Congress honored George M. Cohan in 1940 for this song he wrote for WWI |
"Over There"
A note can be handwritten, but this interoffice communique should be typed |
a memo
In 1958, Little Richard told her "Good Golly" |
Miss Molly
What PC means to IBM |
(David: What is a computer?) (Alex: Be more specific.) (David: A computer type?)
a personal computer
To celebrate this Spaniard's 90th birthday, a gallery had 90 children release 90 doves from its steps |
Pablo Picasso
When changing a flat tire, you remove the lug nuts with this tool |
a lug wrench
The 1st inaugural ball was held for this president |
George Washington
At an interview, this person should make the 1st gesture to shake hands |
(Donna: Who is the higher-ranking person?) (Alex: Be a little more specific.) (Donna: Who is the boss or supervisor?) [Originally ruled incorrect; reversed before Double Jeopardy round]
the interviewer
Hit for the Regents in '61 & the Beach Boys in '66, which began, "Bah-bah-bah" |
"Barbara Ann"
Initials of Superman's fiercest foe & favorite females |
(Alex: Lex Luthor, Lois Lane.)
John Singer Sargent complained, "Every time I paint" this type of picture, "I lose a friend" |
a portrait
Found on boxes of confectioners' sugar, this letter might mean sweetened with a kiss |
Family of Naval Captains: Matthew opened U.S. trade with Japan; Oliver met & took the enemy |
the Perrys
Christmas cards should be sent to this address of business acquaintances |
(Donna: What is the office address?)
their home address
The Everly Bros. asked her, "What are we gonna tell your mama? What are we gonna tell your pa?" |
(Alex: "Wake Up, [*].")
Little Susie
Completes the line in TV theme, "I'm livin' on the air in Cincinnati, Cincinnati..." |
In addition to a "Blue Boy", he painted "A Girl with Pigs" |
Used to sew hems, it's a stitch no one can see |
a blind stitch
In 1812, soldiers nicknamed meatpacker Samuel Wilson this, from his stamp which read U.S. |
Uncle Sam
Of rising, staying seated, or closing the door, what a woman should do when her immediate supvr. enters |
remain seated
In his only #1 hit, Dion advised, "Keep away from" this "Runaround" girl |
The man who "ran" the Sunshine Band |
A project based on Dante's "Inferno" yielded his sculptures "The Kiss" & "The Thinker" |
The name for this blue-green semi-precious stone comes from the Latin for seawater |
(Alex: We've got a minute to go in the round.)
"Close Encounter" site designated by Roosevelt in 1906 as 1st U.S. National Monument |
(Ron: What is Devils Rock?)
Devils Tower
If a speaker runs overtime, this is the proper & discreet way to remind him |
send up a note
Bobby Bare told her to "pour me another tequila" |
Nicknamed "The Juice", the O.J. in O.J. Simpson really stands for this |
Orenthal James
According to Ency. Americana, the most popular medium of Chinese artists |
(Donna: What is watercolor?) (David: What is pottery?)
Contenders in Alaska's 1,100 mile Iditarod race ride on these vehicles |
dog sleds