Her older sister Berenice IV was queen of Egypt until executed by her father |
These 2 items "go together like a horse and carriage" |
"Love And Marriage"
It's lucky Elizabeth Taylor was born in February, because this February birthstone matches her violet eyes |
an amethyst
It's nicknamed the "Mormon's Mecca" |
Salt Lake City
This adjective describes any wine that's effervescent or bubbly, like Asti Spumante |
(Margaret: What is champagne?)
A clairvoyant can "see" into the future & the spirit world; a clairaudient does this |
hearing the spirit world
In 754 he was crowned king of the Franks with his father, Pepin, & his brother Carloman |
In 1958 the Everly Brothers asked him to "get away from my quail... you're on the wrong trail" |
the "Bird Dog"
Birthstones may be inspired by Aaron's breastplate in the Bible, which had this many stones |
This city's daily morning paper is called The Tennessean |
A small wine bottle that holds 6 to 6 1/2 ounces, or a gymnast's feat in which the legs are extended |
a split
A planchette, which spells out messages from beyond, is similar to the pointer of this popular board |
a Ouija board
Meaning "he who enlightens", it was the adopted name of North Vietnamese president Nguyen Tat Thanh |
Ho Chi Minh
According to a 1934 song, "It's June in" this winter month "Because I'm in love" |
(Chris: What is December?)
In Italy this December birthstone is known as la turchese |
This capital of Maine stands on the site of an Indian village called Cushnoc |
A diplomat cocktail contains both the dry & sweet types of this aromatic wine |
Before trying to contact spirits, a medium may "fall into" this sleeplike, partly conscious state |
a trance
This explorer's attempt to go around the world ended with his death in the Philippines in 1521 |
"Hooray for" him, "the African explorer! Did someone call me schnorer? Hooray, hooray, hooray!" |
Captain Spaulding
This March birthstone is perfect for a hematologist |
a bloodstone
It's the capital of the "Cornhusker State" |
Vouvray comes from this valley that's famous for its chateaux |
the Loire Valley
In the 1800s the Fox sisters were famous for getting spirits to make this noise to communicate |
To avoid being turned over to Rome, this Carthaginian general killed himself around 183 B.C. |
"The New Year's Eve we did the town, the day we tore the goalpost down, we will have" these |
moments to remember
Citrine is a semiprecious yellow stone that resembles this other November birthstone |
Happy Jack Road is a 38-mile scenic byway that runs between Laramie & this capital city |
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Richard III's brother was allegedly drowned in Malmsey, a type of this Portuguese wine |
(Michael: What is port?) (Margaret: What is sherry?)
A parapsychology laboratory was founded at this North Carolina university in the 1920s |