Show #346 - Monday, January 6, 1986


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Susan Tuttle, a homemaker and a mother from Walnut Creek, California

Stuart Pat, an attorney from San Francisco, California

Steve Willis, a financial analyst from Lynwood, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $12,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: That, of course, means words that begin with the letter F.)
    $100 11
He says, "I meant what I said & I said what I meant, an elephant's faithful 100%"
    $100 1
A popular movie & TV series were made from this book about medics in the Korean War
    $100 23
At age 14, Perry was the owner of this, complete with 3 chairs
    $100 6
Southern pancake grain or a "Little Rascal"
    $100 16
Modern coinage in this country began with the reign of Ferdinand & Isabella
    $100 17
Delta tau delta & sigma chi, for example
    $200 12
Carthaginian general who used elephants as battle tanks against the Romans
    $200 2
Norman Mailer's "The Naked & the Dead" is set in this theater of WWII
    $200 27
In late '50s he popularized a style of this item of clothing
    $200 7
Plant used in the Middle Ages to whiten teeth that still flavors toothpaste today
    $200 21
Chickens appeared on ancient coins of this neighbor of Nepal
    $200 18
With partner "duddy", it's an old-fashioned pompous person
    $300 13
Timothy the mouse was his flight instructor
    $300 3
In Stephen Crane's "The Red Badge of Courage", it's what the red badge of courage is
    DD: $500 28
In 1973, Perry had a hit with this song:

"And, yes, I know how lonely life can be. / The shadows follow me, / And the night won't set me free"
    $300 8
The 1st was Maxim, introduced by General Foods in 1964
    $300 24
In the 17th century one of these Scandinavian country's coins weighed 44 lbs.
    $300 19
Spanish "quince", French "quinze", & German "funfzehn"
    $400 14
A dangerous, anti-social, loner-type elephant, his picture should be in a "gallery"
    $400 4
Herman Wouk's sequel to "Winds of War"
    $400 29
It's his theme song
    $400 9
Sturgeon was once so plentiful in the U.S. that this treat was given away free with nickel beer
    $400 25
Largest denomination ever issued, one post-WWI German coin was worth this many marks
    $400 20
In piano duo of the '60s, he was Teicher's other half
    $500 15
A male elephant in musth feels he must do this
    $500 5
Hemingway wrote this WWI novel basing it partly on his own experience as ambulance driver
    $500 10
Blue-veined cheese that, by law, can only be ripened in caves near its namesake French town
    $500 26
Because its Montevideo mint closed in 1855, various world mints have made coins for this country
    $500 22
Projection bearing a tuft of hair on back of horse's leg above hoof

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Steve Stuart Susan
$3,100 -$300 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Stuart Susan
$3,600 $100 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Year the Washington-Moscow "hot line" was set up & President Kennedy died
    $200 12
Actress who said of Melvyn Douglas & herself in "Ninotchka", "We want to be alone"
    $200 18
Used as feed & the 4-H symbol
    $200 10
Donatello & Michelangelo both produced sculptures of this youthful biblical hero
    $200 5
Female equivalent to a knight in England, there's nothin' like one
    $200 20
Kipling wrote this "humph"ing animal got his hump when a djinn "humphed him" back
    $400 2
In 1914, following 16th Amendment, it was only 6% on amounts over $500,000
    $400 13
"Chicolini may talk like an idiot & look like an idiot, but don't let that fool you, he's really..." this
    $400 19
Hens are often kept in windowless rooms with twilight lighting for this reason
    $400 11
Using lost wax & green sand, not a couch, are 2 ways a artists do this to metal
    $400 6
Piece of knight's weaponry upon which his pennon is displayed
    $400 24
Son of Mustapha the tailor who went into the magic lamp trade
    $600 3
Though not Southern, this tiny state sent no Republicans to the house from 1938 to 1980
    $600 14
Film in which Bogart claims, "Fred C. Dobbs don't say nuthin' he don't mean"
    $600 21
At 76, this sculptor of "The Thinker" married the woman he had lived with for over 50 years
    $600 7
Legendary knight of Charlemagne, his tale is told in an epic poem written about 1100
    $600 25
If she would keep house, cook, make the beds, wash, sew, & knit, the dwarfs would let her stay
    $800 4
By 1930, with 1200 miles of track, this city's Pacific Electric was the longest U.S. interurban rail system
    $800 15
Playing silent film star Norma Desmond, she insisted, "I am big; it's the pictures that got small"
    $800 22
Clay medium that means "cooked earth" in Italian
    $800 8
To belong to this U.S. order, you have to be at least 18 and a practicing Roman Catholic
    $800 26
Very strong girl who lives alone in an old house called Villa Villekulla
    DD: $1,000 17
In 1939, he & Queen Elizabeth became the 1st British monarchs to visit the U.S.
    $1000 16
Sizing up Paul Newman, in "The Hustler" he says, "Eddie, you're a born loser"
    $1000 23
Only 20 miles from Mount Rushmore, the 563-foot sculpture of this Indian is world's largest
    $1000 9
The Poor Knights of Christ were called this because their quarters were on the site of Solomon's Temple
    $1000 27
Lewis Carroll asked "will you, won't you, will you, won't you join" this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Stuart Susan
$7,800 $1,900 $700
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The most famous bell tower in the world sits adjacent to a cathedral in this Italian city

Final scores:

Steve Stuart Susan
$5,800 $0 $0
2-day champion: $17,800 2nd place: WhiteWestinghouse refrigerator/freezer 3rd place: RegencyZ10 police scanner + Jetzon radial tyres

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Steve Stuart Susan
$7,800 $3,400 $700
27 R,
3 W
10 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
8 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $11,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1985-09-09
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