Appropriately, this president's first official New York City address was #1 Cherry Street |
George Washington
College whose football teams have often won one for the Gipper |
Notre Dame
Minor planets smaller than our moon, those with names include Ceres, Juno & Eros |
Both Jesus & Peter walked not only on its shores, but on its surface |
the Sea of Galilee
A marsupial tribunal |
a kangaroo court
In Italy, with pronto, in the Netherlands, with your name, & in the U.S., with hello |
how do you answer the telephone
Considerably ahead of the U.S. military, this fast food chain is now the world's biggest daily food supplier |
Because of a shortage of horsehide, they're now mostly covered with cowhide |
Lowest possible theoretical temperature, it's the bottom of the Kelvin scale |
absolute zero
The Universal Studios Tour does it up to 136 times a day, while Moses did it only once |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
parting the Red Sea
A flip in the crypt |
to spin in one's grave (turn over in your grave)
Mix together 15% cement, 25% sand, 10% water, & 50% gravel |
how do you make concrete
Heavyweight champ Joe Louis, William Jennings Bryan, & Admiral Richard Byrd are all buried there |
Arlington Cemetery
3 of the 10 events in an Olympic decathlon |
(Carl: What are the [********], the [****], and the [**]?)
(3 of) 100 meters, long jump, shot put, high jump, 400 meters, 110 meter hurdles, discus throw, pole vault, javelin throw & 1500 meters
Reversing directions at regular intervals, in the U.S., it's 60 hertz, batteries not included |
alternating current
Twixt Beelzebub & the indigo marine abyss |
between the devil and the deep blue sea
Apply a grease paint mustache & eyebrows, hold a cigar, talk in a New York accent, and walk stooped over |
how do I act like Groucho Marx
Comic Eddie Cantor came up with this name for the charity originally aimed at fighting polio |
the March of Dimes
Reason the sport is called basketball |
(Carl: Because the ball is thrown through the basket.) (Alex: Phrasing.) (Carl: What is because the ball is thrown through the basket?) (Alex: We're going to give him that? Be more specific.) (Carl: What is because you score by throwing the ball through the basket?) (Alex: No, I don't think I can give it to you.)
because the first basketball was thrown in a peach basket
Occupation common to Harlow Shapley, Sir John Herschel, & Edwin Hubble |
No fins, no feathers |
neither fish nor fowl
All the cardinals go into a room, take a vote, & send up a puff of white smoke to signify the results |
how do you elect a Pope
American beauty said to have made the first long-distance call NYC-Wash. singing to Pres. Cleveland |
Lillian Russell
What the defeated Jack Dempsey told Luella Parsons when she asked, "How did it happen?" |
(Elaine: What is, "And then I was on the floor"?)
"I guess I forgot to duck"
Retrograde & traumatic are two types; David Webb had it in "The Bourne Identity" |
[Applause for Carl's run of the category]
Cogitable comestibles |
(Elaine: Nope, I don't know.) ... (Alex: We've got a minute to go in the round.)
food for thought
Pull a shuttle attached to the weft, alternately above & below the warp halves |
how to weave