Show #2388 - Wednesday, January 11, 1995


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Michael Friel, a playwright from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Joyce Leahy, a community relations coordinator from Park Ridge, Illinois

Doug Carey, an attorney from Longwood, Florida (whose 1-day cash winnings total $13,201)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
Columbus begins his voyages to America & da Vinci begins "The Last Supper"
    $100 5
The welcome mat outside her Paramount dressing room said "Come up and see me sometime"
    $100 1
This ceremony of installing the president is traditionally held at noon on January 20
    $100 9
The Gulf of Cadiz borders Portugal & this country
    $100 26
This reusable Australian throwing weapon has a flat bottom, a curved top & an elbow
    $100 14
Seat for a sovereign
    $200 22
The Constitution is signed
    $200 6
This star of "Grace Under Fire" was named for Lady Brett Ashley in "The Sun Also Rises"
    $200 2
Hiram Revels, the first Black American senator, completed the term begun by this Confederate president
    $200 10
It's Italy's most populous island
    $200 27
This "weapon" from "Basic Instinct" was an item at an October 1993 Hollywood auction
    $200 17
Roman wrap
    $300 23
John T. Scopes is found guilty of teaching evolution
    $300 7
These 2 Gabor sisters starred in a 1975 revival of "Arsenic and Old Lace", dahling
    $300 3
With no party loyalty, an independent is more likely to vote this type of ticket than a straight one
    $300 11
Geographic features of this continent include Wilkes Land & Marie Byrd Land
    $300 28
During the 1993 baseball playoffs, thousands of Atlantans held foam versions of these weapons
    $300 18
Bicycle built for two
    $400 24
Cleveland serves his first term as president & Queen Victoria celebrates her golden jubilee
    $400 12
Once Emma Peel on "The Avengers", she won a 1994 Tony 1 day after she was named a Dame of the British Empire
    $400 4
To help pull America out of the Depression, FDR initiated this type of "spending" that exceeds revenues
    DD: $600 15
Isabela Island is the only island in this Ecuadoran group that lies on the equator
    $400 29
It's a weapon carried by a submarine, or another name for a submarine sandwich
    $400 19
Mary Mallon's malady
    $500 25
Emerson writes "Boston Hymn" & Julia Ward Howe writes "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
    $500 13
This actress who played a woman named Melanie in "The Birds" is the mother of Melanie Griffith
    $500 8
A descendant of Henry Wilson, Ulysses Grant's vice president, he became Sec'y of the Treasury in 1993
    $500 16
The Norwalk Islands lie off Norwalk in this New England state
    $500 30
South American weapon of 2 stones attached at the ends of a cord that's hurled at a target
    $500 20

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Doug Joyce Michael
$1,200 $1,200 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Doug Joyce Michael
$1,900 $3,300 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
In 1731 he founded the Library Company of Philadelphia
    $200 30
Poison gas threatens the Earth in "The Poison Belt" by this creator of Sherlock Holmes
    $200 11
"And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah"
    $200 21
In 1992 Imelda Marcos threw her shoe into the ring & ran for president of this country—she lost
    $200 6
More than half of this southeast state's orange crop is used for frozen citrus concentrate
    $200 1
In "Twelfth Night", the Duke of Illyria says, "If" this "be the food of love, play on"
    $400 17
During the Colonial era, the main crops in South Carolina were rice & this plant used to make dyes
    $400 29
In his 1960 story "I Remember Babylon", this "2001" author warned about the dangers of satellite TV
    $400 12
He told King Darius, "My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths"
    $400 22
This former vice president "values" his 3 children, Corinne, Tucker & Benjamin
    $400 7
The city of Bangor had this state's first radio station in 1922 & its first TV station in 1953
    $400 2
First name shared by Richard III's wife & Shakespeare's wife
    $600 18
There were 3 types of colonies: proprietary, corporate & this one under control of the Crown
    $600 28
He wrote sci-fi novels such as "Six Gun Planet" before he published "North and South"
    $600 13
The Lord told him, "Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet"
    $600 23
Marjorie Newell Robb, the oldest living survivor of this 1912 disaster, died in 1992 at the age of 103
    $600 8
The Snake River stampede, one of the West's largest rodeos, takes place each July in Nampa in this state
    $600 3
She says, "The raven himself is hoarse that croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan under my battlements"
    $800 19
Around 1622 Priscilla Mullens married this barrelmaker
    $800 27
In this 1972 Ira Levin novel, suburban chauvinists switch their spouses with robots
    $800 14
"There appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire" that took him to heaven in a whirlwind
    $800 24
Like her husband Helmut Newton, Alice Springs is prominent in this profession
    $800 9
In the 19th century, this second-smallest state was known as the "Peach State"
    $800 4
This play is based in part on the ancient satiric dialogue "Timon Misanthropus"
    DD: $600 20
When this legislative body first met in Jamestown July 30, 1619, it consisted of 22 citizens
    $1000 26
He called the fourth novel in his "Dune" series "God Emperor of Dune"
    $1000 15
This son of Saul successfully pleaded with his father to spare David's life
    $1000 25
In 1971 & 1972 poet Pablo Neruda was this South American country's ambassador to France
    $1000 10
Its state flower is the black-eyed Susan
    DD: $1,200 5
Achilles slays the unarmed Hector near the end of this tragedy

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Doug Joyce Michael
$2,100 $6,300 $8,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This flatware company can be traced back to a New York religious colony founded in 1848

Final scores:

Doug Joyce Michael
$4,199 $12,599 $12,601
3rd place: Kroy labelling system 2nd place: Curtis Mathis 32" home theater monitor receiver + La-Z-Boy sofa New champion: $12,601

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Doug Joyce Michael
$2,700 $8,100 $8,200
14 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
20 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
18 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $19,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1994-10-25
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