Show #2273 - Wednesday, June 22, 1994


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Elliot Cohen, a researcher from Oakland, California

Matt Crowley, a substitute teacher originally from Richland, Washington

Jan Littler, a daycare provider from Arcadia, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $10,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Between 907 & 960 this country experienced 5 dynasties & 10 kingdoms, including the Wu & Min
    $100 16
Nicknamed "Captain Fantastic", he's known for his huge collection of hats
    $100 6
In 1991 this former prime minister of England was awarded a U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom
    $100 11
At an 1876 exposition in Philadelphia, this statue's right hand with the torch was on exhibit
    $100 17
Until dentist Washington Sheffield invented a tube for it, this came in porcelain jars
    $100 19
From the Latin for "farther", it describes motives that go beyond what is said
    $200 2
A 1982 Israeli attack on this Lebanese capital left part of it in ruins
    $200 18
"Every Breath You Take", the biggest hit by The Police, was written by this lead singer
    $200 7
This Black actor & late night talk show host won a 1989 Woolmark Award from the Men's Fashion Assoc. of America
    $200 12
Edward Hodges Baily executed the 17-foot statue of Lord Nelson found in this London locale
    $200 25
Emile Berliner improved this Edison invention by substituting shellac discs for the wax cylinders
    $200 20
Something saponaceous resembles this, an anagram of its first 4 letters
    $300 3
In late 1917 the Provisional Government in Russia was overthrown by this group, later called Communists
    $300 22
He wrote, produced, scored & starred in the 1980 movie "One- Trick Pony"
    $300 8
In 1979 the Jaycees named this 32-year-old governor one of the 10 outstanding young Americans
    $300 13
In 1972 a tourist damaged this Michelangelo statue displayed in a chapel in St. Peter's Basilica
    $300 26
Known for his frozen food process, he also developed a type of harpoon gun & an infrared heat lamp
    $300 21
Labanotation is a system to write down these so you know when & where to plie
    $400 4
The first Vikings to invade England were from what's now this country; the Danes invaded later
    $400 23
His recording of "American Pie" reached the Top 10 in the U.K. twice, in 1972 & 1991
    $400 9
1 of the 2 people with the last name of Parks awarded the Spingarn Medal by the NAACP in the 1970s
    $400 14
Lost at sea & later recovered, a statue of this king stands near his birthplace in Kapaau, Hawaii
    $400 27
The Pennsylvania fireplace, invented in 1742, is also called this, after its inventor
    $400 29
It can be a sheer silk, or a type of lemon pie
    $500 5
Amerigo Vespucci made this many voyages to the New World, the same number as Columbus
    $500 24
This group's 1985 hit "A View To A Kill" was the first James Bond film theme to top the U.S. charts
    $500 10
In 1957 this Danish physicist received the first Atoms for Peace Award
    DD: $800 15
It was conceived to top the "Gates of Hell" & contemplate the scene below
    $500 28
Hans Lippershey invented the first of these by mounting a lens at each end of a tube
    $500 30
This man's name also means to annoy by constant attacks

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jan Matt Elliot
$2,000 $900 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jan Matt Elliot
$3,600 $1,600 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
This river flows by Great Britain's Houses of Parliament
    $200 6
This Los Angeles paper has the largest circulation west of the Mississippi
    $200 11
At his own expense, he published "Swann's Way", the first part of "Remembrance of Things Past"
    $200 26
Until about 1926 most of the borax in the U.S. came from this Calif. site, sometimes hauled out by 20-mule teams
    $200 21
Cleopatra says of him, "Realms and Islands were as plates dropped from his pocket"
    $200 16
Henry Chadwick & Abner Doubleday are both known as "The Father of" this sport
    $400 2
This Mexican gulf is also known as the Sea of Cortes
    $400 7
Columnist Ellen Goodman is an associate editor of this Boston newspaper
    $400 12
In December King Constantine declared the union of Crete with this country
    $400 27
Isotope of uranium that was used in the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
    $400 22
Casca says, "Speak, hands, for me!" before he stabs this title character
    $400 17
Charles E. Hires is sometimes called "The Father of" this type of soft drink
    $600 3
Ports on this sea include Rotterdam, Antwerp & Hamburg
    $600 8
2 of this country's major dailies are El Pais & El Dia in Montevideo
    $600 13
Robert Bridges succeeded Alfred Austin in this British literary post
    $600 28
An important mineral found in Bulgaria is this one abbreviated Lg
    $600 23
Nahum Tate's 1681 adaptation of this play omitted the Fool & made Edgar & Cordelia lovers
    $600 18
"The Father of American Prose" is this author of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"
    $800 4
In 1808 Maria Paradis became the first woman to climb this highest peak in the European Alps
    $800 9
In 1883 Joseph Pulitzer bought this New York paper famous for its almanac
    $800 14
The May 29 premiere of this Stravinsky work provoked violent protest by many in the audience
    $800 29
Mercury becomes a solid around this temperature, the same in Fahrenheit or centigrade
    DD: $800 24
This title character says Claudius is "no more like my father than I to Hercules"
    $800 19
This Greek is called both "The Father of History" & "The Father of Lies"
    $1000 5
Melbourne is the largest city in this, Australia's smallest mainland state
    $1000 10
The Alligator is the student newspaper of this southern university
    DD: $2,100 15
This future U.S. president was born to Leslie King & Dorothy Gardner King in July
    $1000 30
After the discovery of this metal, bronze makers could make brass
    $1000 25
Sebastian's twin sister Viola disguises herself as a boy named Cesario in this comedy
    $1000 20
This Briton was called "The Father of the New Economics"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jan Matt Elliot
$5,400 $6,000 $10,100

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

She was quoted as saying that as a mother, "I modeled my behavior on chimps... they are very loving"

Final scores:

Jan Matt Elliot
$10,800 $11,998 $16,600
3rd place: Go Video dual-deck VCR + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy for Super Nintendo Entertainment System & Sega Genesis + Jeopardy home game 2nd place: Singer dining room set + Oneida gift certificate + Jeopardy! home game New champion: $16,600

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jan Matt Elliot
$5,100 $6,000 $9,000
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
13 R,
0 W
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $20,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1994-02-08
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