This country's semilegendary 1st dynasty, the Hsia, began c. 2200 B.C. & ruled for over 400 years |
George M. Cohan's song "Over There" has been called the most famous song about this war |
World War I
The Anderson House in Wabasha, Minnesota will lend guests one of these pets for the Night--how "purr"fect |
a cat
This aviatrix married George Putnam on February 7, 1931 in Connecticut |
Amelia Earhart
A room in your house where you keep books, or a public institution that lends them |
This blistering agent, dichlorodiethyl sulfide, was so named because it smelled like a hot dog spread |
mustard gas
Bishop Pierre Cauchon selected & headed the panel of judges that tried her in Rouen in 1431 |
Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc)
One of Cole Porter's songs begins, "In the still of" this, "as I gaze from my window..." |
The SpongeOrama exhibit center in Tarpon Springs in this state features a museum of sponge diving history |
She was chosen from among more than 10,000 applicants to be the first teacher in space |
(Christa) McAuliffe
It's a room devoted to the exhibition of art, & its name may be an alteration of Galilee |
a gallery
The point on the Earth directly below a nuclear detonation is called "ground" this |
In the 1840s Hone Heke, a Maori chief, led an uprising on this country's North Island |
New Zealand
Sammy Cahn & James Van Heusen wrote "Love and Marriage" for a TV musical based on this Thornton Wilder play |
Our Town
The Royal Hawaiian, this city's famous Pink Hotel, serves a drink called the Pink Palace |
In the 1880s Alexander Graham Bell helped make this 7-year-old girl a national celebrity |
Helen Keller
The Blue Room in the White House has this shape, like the president's office |
A corpsman, a Navy person trained in combat first aid, is equivalent to this Army person |
a medic
On Nov. 30, 1939 Russia invaded this neighbor, beginning the "Winter War" |
(Bruce: Uh, what is... Russia?) (Rafael: What is Poland?)
This movie dancer co-wrote with Johnny Mercer the 1935 song "I'm Building Up To An Awful Let-Down" |
Fred Astaire
The streetlights on Chocolate Avenue in this town are designed to look like chocolate kisses |
(Alex: [*], Pennsylvania, yes.)
Jeannette Rankin, the first woman in the U.S. Congress, represented this state 1917-19 & 1941-43 |
(Bruce: What is Wyoming?)
Despite what your children may do to it, the "rec" in rec room doesn't stand for wreck but for this |
Fifth column, meaning traitors within a country, dates from this 1930s civil war |
Spanish Civil War
In 1825 Newfoundland divided Labrador with this neighboring province |
In a song from "Guys and Dolls", "The people all said, 'Sit down, sit down -- you're'" doing this |
rockin' the boat
Near Dyersville, Iowa, you can play baseball next to a cornfield where this 1989 movie was filmed |
Field of Dreams
A biography of this "maternal" labor organizer is subtitled "The Miner's Angel" |
Mother Jones
This other name for a checkroom tells you the kind of outer garment you might check in it |
A group of merchant or supply ships gathered for passage under escort is called this |
a convoy