Show #2428 - Wednesday, March 8, 1995


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Jack Hassinger, a naval officer from Montclair, Virginia

Carol Grobels, a programmer analyst from Long Valley, New Jersey

Roger Moyer, a bookstore administrator from Alexandria, Virginia (whose 2-day cash winnings total $17,901)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Let's see what you remember about that.)
    $100 1
In 1967 63 nations ratified the Outer Space Treaty drafted by this international organization
    $100 17
In 1933 Frank Shields, the grandfather of this actress, was ranked No. 1 in tennis in the U.S.
    $100 26
Palmists read palms & phrenologists read these
    $100 6
While visiting Florida, you may want to "listen to" this, the state bird
    $100 11
Lake Balaton, southwest of Budapest, is one of this country's most popular tourist areas
    $100 16
Colorado said no to an additional 50¢-a-pack tax on these
    $200 2
The U.S. & this country concluded St. Lawrence Seaway Treaties in 1932, 1941 & 1954
    $200 18
One of Jane Fonda's ancestors was this Jane, Henry VIII's third wife
    $200 27
Scrying is the practice of gazing into these orbs
    $200 7
The ring-necked type of this game bird was introduced to North America in the 1800s
    $200 12
Tourists can hoof it or ride these animals from the Grand Canyon's rim down Bright Angel Trail to the river
    $200 22
This state's controversial Prop 187 concerning illegal immigrants passed
    $300 3
In the Treaty of San Ildefonso, King Charles IV of this country surrendered Louisiana to Napoleon
    $300 19
In 1983 Nicolas Cage played Smokey in "Rumble Fish", directed by this man, his famous uncle
    $300 28
A philter is this type of potion; philter No. 9 is a famous one
    $300 8
This redbird conceals its distinctive cup-shaped nest in a bush or thicket
    $300 13
Fano, an island west of Jutland in this country, preserves its heritage as a shipbuilding center
    $300 23
In Virginia Charles Robb fought off the attack of this former Marine, the Republican nominee
    DD: $400 4
The New Echota Treaty of 1835 set this Indian tribe on the "Trail of Tears"
    $400 20
Rosanna Arquette's grandfather, Cliff Arquette, was noted for playing this TV character
    $400 29
Stone beetle that was a talisman in Ancient Egypt
    $400 9
When they're young, these tall flightless birds from Down Under have stripes
    $400 14
This capital of the Bahamas was founded as Charles Towne by English seafarers in the 1660s
    $400 24
He was elected mayor of Washington, D.C.--again
    $500 5
This prime minister signed the 1979 Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty for Israel
    $500 21
Diane Ladd gained notice while appearing in a production of this cousin's play "Orpheus Descending"
    $500 30
Zener cards are used by scientists to test for this ability
    $500 10
The whistling species of this graceful bird breeds in the American Arctic
    $500 15
Both Botswana & South Africa have national parks within this desert
    $500 25
Robert A. Taft II, great-grandson of President Taft, was re-elected this state's Secretary of State

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Roger Carol Jack
$3,000 $300 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Roger Carol Jack
$3,600 $1,100 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
World Book says colonists drank lots of beer, rum & wine because they believed this was polluted
    $200 10
This author's "The Scarlet Letter" was inspired by a red cloth he found at the Salem Custom House
    $200 18
This term for a dress that's extremely low-cut in the back implies that the dress only has a front
    $200 3
Attic-Ionic is one of the major dialect groups of this ancient language
    $200 23
Popular name for the chorus at the end of Part II of Handel's "Messiah"
    $200 16
When Castro seized U.S. oil refineries in 1960, the U.S. stopped buying this from Cuba
    $400 2
This brilliant orator spent part of his youth on a small Virginia estate known as Mount Brilliant
    $400 12
Before writing such novels as "The War of the Worlds", he wrote biology & geography textbooks
    $400 20
Wearing this ornamental trim that consists of loose strands sewn to a band might earn you some "benefits"
    $400 4
The Lapps, who call themselves Sami, speak a language that resembles this one spoken in Helsinki
    $400 24
Bela Bartok's "Contrasts" was commissioned by this swing clarinetist
    $400 17
Castro was featured in a 1994 magazine for aficionados of these, which he gave up recently
    $600 5
This city's Fraunces Tavern was named for its owner, a West Indian
    $600 13
His novel "Lady Chatterley's Lover" was first published privately in Florence, Italy in 1928
    $600 28
The name of this loose garment worn by artists is derived in part from Old Norse
    $600 7
Of Ukrainian, Latvian or Estonian, the one that has more than 45 million speakers
    $600 25
One of the St. Petersburg Conservatory's first graduates was this "Eugene Onegin" composer
    $600 19
In 1953 Castro was jailed for leading an uprising against this man
    $800 6
After Betsy Ross eloped in 1773, this religious group disowned her for marrying out of meeting
    $800 14
When his "Madame Bovary" was first published in 1856, he was tried for "outrage to public morals"
    $800 29
Popular in the 1920s, Oxford bags were a very wide style of these
    $800 8
This European language is an official language in Mali & Madagascar
    DD: $4,000 26
This Hungarian who died in 1886 invented the modern piano recital
    $800 21
In 1950 Castro earned a degree in this from the University of Havana
    $1000 11
Capt. John Smith said that this chief, Pocahontas' father, had "a very able and hardy body" and "a sower looke"
    $1000 15
This novelist was born in New Albany, Miss. & died 65 years later in Byhalia, near Oxford
    $1000 30
Spelled one way, it refers to a mid-calf skirt length; spelled another way, it's a sailor-style blouse
    DD: $2,000 9
Many Mozambicans do not speak this, their country's official language
    $1000 27
This Catalan cellist made his debut in Barcelona in 1891
    $1000 22
Castro's vice president is this man, his brother, whom he has said will be his successor

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Roger Carol Jack
$12,000 $3,700 $10,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

At his death at age 62 in 1993, he was Europe's longest-reigning monarch

Final scores:

Roger Carol Jack
$3,701 $3,100 $16,800
2nd place: a trip to Boston on Trans World Airlines & a week at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel + Jeopardy! Sports Edition for PC or Super Nintendo Entertainment System + Jeopardy! home game 3rd place: Samsung 8 mm compact camcorder with 8:1 power zoom lens + Jeopardy! Sports Edition for PC or Super Nintendo Entertainment System + Jeopardy! home game New champion: $16,800

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Roger Carol Jack
$11,000 $3,700 $7,600
26 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
11 R,
2 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $22,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1994-11-29
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