Show #4944 - Thursday, February 23, 2006


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Carolyn Eichner, a historian and professor of women's studies from Tampa, Florida

Bonnie Clair, an attorney from St. Louis, Missouri

Samantha Kaji, a supervisor from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada (whose 1-day cash winnings total $18,900)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
"One Severe Storm"
    $200 2
She received 2 straight Best Actress nominations, for "Mary Poppins" & "The Sound of Music"
    $200 17
Also known as a silk hat, it's worn by Mr. Peanut & Edgar Bergen's dummy Charlie McCarthy
    $200 12
David Henny is the inventor of the Henny shear joint used in building these, including the Boulder & Grand Coulee
    $200 26
In June 1864 this early machine gun was used by Union troops at the siege of Petersburg, Virginia
    $200 9
The Merchant Marine Academy is part of this government department
    $400 4
"Small Village"
    $400 3
A documentary feature on her won a 1955 Oscar; 7 years later, Patty Duke won an Oscar for portraying her
    $400 19
Genuine versions of this hat are handwoven from straw of the jipijapa plant in Ecuador
    $400 18
Under the auspices of the Marquess of Queensberry, John Graham Chambers drew up the rules for this sport
    $400 27
To quote Ice Cube, "Here's another topic I'm addressin' so learn a quick lesson about" this pair
    $400 13
This device can increase or reduce power so your blow dryer doesn't get extra volts on your trip to Europe
    $600 5
"Lots o' Bustle Concerning Zilch"
    $600 8
As a presenter at the 1942 Oscars, this composer announced himself as the winner for Best Song for "White Christmas"
    $600 20
The chukka hat is worn by players in this sport & is so-named for the periods of the game called chukkers
    $600 23
In 1885 Frank Ball found the patent had expired on the glass jars named for this man, so he began making them
    DD: $1,500 28
In the 1840s a Philadelphia gunsmith invented this short-barreled pocket pistol now named for him
    $600 14
Based on Hindu practices, it uses mantras & is abbreviated TM
    $800 6
"A Subjugation for One Small Burrowing Mammal"
    $800 10
For 1998, this Italian movie won Best Foreign Film & its star Roberto Benigni won Best Actor
    $800 21
Just because a 15th century woman's hennin was this shape didn't mean she was a dunce
    $800 24
In the 1930s surgeon Alexis Carrel worked on designing an artificial heart with this aviator
    $800 29
Seen here, it's the classic 94 model from this company whose repeating rifles tamed the frontier
    $800 15
This highway extends almost 5,000 miles from St. John's, Newfoundland to Victoria, British Columbia, eh
    $1000 7
"Rialto Retailer"
    $1000 11
Of this company's 13 "True-Life Adventures" made between 1948 & 1960, 8 won Oscars
    $1000 22
This hat named for its "north-of-the-border" wearers is worn in the U.S. by state policemen & forest rangers
    $1000 25
In 1977 Spyros Kyprianou succeeded this archbishop as president of Cyprus
    $1000 30
4-letter name of the submachine gun that replaced the Tommy gun in the British armed forces
    $1000 16
It rises over 800 feet in San Francisco

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Samantha Bonnie Carolyn
$4,600 $600 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Samantha Bonnie Carolyn
$5,800 $5,300 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
The Navy doesn't like to attribute the loss of the USS Cyclops to forces in this spooky area
    $400 7
Mr. Blackwell, 2004:
"From cyber disgrace to red carpet chills" with this hotel heiress
    $400 17
This sea off Italy was named for an Italian city, once an important Roman port
    $400 4
Right now I'm so jonesing for a batter-fried fish taco, the kind that originated on this Mexican peninsula
    $400 23
This university's first scholarship fund was created in 1643 with a gift from Ann Radcliffe
    $400 12
Advice guru Ms. Van Buren's striped cats
    $800 2
According to Plato, Solon, a great Greek lawgiver, went to Egypt & received the story of this lost land
    $800 19
In 2002 the Daily Star said this "What A Girl Wants" singer "looked like a multi-coloured Muppet"
    $800 18
Rivers emptying into this "directional" sea include the Mekong & the Xi Jiang
    $800 8
After a gnarly wave rag-dolls me, to recover, I chow on a chicken bowl covered with this sweet soy, ginger & sake sauce
    $800 25
Founded in 1843 in Worcester, it's the oldest Catholic college in New England
    $800 13
Uniquely coiffed NYC real estate mogul's "derriere" steaks
    $1200 3
Also known as Rapa Nui, this Chilean island is known for strange statues & rongo-rongo hieroglyphs
    $1200 20
In like Flynn: a tutu-like dress on this star of "The Practice" led to "She looks like Trashy Ballet Barbie"
    $1200 24
This sea's greatest depth is the Cayman Trench at 25,216 feet below sea level
    $1200 9
When I go to Hatteras, the local choice grindage is a chopped or pulled type of this sandwich
    $1200 28
This univ. named for a judge was founded in 1948 as the only Jewish-sponsored nonsectarian one in the U.S.
    $1200 14
President & later Chief Justice's cold currents of air
    DD: $2,000 5
On a 50th anniversary, Lucia dos Santos accompanied Pope Paul VI to a shrine in this village in 1967
    $1600 21
The Village Voice said she "was roundly chided for wearing... a dead cockatoo on her head" at the Oscars in the '80s
    $1600 29
Saintly islands in this sea include St. Paul in the Pribilofs, St. Lawrence & St. Matthew
    $1600 10
Dave Barham is my huey for founding this rad "Hot Dog" franchise with batter from his mom's cornbread recipe
    $1600 26
"Transcendental" college in Boston devoted exclusively to the study of communication & performing arts
    $1600 15
Rhode Island founder Williams' major league baseball team
    $2000 6
This Biblical prophet tells of an odd sight resembling "a wheel in the middle of a wheel"
    $2000 22
This "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" fashionista asked a "client" if he bought all his clothing from Home Depot
    DD: $1,800 30
You can sail between these 2 seas via Germany's Kiel Canal
    $2000 11
Uluwatu on Bali is never a skunkfest; neither is this Indonesian skewered meat dish served with a spicy peanut sauce
    $2000 27
2 of the 3 "Seven Sisters" colleges not located in Massachusetts--unlike the rest of the category
    $2000 16
Goneril & Cordelia's sister, after eschewing eating all animal products

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Samantha Bonnie Carolyn
$8,200 $13,900 $5,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This 1915 story says, "His numerous legs, which were pitifully thin... waved helplessly before his eyes"

Final scores:

Samantha Bonnie Carolyn
$2,200 $16,401 $9,500
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $16,401 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Samantha Bonnie Carolyn
$8,200 $14,800 $7,000
17 R,
4 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $30,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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