As well as trash & absorbent pet material, it can also mean the organic surface layer of the forest floor |
Since 1301 this title has belonged to the heir apparent to the British throne |
the Prince of Wales
Though the 1871 Chicago fire began in this family's barn, their house suffered only minor damages |
the O'Learys
To get us started, a serving of this dish named for an oilman: oysters topped with spinach & then baked |
Oysters Rockefeller
Arte Moreno bought the baseball team in 2003 & renamed it the Los Angeles Angels of this place |
A formal reduction in rank, status or position |
Formed at the Earth's surface, basalt is the extrusive type of this "Big 3" type of rock |
Heirs want to stay on the good side of this, the person mainly charged with carrying out a will's provisions |
the executor
The first successful print of this future partner of James Ives was of a fire in Manhattan |
(Nathaniel) Currier
Waiter, we'd like 2 services of this chilled cream-potato-leek soup |
The address of Angel Stadium is on a street named for this singing cowboy |
(Tim: Who is Roy Rogers?) (Alex: Oh, no.)
Gene Autry
The DM in Korea's DMZ |
Heat rising from within the Earth is mostly from this type of decay of elements like uranium & thorium |
radioactive decay
Peter Faneuil, who gave this city its hall, inherited his uncle's fortune after another nephew was cut off for marrying |
Maria Theresa ordered this Italian opera house built after a fire destroyed the Royal Ducal Theatre in 1776 |
La Scala
To heat up my chilly bones, bring out a large bottle of this warmed & fermented rice drink from Japan |
"Vlad's Pad" at Angel Stadium is named for this right fielder & 2004 league MVP |
Vladimir Guerrero
Cognitive deterioration, sometimes "senile" |
Immense boulders in random & odd places were some of the first evidence that these "Ages" happened |
Ice Ages
Charlene, sole heir of the late Alfred of this Dutch brewing giant, is worth $4.9 billion |
The Bank of America is around today because A.P. Giannini saved its currency from this city's 1906 fire |
(Alex: You got it!)
San Francisco
I'm in the mood for a little Italian: how 'bout an order of anitra all'aranci, this fowl cooked in orange sauce |
[ERRATUM: The preferred spelling of the dish appears to be "anatra all'arancia".]
Sportswriters refer to the Angels as these appropriate circular items, like the one in the team's logo |
the Halos
To object or voice opposition |
(Tim: What is to demonstrate?)
1 of the 3 Cs in the geological-period mnemonic "camels often sit down carefully--perhaps their joints creak..." |
Cretaceous (or Cambrian or Carboniferous)
If Richie Rich's father dies, his legacy is managed by one of these, from the Latin for "guard" |
a custodian
After a 1624 fire Christian IV replanned this Northern European city & renamed it Christiania |
(Tim: What is Copenhagen?)
For dessert, bring me some of this apple-filled rolled pastry whose name is from the German for "whirlpool" |
This Angel manager spent 13 years catching for the Dodgers |
Mike Scioscia
The young women "d'Avignon" in the title of a painting by Picasso |