If you want to charge up San Juan Hill, you have to go to this country |
At age 11 months this granddaughter of John Barrymore starred in a commercial for Gainesburgers |
Drew Barrymore
Types of these used in Latin American music include bongos & congas |
Men of the landed gentry used this courtesy title after their names, as some lawyers still do |
(Don: What is [*]? What is squire?) [Originally ruled correct; reversed after first break]
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier was recognized by this group, abbreviated AKC, in 1974 |
the American Kennel Club
Twain said it's the only animal that blushes; Poe said it's the only animal that diddles |
humans (man)
Todt Hill, on this island reachable by ferry, is New York City's highest natural point |
Staten Island
This conservative radio talk show host was once a public relations man for the Kansas City Royals |
Rush Limbaugh
This instrument used in Spanish dances is named for its resemblance to a pair of chestnuts |
(Don: What are mariachis?)
Wm. Stoughton, chief justice at these 1692 trials, was noted for his lack of compassion for the accused |
the Salem witch trials
The Silky Terrier, formerly called the Sydney Silky, was developed in this country circa 1900 |
Types of these mentioned by Poe in a poem include silver, wedding & alarum |
Deadwood, South Dakota is in them thar hills |
the Black Hills
Before "The Hunt for Red October", his only publishing credit was an article on the MX missile |
Tom Clancy
To make it lighter, this instrument named for "The March King" is sometimes made of fiberglass |
a Sousaphone
Most of these servants who contracted to work without wages for a few years were British or German |
indentured servants
This "blue" dog, native to Ireland, is born black & becomes deep slate to light gray |
the Kerry Blue Terrier
Title home referred to as a "mansion of gloom" |
the House of Usher
The source of this major river known in song for its boatmen is near a small lake in the Valday Hills |
the Volga
The 1984 Democratic presidential nominee, he's now U.S. ambassador to Japan |
Walter Mondale
This member of the violin family is tuned one octave below the viola |
a cello
In 1740 & 1743 this founder of Georgia led unsuccessful attacks on the Spanish in St. Augustine |
The Border Terrier was developed in the border area between these 2 U.K. countries |
Scotland & England
This torture instrument had a crescent of glittering steel & it "hissed as it swung" |
a pendulum
Viminal, Caelian, Quirinal, Aventine, Esquiline, Capitoline & Palatine |
the (7) hills of Rome
In June 1995 she read her poem "A Brave and Startling Truth" at the U.N.'s 50th birthday bash |
Maya Angelou
Jazz musician Arturo Sandoval is famous for playing this brass instrument |
the trumpet
Some called this British holiday Pope Day because they believed the pope had inspired the Gunpowder Plot |
Guy Fawkes Day
This black & tan dog is the first alphabetically & the largest of the terriers |
the Airedale
In the "Tellmenow Isitsoornot", Poe found "the thousand-and-second tale of" this woman |