In 1942 the Supreme Court ruled that divorces granted in this state were valid throughout the U.S. |
The animals of a particular region are called this, after the wife of Faunus |
(Beverly: What is... I'm sorry.) ... (Alex: Yes. Flora and [*].)
A 32ยข POW & MIA stamp was issued May 29, 1995, coinciding with this U.S. holiday |
Memorial Day
Seas bordering this nation include Barents, Kara & Laptev |
Terms in this board game include king & double jump |
There's a magazine devoted to collecting these celebrity signatures |
In May 1940 he succeeded Neville Chamberlain as British prime minister |
Winston Churchill
The plants of a particular region are called this, after the Roman goddess of flowers |
The Desert Plants series of 1981 featured an agave, & the beavertail, barrel & saguaro types of these |
Piraeus, Greece overlooks the Saronic Gulf, an inlet of this arm of the Mediterranean |
(Beverly: What is the Adriatic?)
the Aegean Sea
The object of this outdoor game is to maneuver your ball through a circuit of wickets first |
It's the mark on a steer used to determine ownership |
a brand
By the end of the decade, this racial segregation policy became law in South Africa |
This word meaning gigantic can refer to the children of Uranus & Gaea or a doomed luxury liner |
This illustrator's picture of "Tom Sawyer Whitewashing A Fence" appeared on a 1972 stamp |
Norman Rockwell
The waters of this sea are shallow on the Italian side but deep along Croatia |
(Beverly: Now, it's [*]. What is [*]?)
the Adriatic
In this game tiles with the same number of pips on each end are placed crosswise |
This Declaration of Independence signer's name is synonymous with signature |
John Hancock
This German state, a major power under Frederick the Great, was formally dissolved in 1947 |
This day of the week is named for the Norse god of thunder |
A 1993 stamp for "AIDS Awareness" featured this symbol |
a (red) ribbon
Ukrainians call this sea Chorne More; Romanians call it Marea Neagra |
the Black Sea
It's played on a 50-foot-long, 10-foot-wide court with a stake at each end |
An X placed on one of these may get someone elected |
a ballot
On Oct. 11, 1945 these 2 Chinese leaders jointly pledged their mutual desires for peace & unity |
Mao Tse-tung & Chiang Kai-shek
An artist's inspiration may be called his this, in honor of the 9 goddesses of arts & learning |
the muses (his muse)
Delicate Arch appears on a 1996 stamp celebrating this Western state's centennial |
(Amy: What is Missouri?)
The Netherlands' West Frisian Islands & Germany's East Frisian Islands lie in this sea |
the North Sea
It's the Italian version of lawn bowling |
It's a small seal or the ring that makes it |
a signet