Show #2091 - Monday, October 11, 1993

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


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Leah Bailey, a homemaker from Minneapolis, Minnesota

Arthur Stowe, a banker from Milford, Connecticut

Tim Joyce, a criminal prosecutor from La Grange, Illinois (whose 2-day cash winnings total $14,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 12
Like an octopus, a jellyfish has these appendages hanging from its body
    $100 7
She's Michael Jackson's youngest sibling
    $100 23
Lord Carnarvon was supposedly a victim of this ancient ruler's curse
    $100 18
Hamilton learned to speak this language fluently while living on St. Croix as a child
    $100 3
This East Lansing school was founded as Michigan Agricultural College
    $100 1
It's the number of watts in a kilowatt
    $200 14
It takes about 60 bones to make up this part of a turtle
    $200 8
It was recently revealed that this dictator's only daughter, Svetlana, lives in a London charity hostel
    $200 24
In Genesis 4:11 he was cursed by God for killing his brother
    $200 19
A reluctant Hamilton dueled this man only out of a sense of honor
    $200 13
City University of New York's College of Criminal Justice is named for this first chief justice
    $200 2
According to the Gospels, Judas betrayed Jesus for this many pieces of silver
    $300 17
In North America the most common wild variety of this flower is the oxeye
    $300 9
Late wrestling legend Andre Roussimoff was known by this nickname
    $300 26
By killing one of these the ancient mariner brought a curse on his ship
    $300 20
On March 1, 1777 Hamilton became aide-de-camp to this general
    $300 15
The New England Conservatory of Music in this capital is the USA's oldest independent conservatory
    $300 4
Not surprisingly, you can write to the H.J. Heinz Co. at this post office box in Pittsburgh
    $400 25
Some species of Mimosa are referred to as sensitive plants because their leaves do this when touched
    $400 10
Now Walter Matthau's wife, Carol Marcus was one of the women who inspired this author's Holly Golightly
    $400 27
Ham's son Canaan was cursed by this man
    $400 21
Hamilton commanded a brilliant attack on the British during this last major battle of the Revolution
    $400 16
This university in Fayetteville has a special collection of Ozark folklore & literature
    $400 5
It was Jack Benny's perennial age
    $500 29
The blesbok, one of the few purplish mammals, is an African species of this
    $500 11
Contemporary Musicians calls this New Orleans trumpeter "the most popular working Dixieland musician"
    DD: $500 28
In this Hawthorne work Matthew Maule has cursed the Pyncheon family
    $500 22
He became the first secretary of this though he had no practical financial management experience
    $500 30
The library at this Big Ten school in Evanston, Illinois has a collection of pre-17th century German books
    $500 6
Joe Friday's badge number on "Dragnet", or the number of home runs hit by Babe Ruth

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tim Arthur Leah
$1,900 $1,700 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Arthur Leah
$3,300 $2,900 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
In October 1950 masses of Chinese troops entered the fighting in this war
    $200 1
Advertising in the early 20th century called this jiggly sweet America's most famous dessert
    $200 2
Sidney J. Barthelemy has been mayor of this largest Louisiana city since 1986
    $200 7
In 1970 Laurence Olivier & his wife Joan Plowright co-starred in this play as Shylock & Portia
    $200 21
Removing funds from an account before maturity; there's a substantial penalty for it
    $200 13
This naval hero of the American Revolution was once chief mate on a slave ship
    $400 27
In the 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki, China ceded Taiwan to this country that held it until 1945
    $400 6
This sugar used for dusting desserts contains cornstarch to prevent clumping
    $400 3
A statue commemorating Terry's Texas Rangers stands in front of the state capital in this city
    $400 8
Appropriately, it was at Elsinore that John Gielgud played this title character in 1939
    $400 22
It's a check drawn by a bank on itself and is considered as good as cash
    $400 14
None of his other novels was as popular as his first, "From Here to Eternity"
    DD: $1,000 28
This religion that arose in India in the 500s B.C. reached China in the Han Dynasty
    $600 18
If you remoisten this winter holiday gift occasionally, it will last for years
    $600 4
You can tour Captain Frederick Pabst's mansion in this city
    $600 9
This Redgrave family patriarch made his London debut in 1936 as Ferdinand in "Love's Labor's Lost"
    $600 23
Under level payment amortization, each installment is split between changing amounts of interest & this
    $600 15
He played with several Hollywood-based bands before forming the City Slickers in 1942
    $800 29
This practice that rendered women unable to walk normally probably peaked in the Ming Dynasty
    $800 19
It's a layered sundae served in a tall, thin glass
    $800 5
The Pizza Hut restaurant chain is based in this largest city of Kansas
    $800 10
He played Antony, Mark Antony in 1986, the same year he signed on to play Bond, James Bond
    $800 24
Federal Reserve notes have been the government's only paper legal tender since it stopped issuing these certificates
    $800 16
In 1958 this American golfer became a freeman of the burgh of St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland
    $1000 30
The 1943 Cairo Conference was the only time this Chinese leader met with Churchill & FDR
    $1000 20
From the German for "to sprinkle", it's a crumb topping for coffee cakes
    $1000 12
Lawrence Ferlinghetti has been an owner of this city's City Lights Bookstore since 1953
    $1000 11
Kelsey Grammer, Dr. Fraser Crane on "Cheers", was once cast as Cassio in this tragedy
    DD: $1,000 25
Each of these is equal to 1% of the amount of a loan paid as a fee to the bank or lender
    $1000 17
This designer of the Queen's house at Greenwich founded English classical architecture

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Arthur Leah
$5,300 $6,300 $5,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This term for a deadbeat came from a poker player whose hole card didn't fill out his hand

Final scores:

Tim Arthur Leah
$1,800 $300 $2,800
2nd place 3rd place New champion: $2,800

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Tim Arthur Leah
$6,300 $6,300 $6,300
24 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
12 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $18,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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