8
The odds against throwing a 5 with one die
    $300 23
In a colorful ceremony. this SW senator was mustered out of the armed services December 10, 1986
    $300 28
Emanuel Leutze used the Rhine as a model for this famous 19th c. painting of Washington
    $300 20
Ketchikan, Alaska is world's largest center for the canning of this food item
    $300 11
"Knock one over the left field fence, kid"
    $400 6
Born on a day in May, she played the villainous "May Day" in "A View 'to a Kill"
    $400 12
The square root of 85 lies between these 2 whole numbers
    DD: $900 25
Singer of the following, his name is a little dull for the category:

"And I'm feelin' the strain, ain't it a shame? / Oh, give me the beat, boys, and free my soul / I wanna get lost in your rock 'n' roll and drift away..."
    $400 21
In the 1840s, Ephraim Bull developed a major variety of this fruit in Concord, Mass.
    $400 15
Take fibers, then clean,card, comb, draw, & spin them on a spinning wheel
    $500 7
For her role in "A Man Called Horse", Dame Judith Anderson mastered this Indian language
    $500 24
These 2 things are considered the "terms" of a fraction
    $500 26
Born in 1886 in Alabama, he served 34 years on the U.S. Supreme Court
    $500 22
New World country in which Europeans 1st discovered the vanilla pod
    $500 16
Hold out sides of skirts, put right foot back, bend knees, lower body, & bow head

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Stephen Beve Steve
$700 $800 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Stephen Beve Steve
$1,000 $2,800 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Family that owned the crypt in which Romeo & Juliet breathed their last
    $200 13
Prehistoric strip which once put ants in gaudy coats to give "the color engravers something to do"
    $200 16
On June 24, 1983, this PLO leader was expelled from Syria
    $200 11
Number of bones in a spider's body
    $200 4
Record producer & executive born Neil Bogatz, he called his label "Casablanca" and himself this
    $200 3
A singer of ballads
    $400 2
"Much Ado about Nothing" took place not in Loggins, but this city
    $400 14
Though the strip started in 1950, he's still a private & only 22 years old
    $400 19
On June 21, 1788, it was finally ratified by the required number of states
    $400 12
Term for the way spiderlings travel by the wind, but they don't use hot air or helium
    $400 5
In 1974 guitarist Mick Taylor left this group to join another band & thereafter gathered little moss
    $400 21
Built in the 12th c., these arched supports found on Notre Dame Cathedral are still "flying" today
    DD: $500 6
This play opens in a palace in Alexandria
    $600 15
On Jan.13, 1930, after 14 months in movies, he went into the funnies; he's still in both
    $600 20
On June 17, 1947, it became the 1st airline to offer round-the'-world passenger service
    $600 26
Spiders can only take in food that's in this form
    $600 8
Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce, & Ginger Baker made up this '60s rock supergroup that "rose to the top"
    $600 24
A cuspidor
    $800 7
Timon's town
    $800 17
In "Calvin & Hobbes", what Hobbes is
    $800 22
He was arrested in London June 8, 1968 for the murder of a U.S. civil rights leader
    DD: $2,000 27
In myth, Arachne was changed into a spider when she beat Athena in a contest of this skill
    $800 9
Intellectual group that emphasized "Katy Lied" by putting a katydid on the record cover
    $800 25
To live irresponsibly & aimlessly, it was title of 1963 Bob Dylan album
    $1000 23
While Hamlet was Prince of Denmark, Fortinbras was prince of this country
    $1000 18
These two 1920s characters from different strips have been revived in a new strip by the Walker brothers
    $1000 29
On June 22, 1815, he abdicated, again
    $1000 28
Scottish author who wrote "O, what a tangled web we weave, when 1st we practice to deceive!"
    $1000 10
Southern boogie band with name inspired by their rock 'n' roll-hating P.E. teacher
    $1000 30
Wading bird named for its long, rounded, utensil-like beak, its call could aptly be "Is it soup yet?"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Stephen Beve Steve
$6,100 $3,800 $6,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

1st Attorney General under LBJ

Final scores:

Stephen Beve Steve
$12,100 $3,300 $200
2-day champion: $20,000 2nd place: Broyhill bedroom set + Dakota bedding ensemble 3rd place: Kosta Boda crystal stemware

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Stephen Beve Steve
$5,400 $4,700 $6,000
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
20 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $16,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-01-14
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