Show #653 - Wednesday, June 10, 1987

Jonathan Fellows game 3.


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Jeff Jena, a comedy writer originally from Cincinnati, Ohio

Grace Harris, an attorney from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Jonathan Fellows, a legislative assistant originally from Bellevue, Washington (whose 2-day cash winnings total $23,401)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 20
Invitations to a screening of "An American Tail" were in the name of this producer's 16 month old son
    $100 1
All Spanish road distances are measured from the Puerto del Sol in the center of this city
    $100 24
Now used in flamenco dance, these clicking instruments were not part of the original gypsy tradition
    $100 4
It's the combined sciences of botany & zoology
    $100 3
In DC Comics today, Batman & this "Man of Steel" are no longer portrayed as friends
    $100 8
Appropriately, Pee Wee Reese played this position
    $200 21
George Takei is 1 of 3 cast members of this show to be honored on the Walk of Fame
    $200 2
Named for the monks who were there in the 9th century, this city was site of the 1972 Olympics
    DD: $50 26
"Double talk" dance you'd do to the following song:

"The moon belongs to everyone— / The best things in life are free..."
    $200 5
Electricity at rest, or the broadcasting problem such electricity in the air can cause
    $200 7
The Batman 1st appeared in issue #27 of this comic book, dated May 1939
    $200 9
At the International House of Pancakes, it's an order of 3 pancakes instead of the usual 5
    $300 22
In November 1986, 5000 ties, 2000 cufflinks & a megaphone were found in this late singer's attic
    $300 6
After James I was murdered in Perth in 1437, Scotland's capital was moved to this city
    $300 27
The conga line was reportedly introduced to the U.S. in a Miami nightclub by this Cuban bandleader
    $300 15
They are the most numerous features on the moon's surface
    $300 11
Batman's on-again-off-again love interest, Selina Kyle, has this costumed identity
    $300 10
"Explosive" phrase describing a short temper
    $400 23
A billboard across from this network's HQ on Beverly Blvd. read "Come home to NBC"
    $400 18
Salami is said to have originated in this Italian city, too
    $400 16
Oxide commonly used on scraped knees & dark roots
    $400 12
On the '60s TV series outside the Batcave indicated this was 14 miles away
    $400 13
Dormitory trick played on a roommate so he can't get under the covers of his bed
    $500 25
They were put up on Hollywood Blvd. in Oct., 5 weeks early, so a movie could have them in background
    $500 19
Except for Peter II's, this city contains graves of all Russian czars from Peter I to Alexander III
    $500 17
Universal gravitation & calculus were 2 of his many discoveries
    $500 28
In a 1949 time-travel tale, Batman & Robin pool their efforts to save this 13th c. explorer
    $500 14
In golf, the #7, #8, & #9 clubs are referred to as these

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Jonathan Grace Jeff
$500 $200 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jonathan Grace Jeff
$2,950 $900 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 13
In an orchestra, the concertmaster plays this instrument
    $200 12
"Book of Royal Lists" says Prince Charles almost died from drinking this bubbly at a polo match
    $200 1
"The Lionhearted"
    $200 3
Custer's Last Stand occurred in this year, as the U.S. celebrated its centennial
    $200 18
"...Now & then a scrap drifted down & brushed the face of the last captain of the 'Caine'."
    $200 11
To opponents, it was an apt description of 6'9" Dallas Cowboy Ed Jones
    $400 24
Style of music featured in the film "Round Midnight"
    $400 14
Made from angostura bark, this "is sine qua non for both a real Manhattan & a real Old Fashioned"
    $400 2
"The Terrible"
    $400 7
"Greasy Grass Creek" was what the Indians called this river
    $400 19
At the end of the play, Martha's answer to this title question is "I am, George. I am."
    $400 23
1973 film with Joe Don Baker that portrayed Buford Pusser's 1 man war against local corruption
    $600 15
Its name is German for "cherry water", but Kirschwasser is this type of liquor
    $600 4
"The Navigator"
    $600 8
Besides the Sioux, the largest group of Indians opposing Custer were of this tribe
    DD: $1,000 20
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen"
    $600 25
A large requirement, request or demand
    $800 16
The beer that's advertised as "Denmark's greatest export since the Vikings"
    $800 5
"The Confessor"
    $800 9
Tho not an Indian, the only survivor found on the battlefield after it was all over bore this Indian name
    $800 21
"...She tossed the robe into the old man's arms. For the big fisherman! She said."
    $800 26
1st line of the song "The Girl From Ipanema"
    $1000 17
An island in the Netherlands Antilles gave its name to this orange-flavored liqueur
    $1000 6
"The Short"
    $1000 10
It's said this general, under whom Custer fought, underestimated the size of the Indian force
    $1000 22
"Blow out your candles, Laura--& so goodbye."
    $1000 27
In both 1976 & 1986, they gathered from around the world in N.Y. Harbor

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jonathan Grace Jeff
$4,750 $500 $1,900
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

1 of 3 other European capitals thru which route of original Paris to Istanbul "Orient Express" pass

Final scores:

Jonathan Grace Jeff
$5,600 $0 $1,000
3-day champion: $29,001 3rd place: Bushnell telescope 2nd place: Broyhill converter sofa + Zenith 9" color TV

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jonathan Grace Jeff
$4,900 $1,500 $1,900
21 R
(including 1 DD),
7 W
13 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $8,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-01-20
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