Show #2361 - Monday, December 5, 1994


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Andy Morse, a money manager from Scarsdale, New York

Michele Rhodes, a CPA from Reston, Virginia

Alex Guard, an actor from St. Catharines, Ontario (whose 1-day cash winnings total $9,100)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex Trebek: I will give you the beers. You tell me the country of origination.)
    $100 7
In 1774 NJ citizens dressed as Indians for the Greenwich Tea Party, which resembled this 1773 event
    $100 1
This "Evening Shade" star's Institute for Theatre training is in Tequesta, Florida
    $100 24
To let people know you're a candidate, throw your hat here
    $100 3
The Zia symbol for this heavenly object is featured on the state's license plates & flag
    $100 21
Currently, she's the longest-reigning queen in the world
    $100 15
Innsbruck lager & Steffl Old Vienna lager
    $200 9
This famous flagmaker was the 8th of 17 children born to Samuel & Rebecca Griscom
    $200 2
This actor who was an avid gardener named one of his orchids for his TV co-star Barbara Hale
    $200 25
Can't be at the polling place on election day? Then vote by mail using one of these
    $200 4
Each July Taos holds one of these meetings of Indian tribes
    $200 22
On Sept. 6, 1981 a man in Finland caught one of these thrown a distance of 317' 10"; it didn't break
    $200 16
Grizzly Bear & Molson Light
    $300 10
On Oct. 25, 1764 Abigail Smith married this attorney
    $300 13
Philip Casnoff wore blue contact lenses when he played this singer in an acclaimed 1992 miniseries
    $300 28
Also called the slate, it can be voted straight or split
    $300 5
To get a mix of red & green ones in a New Mexico restaurant, ask for them "Christmas"
    $300 23
In terms of personnel, China currently has the largest army & this country has the largest navy
    $300 17
Asahi & Sapporo
    $400 11
The first theatre in the American colonies opened in 1716 in this colonial capital of Virginia
    $400 14
He made his film debut in 1947 in "Life with Father"; "Route 66" & "Adam-12" came later
    $400 29
In the winner-take-all system, the winner of the presidential popular vote in a state gets all of these
    $400 6
Century in which New Mexico became a state
    $400 26
A cookie made during the 1992 Riponfest in Wisconsin included almost 4 million of these
    $400 18
Cooper's Extra Stout & Foster's lager
    $500 12
Georgia became a royal province in 1752 when its charter was returned to this man for whom the colony was named
    $500 20
This star of "Matt Houston" wasn't born in Houston but in Muleshoe, Texas
    $500 30
For voting, a district, town or ward is divided into these
    $500 8
Ruts made by the wagons on this trail 150 years ago are still visible in Union County
    DD: $500 27
Called TV's most frequent clapper, she claps an estimated 720 times a show
    $500 19
Tuborg & Carlsberg

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Alex Michele Andy
$1,100 $1,900 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alex Michele Andy
$2,100 $3,600 $700

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex Trebek: These are all words that figure in plays by William Shakespeare.)
    $200 1
This dictator of Rome, assassinated in 44 B.C., always wore a laurel wreath to cover his baldness
    $200 2
Civil War general Daniel Butterfield composed this "Lights Out" bugle call in 1862
    $200 13
Jordan borders this "sea" that's 7 times saltier than the ocean
    $200 26
He made 2 surrealist films with Luis Bunuel: "An Andalusian Dog" & "The Golden Age"
    $200 21
The Earth's surface has 3 main features: the ocean floor, the mid-oceanic ridges & these land masses
    $200 9
If you neeze, a variant of this word, you may be blessed
    $400 4
After leading his army across the Alps, he campaigned in Italy for 16 years
    $400 3
Domenico Scarlatti wrote over 550 pieces for this piano predecessor
    $400 14
Only 1% of the land of this country between Russia & China is arable
    $400 27
Some consider his "Last Supper" in Milan the first work of the High Renaissance
    $400 22
Soft & sticky in warm weather & brittle in cold weather, add sulfur & heat it to vulcanize it
    $400 10
Candied meant frozen, so discandy, a verb, meant this
    $600 5
Peisistratus was tyrant of this Greek city-state from 546-527 B.C.
    $600 6
Translated into English, Giuseppe Verdi becomes Joe Green & he becomes John Brook
    $600 15
Eritrea is located on the part of eastern Africa known as this
    DD: $2,000 28
The friendship of these 2 creators of analytical Cubism ended at the start of WWI
    $600 23
A zygote has the full or diploid number of these
    $600 18
Term for a fool's stick with a fool's head on top; it's now a trinket like bangles & beads
    $800 7
Apollonius Rhodius wrote "Argonautica", an epic dealing with this man's quest for the Golden Fleece
    $800 11
Kangaroos, tortoises & an elephant are among the creatures in his "Carnival of the Animals"
    DD: $1,700 16
1 of the 2 countries that share the second- largest island in the world
    $800 29
This Dutchman's finest pupil, Carel Fabritius, was killed in the great Delft explosion of 1654
    $800 24
This temperature scale is also called the absolute scale
    $800 19
The upshot was the final shot or conclusion of a contest in this sport
    $1000 8
This author of "The Frogs" is the only "Old Comedy" writer for whom complete plays survive
    $1000 12
His works are classified by D numbers for Otto Erich Deutsch; D.759 is the "Unfinished" symphony
    $1000 17
South American capital that's closest to the equator
    $1000 30
His "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" was shown at the last Impressionist exhibition
    $1000 25
It was the first subatomic particle discovered
    $1000 20
It's what an anthropophaginian is

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alex Michele Andy
$11,400 $7,600 $1,500

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Ehud, Jephthah & Gideon are 3 of the people for whom this Old Testament book is named

Final scores:

Alex Michele Andy
$15,201 $7,601 $2,000
2-day champion: $24,301 2nd place: Bose home theater system + Bush home theatre ensemble 3rd place: Franklin Digital Book System

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alex Michele Andy
$12,500 $8,100 $1,500
26 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
6 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $22,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1994-09-13
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