Show #476 - Monday, October 6, 1986

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


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Shirley Petras, a college professor from Phoenix, Arizona

Elaine Iannotti, a graduate student originally from Penn Yan, New York

Carl Brady, a U.S. Navy flight officer originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (whose 2-day cash winnings total $9,200)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: All of the correct responses will begin with the letter A.)
(Alex: All of your correct responses in that category will begin, "How do you do this?" "How do you do that?")
    $100 21
Appropriately, this president's first official New York City address was #1 Cherry Street
    $100 1
College whose football teams have often won one for the Gipper
    $100 8
Minor planets smaller than our moon, those with names include Ceres, Juno & Eros
    $100 26
Both Jesus & Peter walked not only on its shores, but on its surface
    $100 5
A marsupial tribunal
    $100 13
In Italy, with pronto, in the Netherlands, with your name, & in the U.S., with hello
    $200 22
Considerably ahead of the U.S. military, this fast food chain is now the world's biggest daily food supplier
    $200 2
Because of a shortage of horsehide, they're now mostly covered with cowhide
    $200 9
Lowest possible theoretical temperature, it's the bottom of the Kelvin scale
    $200 27
The Universal Studios Tour does it up to 136 times a day, while Moses did it only once
    $200 6
A flip in the crypt
    $200 14
Mix together 15% cement, 25% sand, 10% water, & 50% gravel
    $300 23
Heavyweight champ Joe Louis, William Jennings Bryan,
& Admiral Richard Byrd are all buried there
    DD: $500 3
3 of the 10 events in an Olympic decathlon
    $300 10
Reversing directions at regular intervals, in the U.S., it's 60 hertz, batteries not included
    $300 18
Twixt Beelzebub & the indigo marine abyss
    $300 15
Apply a grease paint mustache & eyebrows, hold a cigar, talk in a New York accent, and walk stooped over
    $400 24
Comic Eddie Cantor came up with this name for the charity originally aimed at fighting polio
    $400 4
Reason the sport is called basketball
    $400 11
Occupation common to Harlow Shapley, Sir John Herschel, & Edwin Hubble
    $400 19
No fins, no feathers
    $400 16
All the cardinals go into a room, take a vote, & send up a puff of white smoke to signify the results
    $500 25
American beauty said to have made the first
long-distance call NYC-Wash. singing to Pres. Cleveland
    $500 7
What the defeated Jack Dempsey told Luella Parsons when she asked, "How did it happen?"
    $500 12
Retrograde & traumatic are two types; David Webb had it in "The Bourne Identity"
    $500 20
Cogitable comestibles
    $500 17
Pull a shuttle attached to the weft, alternately above & below the warp halves

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 7):

Carl Elaine Shirley
$600 -$100 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Carl Elaine Shirley
$2,300 $1,200 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 18
Dumping this leader in 1986, Haitians also campaigned "Down with voodoo, free the zombies"
    $200 12
Italy's Rapido 908 is a high-speed form of this public transportation
    $200 2
The Barber of Seville makes sure everyone knows this, his name
    $200 23
Once a winning bachelor on "The Dating Game", he went on to star in "M*A*S*H" & "Hello, Larry"
    $200 7
During the War of 1812, we tried to capture this country
    $200 1
When keeping silent, this is the word
    $400 19
Honolulu's mayor suggested this deposed leader should buy the Hawaiian island used in "Gilligan's Island"
    $400 13
Walter O'Malley had this stadium designed so you could park right behind your club-level seats
    $400 4
If Nancy Reagan was the first lady of Italy or had top billing in an opera, she'd be called this
    $400 24
Its theme was "Keep Your Eye on the Sparrow", & that's the name of that tune
    $400 8
Though rejected for active Army service, Lawrence of Arabia was involved in this war
    $400 3
From the Latin diminutive of "libra", a balance, water seeks its own
    $600 20
First name shared by the last two chancellors of West Germany
    $600 14
Anglo-French project, dreamed of by Napoleon, which it now appears will eventually see the light of day
    DD: $100 5
In 1963, Joan Sutherland helped launch this famed tenor's career

[Operatic singing plays]
    $600 25
Of Kukla, Fran, & Ollie, the one whose mouth didn't move when talking
    $600 9
Fort Sumter, South Carolina, was named for the last surviving general of this war
    $600 15
It precedes "show" but follows "bo"
    $800 21
Fulton's "Clermont" used a steam engine bought from this Scottish inventor's company
    $800 6
Many believe the greatest role of his brief singing/acting career was playing the great Caruso
    $800 26
On whose porch the great Carnac's questions are kept overnight in a mayonnaise jar
    $800 10
Consider the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale treated the wounded in this war
    $800 16
This supplies the force that keeps a helicopter up
    $1000 22
Low 2-wheeled, 1-horse carriage with driver seated above the cab, named for its inventor
    $1000 17
A biography of this composer is titled "Monsieur Butterfly"
    $1000 11
The 2 commanding generals both killed in the 1759 battle for Quebec

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Carl Elaine Shirley
$7,900 $1,400 $5,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

THE 1970s
Group, much in the news in the months following Feb. 4, 1974, their symbol was a seven-headed snake

Final scores:

Carl Elaine Shirley
$12,900 $2,800 $0
3-day champion: $22,100 2nd place 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Carl Elaine Shirley
$7,700 $1,400 $6,000
19 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
10 R,
4 W
18 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $15,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1986-08-19
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