In the early days these garments had red facing, like those worn in England |
the robes
Famous pair that sent Columbus on his merry way in 1492 |
Ferdinand & Isabella
Procter & Gamble owned this bleach company from 1957 to 1968 |
As you might expect, the smallest nest, about the size of a thimble, is made by this bird |
the hummingbird
People in uniform, such as soldiers or scouts, may leave these on while saluting; others should remove them |
In 1983 this largest North Carolina city elected its first Black mayor, Harvey Gantt |
(David: What is Columbia?)
5 Associate Justices have later held this office; Rehnquist is the most recent |
Chief Justice
When Johnse & Rosanna eloped in 1882, it fueled the famous feud between these 2 families |
the Hatfields & the McCoys
In 1880 he rented the third story of a building in Rochester, N.Y. to make his dry plates |
(George) Eastman
The heaviest venomous snake is the eastern diamondback species of this snake |
the rattlesnake
A 1953 change to the flag code allows its flag to be flown above the U.S. flag at its NYC headquarters |
the United Nations
It's Massachusetts' "University City" |
Joseph Story, appointed in 1811 at the age of 32, holds this distinction |
the youngest Supreme Court justice
This Piano Man & Uptown Girl ended their marriage in 1994 |
Billy Joel & Christie Brinkley
This co. known for its yellow rental trucks began in 1933 with a 1931 black model a Ford truck |
Sometimes over 20' long, the saltwater species of this animal is the largest of all living reptiles |
a crocodile
If the flag is not present when the national anthem is played, people should face this |
the band playing the national anthem
This city's daily newspaper, a recent consolidation, is the Wyoming Tribune-Eagle |
The first woman justice to issue the oath of office at a Pres. inauguration, she swore in Dan Quayle |
(Sandra Day) O'Connor
Name paired with John Speke or Elizabeth Taylor |
(Alex: John Speke, the famous explorer in Africa. He and [*] had quite a thing going, and so did Elizabeth Taylor and [*]. Different fellows, of course.)
Richard Burton
In 1988 Ross Johnson tried to buy out this company & soon found barbarians at his gate |
(RJR) Nabisco
The gestation period of this American marsupial can be as short as a record 8 days |
a possum
It's the preferred dignified way to dispose of an old, tattered flag |
Parks in this Ohio city include Brookside, Edgewater & Rockefeller |
(Ira: What is Columbus?)
This 20th c. Democrat was the only president to serve a full term without appointing anyone to the court |
(David: Who is Truman?) ... (Alex: No openings, therefore no appointments.)
Jimmy Carter
The 2 opposing political factions in 13th c. Italy were the Guelphs & this group |
the Ghibellines
H&R Block & Hallmark were both founded in this city |
Kansas City
The heaviest living insect is the Goliath species of this insect from the family Scarabaeidae |
the beetle
When you fold the flag properly, the bundle will be this shape when you're finished |
a triangle
This New Jersey city, once the home of Walt Whitman, was originally called Cooper's Ferry |