Karl-Marx-stadt & Leipzig are 2 of this country's largest cities |
East Germany
In 1804, Oliver Evans built a passenger vehicle in the U.S. powered by this |
Missouri. Princeton. or Bengal |
the Tigers
1st couple to reach "The Act" wins in her new "Game of Good Sex" |
Dr. Ruth Westheimer
What happened to baseball's Brock, Wilhelm, Slaughter & Vaughn on July 28, 1985 |
entering the Hall of Fame
The Titanic was built in 1912 in this North Irish city |
"Business Week" predicted in '68, this country's auto industry wouldn't "carve out a big slice" of U.S. market |
(Alex: That's why I canceled my subscription to "Business Week" at that time.)
Going by their nickname, Wyoming could play for Dallas in the NFL |
the Cowboys
A friend of Beethoven, Johann Maelzel, patented a mechanism to make a doll say these 2 words |
(Alex: The two words are [*] and "dada". [**]. [*], [**].)
Mama & Papa
Bakersfield, CA was abuzz as these "winged terrorists" arrived from Brazil |
killer bees
Without one, a camera wouldn't have a leg to stand on |
a tripod
Largest African city west of Egypt, this port has a Spanish name & French architecture |
Nickname of team with this theme:
[Instrumental music plays] |
(Claudia: What is Notre Dame?) (Alex: Notre Dame is absolutely right. And on that particular musical number, we said ourselves--) (Judge: [From offstage] Nickname.) (Alex: Ah, nickname.) [Laughter] (Alex: Sorry about that. What is [*], of course.) (Claudia: Oh, of course.) (Alex: So we had a double challenge going there. A challenge for you to come up with a nickname, and a challenge for us to find the oldest piece of music we could with the Notre Dame theme. That was Guy Lombardo and his orchestra in a record made, I believe, in the 1930s. Claudia, we've got less than a minute to go.)
the Fighting Irish
Game where you try to get rid of all your bones by matching spots |
The D.E.A. resurrected plans to spray marijuana fields with this controversial herbicide |
A cable laid from New York to London, not San Francisco to Tokyo |
Tourists traveling to India usually try to include a stop in Agra to see this |
the Taj Mahal
Harvard's nickname & team color, it makes their opponents see red |
(Scott: What is the Crimson Tide?) ... (Alex: Crimson Tide is Alabama.)
the Crimson
Nickname of the point 4 in craps, or Michael Landon on TV |
(Claudia: What is pa?) ... (Alex: You were thinking of his, uh, the series that followed Bonanza. We were thinking of the Bonanza western series, of course, Claudia.)
Little Joe
Calling them "arrogant", this "Mother" used words of 7 senators in his record "Porn Wars" |
Frank Zappa
A type of weight or a type of Donahue |
(Eric: I didn't mean to push, I'm sorry.) (Claudia: What is a Phil?) [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
60 canals divide this crescent-shaped European city, so that it consists of about 90 islands |
(Eric: What is Stockholm?)
Michigan State's "no-frills" nickname, it's Greek to me |
the Spartans
Invented in 1953 by David Mullany for his son, it's a white plastic sphere with air holes |
a wiffle ball
Texas city that earned nickname of "Foreclosure City, U.S.A." because of high number of home foreclosures |