Show #486 - Monday, October 20, 1986

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


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Scottie Ross, a systems analyst from Mill Valley, California

Jeff Smyth, an audio-visual manager from Richmond, Virginia

Janet Stevenson, a housewife originally from Sioux City, Iowa (whose 1-day cash winnings total $2,700)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And today there is a common link in all of these categories, starting off with...)
(Alex: The common link, of course, is the ampersand in each of those categories.)
    $100 26
A cowboy used it to fan fires, carry water, & ward off everything from hailstones to low branches
    $100 1
In the Browning poem, he "got rid of the rats that fought the dogs & killed the cats"
    $100 3
The Apgar score measures an infant's condition in the first minute after this
    $100 5
This country's highest award is the Order of the Aztec Eagle
    $100 13
Heavenly body most associated with Ra & Apollo
    $100 9
It can leave a champagne bottle at 42 miles per hour
    $200 2
Of the cartoons "Snooper & Blabber", "Quick Draw & Baba Louie" & "Rough & Ready", the dog & cat team
    $200 20
Of the suffixes, -emia, -ology, or -ectomy, the one that means "surgical removal of"
    $200 6
War in this century in which the most U.S. Medals of Honor were issued
    $200 15
Palamedes, rival of Odysseus, is credited with inventing these cubes, maybe on a bet
    $200 10
Book most commonly produced by a lexicographer
    $300 4
While Pussy got dumped in the well, Pussycat Pussycat got to go to this world capital
    $300 21
Where you are if you're in the CCU
    $300 11
Though knighted by Queen Elizabeth, this organizer of Live Aid can't be called "Sir"
because he's Irish
    $300 16
The name of Homer's poem, "The Iliad", is from Ilion, the Greek name of this city it's set in
    $300 17
In "Moving Tips," 1 of 2 things Ryder Truck says don't pack well & should travel in the car with you
    $400 7
Cleo in 1955's "The People's Choice" & Beauregard on "Hee Haw" both had this unique ability
    $400 22
Mitosis & meiosis are processes in which these divide
    $400 12
In 1802, he founded the Legion of Honor as a reward for civil & military service
    $400 24
In "Xanadu", Olivia Newton-John played Terpsichore, one of these 9 sisters
    $400 18
"Maltese Falcon" star whose real name was Laszlo Lowenstein
    DD: $300 8
1 of the 4 Disney theatrical features with "Cat" in the title
    $500 23
With luck, you've never flunked this doctor's test for syphilis
    $500 14
Airplane part pictured on the Distinguished Flying Cross
    $500 25
Though this maze held the Minotaur, it didn't stop its designer, Daedalus, from flying out
    $500 19
While a minstrel is an entertainer, a mistral is this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Janet Jeff Scottie
$700 -$100 -$200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Janet Jeff Scottie
$1,200 $2,600 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Boot-shaped Italy appears to be kicking this island
    $200 11
In Vachel Lindsay poem, he "Walks at Midnight (in Springfield, Illinois)"
    $200 6
Opened in 1869, blocked by ships sunk in the Six-Day War & reopened in 1975
    $200 15
Nails you can press with a thumb or what the IRS nails us all with
    $200 20
They are guarded by goalies or flung by fishermen
    DD: $1,000 2
The major Italian city which has no major streets
    DD: $800 12
Anonymous inspirational poem which was parodied in the following:

"Go placidly amid the noise and waste, / And remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece thereof. / Avoid quiet and passive persons, unless you are in need of sleep. / Rotate your tires. / Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself, / And heed well their advice, even though they be turkeys."
    $400 7
Redcoat who lorded it over India & Ireland after his surrender at Yorktown
    $400 16
A Yankee Hall of Famer, or a shelf over the fireplace where he can display his trophies
    $400 21
Common nickname for a diploma, though it's estimated only 3% in the U.S. are printed on them
    $600 3
You need wooden balls to play this Italian variation on lawn bowling
    $600 13
The 1st volume of this American poet's works
was published in 1890, 4 years after her death
    $600 8
Crowned as an infant in 1542, she was decapitated by her cousin Elizabeth in 1587
    $600 17
A pusillanimous weakling & what he did in the corner
    $600 22
Israel celebrates it on the 5th of Iyar
    $800 4
Director of 3 foreign language film Oscar winners, he's perhaps best known for "The Bicycle Thief"
    $800 14
According to the title
of the Richard Lovelace poem, it's "To Althea", & it's from here
    $800 9
The day after Halloween 1961, his body was moved from public display & buried near the Kremlin Wall
    $800 18
A Robin chirping among the rich & famous
or a blood-sucking parasite
    $800 23
Scottish for "often go awry"; the best laid schemes sometimes do it
    $1000 5
Ancient Romans denuded this central mountain range in order to build wooden warships
    $1000 10
In 1970, this Chilean became Latin America's 1st freely elected Marxist leader
    $1000 19
What you might do if a partner leaves you
without a single one of these centime pieces to your name

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Janet Jeff Scottie
$6,000 $2,400 $2,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Title of this 1940 novel is taken from the words of John Donne, which begin "No man is an island"

Final scores:

Janet Jeff Scottie
$6,700 $999 $3,900
2-day champion: $9,400 3rd place 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Janet Jeff Scottie
$5,600 $2,400 $2,800
14 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
16 R,
4 W
10 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $10,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1986-08-26
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