This bestselling Western author wrote about the Sackett family in more than a dozen novels |
Louis L'Amour
2003: Actor Bob Harris, suffering from jet lag in Tokyo |
Bill Murray
The controversial "Da Vinci Code" suggests that it isn't John seated beside Jesus in this painting but Mary Magdalene |
The Last Supper
Haru-Urara, a racehorse from this country, is winning hearts & minds even though she's lost over 100 races |
(Ken: What is Vietnam?)
Cancun is a popular spot for this "seasonal" trip, as in the 2003 film "The Real Cancun" |
spring break
A precious grayish-white metallic element, or a term to describe Harlow's blonde hair |
This "Age of Innocence" author made her debut in society in 1879 |
(Edith) Wharton
2002: Mary Jane Watson, the girl of Peter Parker's dreams |
(Alex: Yes, Spider-Man.)
Kirsten Dunst
The Manet painting seen here shows this similarly named artist in his studio boat |
(Claude) Monet
A British man recently sold all of his belongings, including the shirt off his back, for 1 shot at this casino game |
(Alex: He put $135,000 down, and he won. Doubled his money.)
A "medicine" prescribed simply for the mental relief of a patient |
a placebo
"Sons", the second book in a trilogy begun with this work, traces the destinies of the 3 sons of Wang Lung |
(Alex: You can risk up to $2,000. Your choice.) (Cara: But I can't get back again.) (Alex: Well, you could. Don't be pessimistic and think you're going to respond incorrectly. Be on the positive side.) (Cara: I'll wager $1,500.) ... (Cara: Oh, my goodness. What is...) (Alex: You're right so far.) (Cara: Uh-huh.) (Alex: Cara...?) (Cara: Fathers?)
The Good Earth (by Pearl Buck)
2004: Starsky & Hutch |
(Ken: Who are Ben Stiller and Wilson?) (Alex: Which Wilson?)
Ben Stiller & Owen Wilson
Before his geometric designs like "Composition with Red, Yellow and Blue", he was a landscape painter |
This presidential hopeful's running mate, Lloyd Bentsen, reportedly quipped in '88, "The momentum is ours" |
Tikal National Park is in this country that shares the peninsula with Mexico & Belize |
A level of stability, or a relatively flat surface |
a plateau
This Sinclair Lewis doctor attempts to halt an epidemic on a West Indian island with his anti-bacterial serum |
Martin Arrowsmith
2003: Racetrack radio reporter Tick-Tock McGlaughlin |
(Alex: Looks to me like...) (Ken: I'm gonna mess with you, Alex. $8,400.) (Alex: Whoa. I was expecting $3,400, but you're feeling confident, and that's good.) ... (Alex: In Seabiscuit, right.)
William H. Macy
In Rembrandt's "The Abduction of" her, this mythological woman is carried off on a white bull |
The miraculous 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team beat this country in its final game |
Just off the peninsula, this 189-sq.-mi. island attracting divers & tourists is part of Quintana Roo state |
An epidemic with a high rate of mortality, or a novel by Albert Camus |
(Alex: And we have a minute to go.)
a plague
In the prologue of a 1952 novel, this author wrote, "I am an invisible man" |
(Ralph) Ellison
2004: Jesus Christ, during his last 12 hours |
Jim Caviezel
An image in Dali's "Persistence of Memory" was apparently based on one in this man's "Garden of Earthly Delights" |
Hieronymus Bosch
"Project Longshot" is a proposed plan to send an unmanned probe to this star system closest to Earth |
Alpha Centauri
A commonplace or trite remark |
a platitude