It's been estimated that tho it has over 1/2 the world's pop., less than 10% of this continent yields crops |
It's said J.B. Jolly of Paris noticed that turpentine spilled on a dress cleaned it & so invented the process |
[Alex read the end of the clue as "so he invented this process".]
dry cleaning
A normal heart does this about 70 times a minute, or more than 100,000 times a day |
"Flower garden" & "wedding ring", 2 popular old designs for these, are still "bee"ing made today |
It's stealing the scene from another actor, even if you're downstage |
The "Valley of Death", Cubatao, in this country's Sao Paulo state, may be world's most polluted place |
The "iconoscope" was an early form of this device, 5 of which we use to tape our show |
a camera
Blood flows back to the heart from these organs by way of the 4 pulmonary veins |
the lungs
Of 3/8", 5/8", or 7/8", the standard width measurements for sewing seams |
Before fiddling on the roof, he turned into a rhinoceros onstage in an Ionesco play |
Zero Mostel
An apparatus that keeps your toes toasty, or '30s gangster slang for a pistol |
a heater
Of Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea or Kenya, the 1 that isn't on the equator |
(Paul: What is Kenya?)
Equatorial Guinea
The 1st of these synthetic fabrics was called "terylene" in Britain, "tergal" in France, & "dacron" in U.S. |
(Gail: What is nylon?) ... (Alex: You rang in there too late, Bob.)
This designer of the most famous artificial heart is a sculptor as well as a surgeon |
(Dr. Bob) Jarvik
When knitting a stockinette pattern, follow 1 knitted row with a row of this stitch |
a purl
On Broadway, he played the young lawyer in "Barefoot in the Park" & repeated the role on film |
Robert Redford
Put a loony in the bin, perpetrate a murder, or place something in your memory |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
It lies between Spain & France, is governed by Spain & France, & uses the currency & languages of both |
Georges de Mestral got idea for this from burrs that stuck to his pants during a hunting trip |
(Alex: We've got less than a minute to go, Gail.)
The lower chamber on each side of the heart |
the ventricle
The term for these comes from "exemplar", Latin for "pattern", not "home sweet home" |
(Gail: What is an example?)
a sampler
It's said an actress in "The Beggar's Opera" caused the duel between this historic American pair |
(Aaron) Burr & (Alexander) Hamilton
Independent island country S. of Sicily, it may have been part of a land bridge linking Africa to Italy |
With his invention he disproved the notion that it was nonsense "to stop a railroad train with wind" |
(Bob: What is a wind tunnel?) (Gail: What is an air brake?) (Alex: No, we can't go for more specific on that, I don't think.)
George Westinghouse
This, not auricle, is proper name for the upper chamber--or a central chamber of a Roman house |
the atrium
You can unravel our answers more easily than you can this finished edge on a bolt of fabric |
a selvage
World's longest running musical, this off-Broadway play sold over 1 million tickets in a theater seating 153 |
The Fantasticks