Show #4956 - Monday, March 13, 2006


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Lucretia Manning, a head cashier from Jesup, Georgia

Gerald McClanahan, a writer from Los Angeles, California

Chris Smith, an advertising creative director from Dallas, Texas (whose 1-day cash winnings total $15,799)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Yes, the TV series.)
    $200 1
This medal metal is usually an alloy of tin & copper
    $200 2
This actor played the role of a lifetime explaining to Sean Connery categories such as "COLORS THAT ARE RED"
    $200 20
This South African is one of the few golfers to win all 4 major titles at least once
    $200 25
The title character of "Maria Stuarda" is better known in English by this name
    $200 16
Atlanta-based & with more than $19 billion in 2004 revenue, it's "one" this telecom "sensation"
    $200 11
To rule over, or to shower upon
    $400 7
(Jon of the Clue Crew reports from Copenhagen, Denmark.) In 1883, Carlsberg developed Saccharomyces carlsbergensis, a special strain of this to ferment the sugars in beer
    $400 3
As Fernando, this actor looked mahvelous & asked Mr. Hulk Hogan & Mr. T about their plans for Passover
    $400 21
A "Far Side" panel by this cartoonist is seen here
    $400 26
The seductive Queen of Shemakha sings a "Hymn to" this heavenly body in "Le Coq d'Or"
    $400 17
Tony Stewart was the 2005 champion of the cup named for this company
    $400 12
Jetties, or people of the same legal status, as on a jury
    DD: $1,000 8
In testing out gases by smelling them (not a good idea) Humphry Davy found in 1800 that this one made him feel giddy
    $600 4
This late, great comedian gave us the memorable "Anal-Retentive Chef" & "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer"
    $600 22
In 1983 this "Psychedelic Evangelist" wrote his autobiographical "Flashbacks"
    $600 28
This queen reigned in several operas, including "L'Atlantida" & "Christophe Colomb"
    $600 18
This company is associated with the sound heard here
    $600 13
Finished, or a grayish-brown horse color
    $800 9
The name of this disorder in which the bones become porous comes from the Greek for "bone" & "passage"
    $800 5
He bellowed, "My name is Matt Foley, I'm 35, divorced, and I live in a van down by the river!"
    $800 23
Let's "Meet the Press" guy seen here
    $800 29
In a Rossini opera, this queen is incensed to find out the Earl of Leicester is secretly married
    $800 19
Can you hear me now? In 2005 this company was No. 14 on the Fortune 500
    $800 14
Had a meal, or an octet
    $1000 10
In astronomy, this unit of measure is abbreviated pc
    $1000 6
Listen to me now & believe me later, these Dana Carvey & Kevin Nealon characters wanted to "Pump... you up"
    $1000 24
Mark Wahlberg was impressive in every sense of the word playing Eddie Adams & this alter ego in "Boogie Nights"
    $1000 30
The Catholic Marguerite de Valois is a pivotal character in the 1836 opera named for these French Protestants
    $1000 27
"Q" rating check: there's a "u" in "cellular" but not in the Denver-based company known by this 1-word name
    $1000 15
A brutal form of embroidery?

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Chris Gerald Lucretia
$5,400 $1,800 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Gerald Lucretia
$7,400 $5,200 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
Gandhi was on his way to a prayer meeting in this city when he was assassinated in 1948
    $400 21
During the Thirty Years' War, King Gustav II Adolf of this Scandanavian kingdom captured & occupied Munich
    $400 26
In 17th century Holland, fortunes were invested in the bulbs of this flower
    $400 6
In a car crash, these can inflate within 45 to 55 milliseconds
    $400 16
To agree to abide fully by terms is to "sign" here
    $400 11
This director shot much of his film "Munich" in Malta, which stood in for Israel
    $800 2
The 2 Canadian provinces that fit the category
    $800 22
Using Munich as his royal city of residence, German king Louis IV was crowned this emperor in 1328
    $800 27
This popular houseplant needs bright light & some direct sun
    $800 7
Abbreviated ABS, these help drivers avoid crashing in part by allowing the driver to maintain steering control
    $800 17
Likening U.S. Grant to an axman, Roscoe Conkling said he'd "hew to the line of right, let" these "fall where they may"
    $800 12
"Crash" totalled the competition & won this union's award for outstanding ensemble performance
    DD: $2,400 3
At over 12,300 feet, Mount Cook is its highest point
    $1200 23
In an attempt to overthrow the Weimar Republic, the Nazis staged a 1923 putsch named for this Munich location
    DD: $1,400 28
This flower whose name is Latin for "small sword" comes in colors ranging from pure white to deep red
    $1200 8
A recent study in Europe determined that pink cars were the safest & cars of this color the most likely to crash
    $1200 18
"Sticking to" this means adhering to a principle of your group, not to a shared telephone circuit
    $1200 13
The first scenes in "Walk the Line" take place at this location, just before a famous 1968 concert
    $1600 4
The Green in the center of this Delaware city was laid out by Peter Stuyvesant in 1655
    $1600 24
When this largest German state was reunited as a kingdom in the early 1500s, Munich became its capital
    $1600 29
In Japan, this flower is called sakura & the tree does not bear fruit
    $1600 9
Designed to compress during a car crash, these structural "zones" absorb energy from an impact
    $1600 19
On film Mary Poppins says the children will tread the path described by this pair of proverbial adjectives
    $1600 14
"The New World" was filmed in Virginia, close to the real site of this colony that's central to the movie
    $2000 5
Colombia, Panama, Ecuador & Venezuela were once part of this Spanish viceroyalty
    $2000 25
Many of Munich's finest Neoclassical buildings were built during the 19th century reign of this "Mad" king
    $2000 30
To a gardener buying a tree from a nursery, "B&B" means the tree is balled-and-this
    $2000 10
This government organization abbreviated the NTSB investigates every civil aviation crash in the U.S.
    $2000 20
As a noun, these can be jumps, or limits you'd best not overstep
    $2000 15
"The Constant Gardener" is based on a novel by this master of the Cold War spy thriller

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Gerald Lucretia
$23,400 $9,200 $2,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Henry Laurens, Thomas Mifflin & Richard Henry Lee were presidents of this body that only lasted for about 15 years

Final scores:

Chris Gerald Lucretia
$26,400 $8,200 $0
2-day champion: $42,199 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Chris Gerald Lucretia
$21,800 $9,200 $3,400
26 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
16 R,
4 W
9 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $34,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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