Show #178 - Wednesday, May 15, 1985


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Rick Miller, a sales representative from Arlington, Texas

Stephanie Beasley, a jewelry buyer from Houston, Texas

Guy Wynn, a technical instructor from Mentor, Ohio (whose 1-day cash winnings total $9,900)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
Professor Harold Hill said it spelled "trouble" for River City
    $100 19
Gum is often flavored with this minty herb, probably named for its sharp leaves
    $100 1
To cover a couch
    $100 5
Perhaps the only cop who ever asked a crook "Who loves ya, baby?"
    $100 9
The tiny malleus, incus & stapes bones of the ear are better known as these
    $100 8
Both names for father that fit this category
    $200 22
"M·A·S·H·'s" Radar who made his name as the "Good Man, Charlie Brown"
    $200 20
The white root of this herb makes a pungent relish, usually served with roast beef
    $200 2
It could hold water or dear, departed Uncle Max
    $200 7
Its lead character introduced himself with, "My name's Friday; I'm a cop"
    $200 13
The olfactory nerve controls this sense
    $200 12
You give this for "tat" to make things even Steven
    $300 23
From French for "nail" because of its shape, they spike oranges for pomanders & ham for Easter
    $300 3
In '58, '59 & '71, quarterback who led the Colts to world championships
    $300 10
Series William Shatner has starred in since he came down to Earth
    $300 15
Formal name for the voice box
    $300 17
It was to her he said, "Madam, I'm Adam"
    $400 4
A theater's "leading" man... in the aisles
    $400 11
Comic question asked of officers Toody & Muldoon
    $400 16
When food goes down the wrong pipe, it should have gone down this one
    DD: $500 24
Logically completes classical palindrome: "A man, a plan, a canal,..."
    $500 6
Its charter's preamble begins "We the peoples..."
    $500 14
This show only gained popularity in re-release after Burt Reynolds became a star
    $500 18
Mad's Alfred E. Neuman might be a good candidate for otoplasty, which is this
    $500 25
A child king; doubled, it's a way to express disapproval

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Guy Stephanie Rick
$1,100 $100 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Guy Stephanie Rick
$2,700 -$100 $300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
Maxwell Anderson's "Anne of the Thousand Days" is about this wife of Henry VIII
    $200 10
For past 20 yrs, this conqueror of Everest has been camping equipment advisor for Sears
    $200 2
10,000 American and Filipino prisoners died in "death march" on this Philippine peninsula
    $200 1
He said he's "not going to worry about the deficit; it's big enough to worry about itself"
    $200 12
The Trojans
    $200 21
Armless, backless sofa named for the Turkish empire
    $400 26
Tennessee Williams is the idol of this author who wrote "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"
    $400 17
This company's president, Victor Kiam, asks, "What have you got to lose except your whiskers?"
    $400 3
Jack Oakie played Benzino Napaloni, ruler of Bacteria, in this Charlie Chaplin film
    $400 7
"If you don't say anything, you won't be called on to repeat it", he said "silently"
    $400 13
The Razorbacks
    $400 22
Confection of jellylike cubes covered with powdered sugar
    $600 18
Metromedia, Inc. now owns this celebrated non-league basketball team
    $600 4
Ship which took the most casualties in the attack on Pearl Harbor
    $600 8
He said to Churchill, "it is fun to be in the same decade as you"
    $600 14
The Boilermakers
    $600 23
1964 M. Mercouri/ M. Schell film about theft of a dagger from famed Turkish museum
    $800 19
Designed as a hunting cap by William Coke in 1850, new ads in England are revitalizing its sales
    DD: $2,000 5
Based on a German sailor's experiences, this film showed WWII "from the other side":
    $800 9
According to Harry Truman, it's what you should do if you can't convince them
    $800 15
The Hoyas
    $800 24
Mustafa Kemal, founder of Turkish republic, changed his name to this
    $1000 20
The poorest country in the W. Hemisphere, it makes 90% of the world's baseballs
    $1000 6
World's tallest full-figure statue, "Motherland" commemorates this key Soviet victory
    DD: $2,900 11
In 1787, he wrote "A little rebellion now & then is a good thing"
    $1000 16
The Hawkeyes

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Guy Stephanie Rick
$7,400 $300 $1,900
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

One of only two countries in South America not bordering Brazil

Final scores:

Guy Stephanie Rick
$10,800 $0 $3,100
2-day champion: $20,700 3rd place: Vitamaster exercise bike 2nd place: Action Recliner + Bushnell binoculars

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Guy Stephanie Rick
$9,100 $300 $2,400
28 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
5 R,
5 W
11 R,
10 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $11,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1985-01-22
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