Show #4954 - Thursday, March 9, 2006


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Mary Danieli, a library technician from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Denise Hay, a high school administrator and teacher from Crystal Lake, Illinois

Randy Logan, a high school English teacher from Mesquite, Texas (whose 1-day cash winnings total $18,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You identify the game show, of course.)
(Alex: Each correct response will be made up of the letters in the word "thesaurus" itself--keep that in mind.)
    $200 21
New Zealand's ethnicity is about 70% European & 8% this native group
    $200 11
"I'd like to buy a vowel"
    $200 1
TR told a Progressive Party rally in 1912, "I am as strong as" one of these animals "and you can use me to the limit"
    $200 6
One religion makes up about 65% of this state's population
    $200 16
In slang, to kick this 6-letter container is to die
    $200 25
In Anglo-Saxon times, this land measurement referred to a parcel 66 feet wide & 660 feet long
    $400 22
This country's 2 largest ethnic groups are Javanese & Sundanese
    $400 12
"Come on down!"
    $400 2
Teddy called the White House a "bully" one of these
    $400 7
When you "make" this, you go with speed
    $400 17
These high-kicking honeys are the signature performers at Radio City Music Hall
    $400 26
The 66 counties of this northern U.S. state include Custer & Minnehaha
    $600 23
Monegasques are in the minority in Monaco; this is its top ethnic group
    $600 13
"I'd like to phone a friend"
    $600 3
In a 1911 speech Teddy declared, "I took" this zone "and let Congress debate"
    DD: $1,000 8
In 1978 India stopped exporting this type of monkey to scientific labs around the world
    $600 18
The longest of these in NFL history was a 98-yarder by Steve O'Neal for the New York Jets in 1969
    $600 27
There are 66 books in this version of the Bible first published in 1611
    $800 24
The Azeris in Iran had the rug pulled out from under them because this is the No. 1 ethnic group
    $800 14
"I'll take Paul Lynde to block"
    $800 4
In 1904 TR said, "If elected, I shall see to it that every man has" this type of "deal, no less and no more"
    $800 9
A joining of the edges of a wound by a stitch
    $800 19
In official racing events, this swimming stroke traditionally makes use of the frog kick
    $800 28
When Armenian king Tigran II was defeated in 66 B.C., his land became part of this empire
    $1000 30
At around 20% in each country, this ethnic group is the largest minority in both Turkey & Iraq
    $1000 15
"Survey said!"
    $1000 5
Teddy Roosevelt reportedly said that this predecessor had "as much backbone as a chocolate eclair"
    $1000 10
Last name of the Pointillist artist who died in 1891 at age 31
    $1000 20
Fast blows & kicks abound in this martial art whose name comes from Japanese words meaning "empty hand"
    $1000 29
As it has an atomic number of 66, the chemical element dysprosium has 66 of these in each atom

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Randy Denise Mary
$3,800 $2,200 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Randy Denise Mary
$4,000 $5,400 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
Enticed by a 1915 treaty giving it Trieste, this country joined WWI's Allies
    $400 16
Jimmy Stewart has a broken leg when this film begins; at the end, his voyeurism gets him a second broken leg
    $400 7
"Grandpa with Ocean"
    $400 26
Of 100, 300 or 600, the one closest to the total number of muscles in the human body
    $400 21
Embankments have been built on this "colorful" 500-mile Vietnamese river to keep rice fields from flooding
    $400 6
Russian words for drinks include vodka & voda, which means this
    $800 2
The 1568 martyrdom of the Comte d'Egmont began the Dutch revolt against Philip II of this country
    $800 17
Frank Sinatra played lovable gambler Nathan Detroit in this 1955 movie musical
    $800 12
"So Long, Weaponry"
    $800 27
On a cat, the arrector pili muscles along the back cause this response to stress
    $800 22
"The Photo Capital of the World", this city in New York is also the birthplace of American Spiritualism
    $800 8
Stop the presses--it's the Russian word for "truth"
    $1200 3
He captained the Victory, Lord Nelson's flagship, at Trafalgar (remember the quote)
    $1200 18
Rich brothers William Holden & Humphrey Bogart vie for the chauffeur's daughter in this 1954 classic
    $1200 13
"One Transferable Banquet"
    $1200 28
Inhaling & exhaling result mainly from the contraction & expansion of this dome-shaped muscle
    $1200 23
It's "The Pretzel City", Pennsylvania, but you might call it the Monopoly railroad city
    $1200 9
Written out here, it's a familiar way to say "goodbye"
    $1600 4
In the 700s, Pepin's widow Plectrude got hammered by Charles Martel vying for rule over these people
    DD: $3,500 19
Alan Jay Lerner won the Oscar for Best Screenplay for this 1951 musical about an expatriate
    $1600 14
"A Star Ascends As Well"
    $1600 29
Eeeeek! By definition, this muscle of the back of the arm has 3 heads
    DD: $2,000 24
It's the East River location of the New York City jail
    $1600 10
This Russian term for a sled drawn by 3 horses has made its way into English
    $2000 5
In 1991, republics of the former Soviet Union formed the CIS, which stands for this
    $2000 20
The 2 1950s films starring Grace Kelly with "High" in the title
    $2000 15
"Extinction Following Lunch"
    $2000 30
This post-Hippocratic 2nd century Greek physician was the first to discover that muscles work in pairs
    $2000 25
In early 2002 Yasir Arafat was confined to his compound in this West Bank city
    $2000 11
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew strolls down a street in Moscow, Russia.) So that I could be polite in Russia, I made sure to learn puzhalusta for "please" & this basic word for "thank you"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Randy Denise Mary
$11,100 $12,200 $4,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Despite landmines dating from 1982, penguins use these islands for mating grounds, being too light to set them off

Final scores:

Randy Denise Mary
$12,400 $5,200 $5,800
2-day champion: $31,200 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Randy Denise Mary
$9,200 $11,400 $4,400
15 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
13 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
13 R,
8 W

Combined Coryat: $25,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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