Cranberries grow on these |
If you're not sure of this official city song, just ask Tony Bennett |
(Alex: We've got less than a minute to go.)
"I Left My Heart In San Francisco"
"I was a soldier for beauty & love. I was completely selfless," said this former Philippine first lady |
Imelda Marcos
To replace lost water, these "desert ships" may drink 20 gallons or more at one time |
Believing he was outnumbered at Yorktown, this Frenchman said, "I am not strong enough even to get beaten" |
A treacherous person or a venomous snake |
a viper
Though it lasted just 48 seconds, this disaster equaled a force of about 6 million tons of TNT |
the 1906 earthquake
Also known for Stupid Human Tricks, he got Ted Koppel to balance a dog biscuit on his nose |
David Letterman
Named for a marsupial, this rodent drums on the earth with its large legs to communicate |
a kangaroo rat
When asked to surrender his battered ship, he replied, "I have not yet begun to fight" |
(Doak: Who is Farragut?)
John Paul Jones
From a French word for "face", it's the front piece of a knight's helmet |
a visor
In the late 19th c. San Francisco was the world capital of this maritime hunting industry |
Before he created Jeno's frozen pizzas, Jeno Paulucci started this Chinese food co. in Duluth, Minn. |
Chun King
These members of the squirrel family live in excavated "towns" which may be populated by 1000s of them |
prairie dogs
His pro-British cousin Samuel was widely accused of betraying this American spy |
(Bob: Uh, who was, uh, Benedict Arnold?) (Doak: Who is John Adams?)
Nathan Hale
19th c. French composer Camille Saint-Saens gave us this musical menagerie:
[Instrumental music plays.] |
[Sue did not include the leading article in her response.]
The Carnival of the Animals
A stagecoach is housed in the history room of this famous "Old West" bank |
the Wells Fargo bank
When he launched his daring bathing suit in 1964, some of us went topless |
(Sue: Who is Bikini?) (Alex: Pardon?) (Sue: Mr. Bikini?)
(Rudi) Gernreich
Scientists aren't sure if this Mexican variety, Ursus horribilis nelsoni, is endangered or already extinct |
(Sue: What are bears?) (Alex: Yes, be more specific, though.) (Sue: [Shrugs])
grizzly bears
Henry Lee's quick & daring cavalry raids earned him this nickname |
When a kid at a carnival asks his mom to buy him a pronto pup, pronto, he wants one of these |
a corn dog
Government official whose title means "in place of the king" |
(Doak: What is a viscount?)
a viceroy
Since San Francisco was named for Saint Francis, this Italian town was named its sister city in 1969 |
(Bob: What is Saint Francis of [*]?)
Profession of Russian-born Louise Nevelson, who died in 1988 at the age of 87 |
a sculptress
Well known as a pet, the golden variety of this mammal goes through pregnancy in only 16 days |
a hamster
Captured by the British, this 14-yr.-old future president was wounded when he wouldn't clean an officer's boots |
Andrew Jackson
Word derived from the name of the main street of the Chicago 1893 Exposition |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
the Midway