In 1774 NJ citizens dressed as Indians for the Greenwich Tea Party, which resembled this 1773 event |
the Boston Tea Party
This "Evening Shade" star's Institute for Theatre training is in Tequesta, Florida |
Burt Reynolds
To let people know you're a candidate, throw your hat here |
in the ring
The Zia symbol for this heavenly object is featured on the state's license plates & flag |
the Sun
Currently, she's the longest-reigning queen in the world |
Elizabeth II
Innsbruck lager & Steffl Old Vienna lager |
This famous flagmaker was the 8th of 17 children born to Samuel & Rebecca Griscom |
Betsy Ross
This actor who was an avid gardener named one of his orchids for his TV co-star Barbara Hale |
Raymond Burr
Can't be at the polling place on election day? Then vote by mail using one of these |
an absentee ballot
Each July Taos holds one of these meetings of Indian tribes |
a pow wow
On Sept. 6, 1981 a man in Finland caught one of these thrown a distance of 317' 10"; it didn't break |
(Michele: What's an icicle?)
an egg
Grizzly Bear & Molson Light |
On Oct. 25, 1764 Abigail Smith married this attorney |
John Adams
Philip Casnoff wore blue contact lenses when he played this singer in an acclaimed 1992 miniseries |
Frank Sinatra
Also called the slate, it can be voted straight or split |
a ticket
To get a mix of red & green ones in a New Mexico restaurant, ask for them "Christmas" |
(chili) peppers
In terms of personnel, China currently has the largest army & this country has the largest navy |
(Andy: [*].) (Alex Trebek: Remember your phrasing.)
The United States
The first theatre in the American colonies opened in 1716 in this colonial capital of Virginia |
He made his film debut in 1947 in "Life with Father"; "Route 66" & "Adam-12" came later |
Marty Milner
In the winner-take-all system, the winner of the presidential popular vote in a state gets all of these |
the electoral votes
Century in which New Mexico became a state |
the 20th century
A cookie made during the 1992 Riponfest in Wisconsin included almost 4 million of these |
Chocolate chips
Cooper's Extra Stout & Foster's lager |
Georgia became a royal province in 1752 when its charter was returned to this man for whom the colony was named |
George II
This star of "Matt Houston" wasn't born in Houston but in Muleshoe, Texas |
Lee Horsley
For voting, a district, town or ward is divided into these |
(Andy: What are electoral districts?)
Ruts made by the wagons on this trail 150 years ago are still visible in Union County |
the Santa Fe Trail
Called TV's most frequent clapper, she claps an estimated 720 times a show |
(Michele: I have no idea.) (Alex Trebek: Oh, who is the star of our--one of the stars of our sister show, Wheel of Fortune, [*].)
Vanna White
Tuborg & Carlsberg |