Show #352 - Tuesday, January 14, 1986


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Les Kalman, a physician from Glendale, California

Bill Fleming, a police sergeant from Mission Viejo, California

Sherrie Ballard, a legal secretary from Van Nuys, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $11,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 15
"He floats through the air with the greatest of ease"
    $100 1
It's said an Arizona law still exists making it illegal to hunt these "ships of the desert"
    $100 10
Company which gave us the Walkman & the Watchman
    $100 17
    $100 26
After saving all the animals, the 1st thing he did was perform a burnt offering with some of them
    $100 5
Jerry Mathers starred as the you-know-what in this classic sitcom
    $200 16
If you wanted the Pointer Sisters' love in 1984, you had to do this
    $200 2
A "logic bomb" is a saboteur's tool designed to destroy or rearrange information stored in these
    $200 11
Because he bought the rights to the invention, you vacuum with this, not a "Spangler"
    $200 18
    $200 27
Both Testaments warn against the attitude "Eat & drink now, for tomorrow this will happen"
    $200 6
Person who is overzealous & pushy, but not necessarily buck toothed
    $300 22
First sung by the mother abbess to Maria, it's reprised in final scene of "The Sound of Music"
    $300 3
Though English is the major language, this is Ireland's "official" language
    $300 12
It was 1st introduced in 1904: please give your question at the beep; Beep!
    $300 19
    $300 7
Building material used for walls and ceilings, but not dams
    DD: $200 23
Title of the following 1969 song by Simon & Garfunkel:

"I am just a poor boy, though my story's seldom told / I have squandered my resistance..."
    $400 4
In 7/78, McCall's magazine picked this "fever"ish actor to be the 1st lone male on cover in its 100 year history
    $400 13
Bakers' innovation introduced in '30s, it's claimed to be the greatest invention since itself
    $400 20
    $400 8
Walt Disney's Oscar-winning true-life adventure from 1950
    $500 24
In 1957, Ricky Nelson ambled to his 1st hit, and Fats Domino his 7th with the same song
    $500 14
Alphabetically the last element on the periodic chart, its symbol is Zr
    $500 25
It was the Titanic sinking that inspired the invention of this iceberg & sub detector
    $500 21
    $500 9
Veteran character actress who played "Beulah" in 50's sitcom

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Sherrie! Bill Les
$800 $500 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sherrie! Bill Les
$2,000 $1,700 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
When America adopted this country's secret ballot system, people called it "kangaroo voting"
    $200 7
Having no consequences
    $200 16
"Colorfully" hirsute killer who lured women w/this ad: "Single gentleman... desires to marry homely lady"
    $200 12
Meat from calves less than a year old is called this
    $200 2
After being asked, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" she replies, "I am, George, I am"
    $400 8
On Jan. 20, 1887 the U.S. leased this Hawaiian port to be a naval station
    $400 23
This insolent behavior toward your military superiors can get you a bad conduct discharge
    $400 18
According to "Book of Lists", Anne Frank called this Auschwitz Dr. "the angel of extermination"
    $400 13
This catch-all name squeezes in a variety of small fish
    $400 3
In ceremony ending this musical, the minister says, "I now pronounce you men & wives"
    $600 9
It was in this city's harbor that we "remember the Maine" blowing up
    $600 24
Quality a person has if she's totally without pity, like "Hannah, the vamp of Savannah"
    DD: $600 22
"Morte alla Francia Italia anela," meaning "Death to the French is Italy's cry--" becomes this name
    $600 14
Originally, the long necks on this condiment's bottle were designed to deter discoloration
    $600 4
He ended both "Tea House of the August Moon" & "Sayonara" saying the word "sayonara"
    $800 10
He suggested discontinuance of "internal taxes" in his 2nd inaugural address in 1805
    DD: $1,000 25
What people are apt to say to you if you win this game
    $800 21
King Charles II was so intrigued by Col. Blood's attempt to steal these that he commuted his life sentence
    $800 15
From Italian for "little worms", it's a thin spaghetti
    $800 5
"Rain!" rejoices Burt Lancaster at the end
    $1000 11
Evidence from a Pinkerton spy in this secret society of Irish coal workers broke it up in 1877
    $1000 26
From Latin "to snatch away secretly", it's how kids in the '50s read "Peyton Place"
    $1000 19
Since Iran has been "mined out" of this stone, the finest varieties now come primarily from western U.S.
    $1000 20
In 1973, he was sentenced to 25 consecutive life terms for murdering 25 migrant farm workers
    $1000 17
Arachibutyrophobia is an actual fear of having this food stick to the roof of the mouth
    $1000 6
His last film words ever were 1967's "...when the hell are we going to get some dinner?"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sherrie! Bill Les
$8,200 $5,700 -$600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Usually that's an intimidating subject on Jeopardy!)
In U.S., by $ value, the most popular type of goods purchased through mail order sales

Final scores:

Sherrie! Bill Les
$9,000 $11,400 -$600
2nd place: a cruise to the Bahamas New champion: $11,400 3rd place: Casablanca ceiling fan

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Sherrie! Bill Les
$8,400 $5,500 -$600
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
9 R,
6 W

Combined Coryat: $13,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1985-09-10
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