Show #1795 - Friday, May 22, 1992

Jerome Vered game 5.


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Julie Nahmais, a disability analyst originally from Flushing, New York

Daniel Swartz, a rabbi originally from Mequon, Wisconsin

Jerome Vered, a writer from Studio City, California (whose 4-day cash winnings total $81,401)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 2
Psychologists refer to this sense as olfaction
    $100 1
You should hard-boil these breakfast items before adding them to your chiffonade dressing
    $100 11
Whidbey Island is the largest of the many islands in this inlet
    $100 26
In the Mother Goose rhyme, he "was a merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he"
    $100 14
In Geoffrey of Monmouth's version of this legend, this wife of King Arthur is called Guanhumara
    $100 21
"Needful Things" is a recent tale of terror by this author of "It" & "Cujo"
    $200 3
The length of this on Jupiter is less than 10 hours
    $200 7
Olympia ones are often eaten on the half shell
    $200 12
The portrait of Washington on the state seal is from a portrait by this artist
    $200 27
In song, Stephen Foster said these people stay "way down upon the Swanee River"
    $200 17
In the Bible, Jesus cautioned his followers to "Remember" this man's "wife" who turned to salt
    $200 22
In 1931 Jean de Brunhoff wrote the first of several children's tales about this elephant
    $300 4
Palynology seeks knowledge about past plant distribution by studying grains of this
    $300 8
Nationality whose name often precedes chard, steak & fondue
    $300 13
Washington's state fish is the steelhead species of this
    $300 28
According to a proverb, these "die hard"
    $300 18
In memory of his wife Arjumand Banu Begum, who died in childbirth, Shah Jahan built this mausoleum
    $300 23
This author was one of the first to use the term "Jazz Age" in his "Tales of the Jazz Age" in 1922
    $400 5
Consisting of 3 atoms, water is an example of a triatomic one of these units
    $400 9
Of chocolate, cheese or chili peppers, the one you're most likely to find in bishop's bread
    $400 15
Completed in 1942, this dam contains about 12 million cubic yards of concrete
    $400 30
Because its tail is usually clipped, this shaggy dog is also called a bobtail
    $400 19
In September 1991 this fourth & last wife of Charlie Chaplin died at age 66
    $400 24
The general prologue to this monumental work describes the meeting of 30 pilgrims at the Tabard Inn
    $500 6
American Arthur Compton's work proved the existence of these "particles" of light
    $500 10
A boule-de-neige is a dessert named for & resembling one of these spheres
    $500 16
Once head of the Atomic Energy Commission, she became the state's 1st woman governor in 1977
    $500 29
For its loyalty to the British Crown, Charles II gave Virginia this nickname
    DD: $500 20
With her mother superior's blessings, Maria Kutschera became the wife of this Austrian baron in 1927
    $500 25
"The Last of the Mohicans" is among the novels that make up this series of tales

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jerome Daniel Julie
$1,700 $900 -$400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jerome Daniel Julie
$3,300 $1,200 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Japan's Showa reign ended in 1989 with the death of this emperor
    $200 26
The term for regular payments you get from your employer after retiring
    $200 6
Major hotels in this city include Shepheard's & the Nile Hilton
    $200 11
Ira Gershwin wrote, "Summertime and the livin' is" this
    $200 21
One Saxon name for this month was Aefter-Yula or "after Christmas"
    $200 16
At Carnegie Hall in 1935, she talked about "Adventures in Flying"; she disappeared 2 years later
    $400 2
On Christmas Day, 800, as he prayed at St. Peter's Church, he was crowned Emperor of the Romans
    $400 27
NASDAQ deals in OTC stocks, OTC standing for this
    $400 7
This city on the Tiete River accounts for about 40% of Brazil's industrial output
    $400 12
According to playwright William Congreve, "You must not" do this "and tell"
    $400 22
The name of this month might come from a Latin word meaning "to open", being a time when flowers open
    $400 17
Oceanus Hopkins was born on this ship while it was at sea; Peregrine White, after it got to New England
    $600 3
After becoming emperor of Ethiopia in 1930, he gave the country its first written constitution
    $600 28
It provides transportation & utility stock averages as well as its famous industrial
    $600 8
The tombs of Michelangelo & Machiavelli are in the Church of Santa Croce in this Italian city
    DD: $2,000 13
Milton Friedman said, "There's only one place where inflation is made: that's in" this city
    $600 23
The 11th of this month once marked the beginning of winter; now it commemorates the end of WWI
    $600 18
Milan Stefanik, a Slovakian astronomer & soldier, helped found this nation in 1918
    $800 4
It's uncertain whether this Aztec emperor was killed by Cortez' troops or by his own people
    $800 29
"Geographic" term for corporations registered in places where taxes are less, like the Caymans or Bahamas
    $800 9
Nymphenburg Palace, the summer residence of the Bavarian kings, lies on the outskirts of this German city
    $800 14
17th century poet Jean de la Fontaine said, "A hungry" one of these organs "cannot hear"
    $800 24
The Greeks honored Demeter & the Romans honored Ceres during this harvest month
    $800 19
As captain of the Queen's Guard, this courtier watched the execution of his rival, Lord Essex
    $1000 5
Maximilian, who became emperor of Mexico in 1864, was the brother of this Austrian emperor
    $1000 30
A strike is a stoppage of work by the workers & this is a stoppage decided by management
    $1000 10
Regina, this Canadian province's capital, was originally called Pile O'Bones
    $1000 15
In "The People, Yes" this poet wrote, "Sometime they'll give a war and nobody will come"
    DD: $1,200 25
In the part of South America south of the equator, summer begins during this month
    $1000 20
This 1st wife was legally married to Henry VIII longer than anyone else: over 23 years

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jerome Daniel Julie
$13,500 $2,000 $5,800
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

An anthem that he composed for George II's 1727 coronation has been used for British crownings ever since

Final scores:

Jerome Daniel Julie
$15,400 $3,999 $11,599
5-day champion: $96,801 3rd place: Magnavox 3" portable LCD TV + a Nintendo Entertainment System with Super Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune games 2nd place: a trip to San Francisco aboard TWA at the Savoy Hotel

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jerome Daniel Julie
$11,900 $2,000 $5,800
33 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
12 R,
4 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $19,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1992-01-15
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