Show #2364 - Thursday, December 8, 1994


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Pat Litwinko, a magazine copy editor originally from New York City, New York

Charles Cuny, a finance professor originally from Sacramento, California

George Needham, an association executive from Park Ridge, Illinois (whose 2-day cash winnings total $27,901)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
About 1/4 of this "Pelican State"'s area consists of the Mississippi River delta
    $100 7
Though introduced by Frank Sinatra, "Everybody Loves Somebody" became this entertainer's theme song
    $100 8
Cafe au lait is made of equal quantities of coffee & this beverage
    $100 6
The largest of these on the moon appear to be of meteoric origin, the smallest ones of volcanic origin
    $100 21
December 15 has been set aside to commemorate this group of constitutional amendments
    $100 23
"Tragar el anzuelo" means to swallow this; in English, line & sinker are added
    $200 2
Most of this state's mineral wealth lies in the Black Hills
    $200 9
He personally guarantees his sausage products with the "highest standards for taste and goodness"
    $200 13
In its pure form this stimulant appears as glistening white crystals
    $200 17
In 1994 this country launched its 1st domestically designed & built rocket from Tanegashima Is.
    $200 22
This word associated with Scrooge has its own day—December 21
    $200 24
As quick as a wink becomes "en menos que canta un gallo", shorter than the song of this barnyard bird
    $300 3
This state's nickname "The Hawkeye State" probably honors the Indian leader Black Hawk
    $300 10
With an eye on Wall Street, Sears acquired this stock brokerage firm in 1981
    $300 14
Coffee berries, each containing 2 beans, are this color when fully ripe
    $300 18
To the disappointment of many "Star Trek" fans, this first shuttle never went into space
    $300 26
In December 1992 National Flashlight Day fell during this Jewish feast of lights
    $300 25
Something that's "delante de las narices" is right under this; how obvious
    $400 4
This state's only national forest is Finger Lakes National Forest
    $400 11
This baseball personality's given names were Jay Hanna, but he used Jerome Herman as well
    $400 15
A synonym for coffee, it's a variety grown in Indonesia
    $400 19
This orbiting telescope is controlled by radio from the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland
    DD: $1,300 27
In 1988 the U.N. first designated December 1 as the day to spotlight this epidemic disease
    $400 29
"Mas facil que beber un vaso de agua" translates to: as easy as drinking this
    $500 5
Its state bird is the Blue Hen chicken
    $500 12
"The Bad Place" & "Mr. Murder" are among the tales of terror by this bestselling author
    $500 16
This Procter & Gamble product is the leading brand of coffee sold in the U.S.
    $500 20
Icarus & Apollo, 2 of these, have diameters of about 1100 yards
    $500 28
During this ancient Roman festival held December 17-23, courts were closed & feuds forgotten
    $500 30
"Las cosas van de mal en peor" means things are going this way

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

George Charles Pat
$1,400 $1,000 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

George Charles Pat
$4,000 $1,700 $3,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1970s
    $200 9
In 1977 Anwar Sadat made a historic visit to this country, where he addressed the Knesset
    $200 26
In 1964 Elvis Presley gave FDR's yacht the Potomac to St. Jude Hospital in care of this entertainer
    $200 6
One of Robert Smithson's most famous works is the "Spiral Jetty" in this Utah lake
    $200 12
The palla was the female equivalent of this loose, draped outer garment worn by Roman men
    $200 1
Near the border of Colombia & Ecuador, ranges of this mountain system merge to form the Knot of Pasto
    $200 18
In 1919 Katharine Cornell starred as Jo in a play based on this famous novel
    $400 14
Major League Baseball returned to Milwaukee when the Seattle Pilots became this team
    $400 27
In 1934 this author named his 38-foot yacht Pilar, also a character in "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
    $400 7
In 1949 this pop artist received a degree in pictorial design from Pittsburgh's Carnegie Tech
    $400 13
Of a singlet, a doublet or a triplet, the garment that was fashionable for 16th century men
    $400 2
The Guadiana River forms part of this country's southeastern border with Spain
    $400 19
19th century Russian novelist & count whose play "The Power of Darkness" was based on a real murder
    $600 15
In May 1977 it made its last regular run from Paris to Istanbul
    $600 28
In 1949 producer David O. Selznick married this "Song of Bernadette" star aboard the yacht Manona
    $600 8
Edvard Munch is considered the most powerful modern artist this country has produced
    $600 23
Paul Poiret was famous for designing the minaret, harem & hobble styles of this garment
    $600 3
Although one of Europe's largest ports, this German city lies 68 miles inland on the Elbe River
    $600 20
Since the 1600s the Ichikawa family has been famous for acting in this form of drama
    $800 16
In 1979 Jerry Falwell founded this political action group
    $800 29
In 1987 & 1988 Dennis Conner skippered this San Diego Yacht Club entry to America's Cup Victories
    $800 10
In the 1960s David Hockney settled in this U.S. city whose sunny climate has influenced his work
    $800 24
The ruffled dress that this broad-shouldered star wore in the 1932 film "Letty Lynton" became a national craze
    $800 4
This country's most populous land region is Walachia, which borders the Danube River in the south
    DD: $2,000 21
This title character of a Sophocles tragedy is Oedipus' daughter & his half sister
    DD: $2,100 17
In 1975 John Paul Stevens took over the Supreme Court seat of this man, who retired after 36 1/2 years
    $1000 30
The world's largest yacht at 482 feet, the Abdul Aziz belongs to the royal family of this country
    $1000 11
This Swiss painter's description of his work can be translated as "taking a line for a walk"
    $1000 25
A bodice with a low, square neckline is named for this chicly-coiffed mistress of Louis XV
    $1000 5
The highest peak in this Caribbean nation is Blue Mountain at 7,402 feet
    $1000 22
Spanish playwright who wrote "The House of Bernarda Alba" for actress Margarita Xirgu

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

George Charles Pat
$7,500 $1,900 $7,100

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Collier's Encyclopedia calls this man "the most famous of Polynesians"

Final scores:

George Charles Pat
$799 $1,901 $7,100
3rd place: Krups kitchen appliance package 2nd place: La-Z-Boy sofa & love seat + S&S Mills carpeting New champion: $7,100

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

George Charles Pat
$7,500 $1,900 $7,100
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
3 W
18 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $16,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1994-09-13
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