Show #2437 - Tuesday, March 21, 1995


Art Vespignani, a compliance officer from Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey

Joanne Humphreville, a librarian from Chicago, Illinois

Alex McNeil, a court administrator from Newton, Massachusetts (whose 1-day cash winnings total $9,000)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 5
It's the only state with an area of less than 2,000 square miles
    $100 26
"The Web Slinger" is a nickname for this Marvel Comics superhero
    $100 10
On July 21 this rubber company's blimp Wingfoot crashed in Chicago, killing 13 people
    $100 15
It's also known as the native bear, but it's a teddy bear-like marsupial, not a real bear
    $100 18
St. Valentine's Day is celebrated in this month
    $100 1
Baba's thieves or Borden's whacks
    $200 6
Biloxi is this state's chief shrimp-packing port
    $200 27
In May 1939 Bob Kane introduced this caped crime fighter in Detective Comics No. 27
    $200 11
While traveling to Wichita on September 26, this president suffered what was probably a mild stroke
    $200 17
It's another name for the snow leopard, as well as one-sixteenth of a pound
    $200 22
V-E & V-J Days are associated with this war
    $200 2
A tete-a-tete usually requires this many people
    $300 7
This state's largest bank is Key Bank in Cheyenne
    $300 28
This cartoon rodent's continuing nemesis was Oil Can Harry
    $300 12
In April this city was named as headquarters to the League of Nations
    $300 19
This wild canine found on America's prairies is also called the prairie wolf
    $300 23
In 1994 this May holiday parade was canceled in Manhattan for the first time in 73 years, for lack of interest
    $300 3
A heptaglot is a book written in this many languages
    $400 8
This Northwestern state is called "The Evergreen State"
    $400 29
In comic books his secret identity is Dr. Bruce Banner; on television, it was David Bruce Banner
    $400 13
This Scottish-born steel magnate died of pneumonia on August 11
    $400 20
These red & white cattle named for an English county are popularly known as whitefaces
    $400 24
In Canada it's observed on the first Monday in September
    $400 4
The Roman numeral for this year appears on the back of a $1 bill
    $500 9
This Appalachian state's motto is "Mountaineers are always free"
    DD: $500 30
Trumpeter Al Hirt recorded an updated version of "Flight of the Bumblebee" for this TV series
    $500 14
In December this Impressionist painter of "The Luncheon of the Boating Party" died at Cagnes, France
    $500 21
This insect with a mythical beast in its name is also called a snake doctor
    $500 25
Id al-Fitr is the Islamic festival that immediately follows this long observance
    $500 16
The numbers of U.S. Interstate Highways that run coast to coast end in this digit

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Alex Joanne Art
$400 $1,200 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alex Joanne Art
$4,200 $1,200 $1,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
In 1980 labor unrest in Gdansk led to the formation of this union
    $200 26
The brown variety of this grain can take twice as long to cook as the white
    $200 15
A wire runs from the back of this common device to the exchange; cellular types don't have the wire
    $200 12
After 1760 the form of this language spoken in Quebec began to diverge from that spoken in Paris
    $200 1
"The Client" in this author's bestseller "The Chamber" is a former Klansman on Death Row
    $200 2
It is unclear how he became patron saint of England, but it may date to the time of Edward III
    $400 6
In 1536 this 2nd wife of Henry VIII was condemned to death by her uncle, the Duke of Norfolk
    $400 27
It's what drop biscuits are dropped on
    $400 16
In 1960 the first laser used a rod made of this gemstone
    $400 20
Afrikaans is considered a derivation of this language
    $400 4
Just when you thought it was safe, this author returned to the sea with a new thriller, "White Shark"
    $400 5
Few of the women traveling first class on this ship perished when it sank in 1912
    DD: $2,000 9
In 1968 the kings of Laos & Thailand met in the middle of this river to celebrate a mutual agreement
    $600 28
It's how you cook croquettes
    $600 17
After 1948 these tiny devices were used to replace vacuum tubes in electronic equipment
    $600 21
Like Spanish, Catalan is a member of this group of languages derived from Latin
    $600 7
This author of "Ragtime" takes readers back to the post-Civil War years in his 1994 book "The Waterworks"
    $600 8
A pedodontist specializes in the dental problems of these people
    $800 10
For nearly 100 years, until it fell to Russia in 1721, Estonia was controlled by this Scandinavian country
    $800 29
Term for the process of gently combining egg whites with heavier ingredients
    $800 18
3 types of these machines that transfer liquids are reciprocating, rotary & centrifugal
    DD: $3,000 22
The New Testament was originally written in the Koine dialect of this language
    $800 13
His first short story collection, "I, Robot", was published in 1950
    $800 24
This colorful term refers to discrimination in selling property insurance based on location
    $1000 11
After invading Manchuria in 1931, the Japanese established this state with Puyi as emperor
    $1000 30
Butter & this ingredient, not scotch, give butterscotch its main flavor
    $1000 19
William Coolidge devised a method for drawing this metal into wires, making it suitable for light bulbs
    $1000 23
While Croatian is written in the Latin alphabet, Serbian is written in a form of this one
    $1000 14
In 1994 "The First Man", an unfinished novel by this author of "The Stranger", was published posthumously
    $1000 25
This composer of the "Surprise" symphony was baptized on April Fools' Day in 1732

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alex Joanne Art
$9,600 $2,600 $11,300

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Considered the most popular of all Czech operas, it ends with a betrothal

Final scores:

Alex Joanne Art
$11,301 $1,600 $19,300
2nd place: General Instrument satellite TV system + Curtis Mathes 32" home theater monitor/receiver + the Jeopardy! home game 3rd place: Ross Simons 14-karat gold bracelet studded with 5 bezel-set diamonds + the Jeopardy! home game New champion: $19,300

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alex Joanne Art
$9,600 $2,600 $7,700
22 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
12 R,
3 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $19,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1994-12-06
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