Caesar said "The die is cast", upon crossing this river |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
the Rubicon
He played for the Chicago Cubs & Brooklyn Dodgers before becoming TV's "Rifleman" |
Chuck Connors
Style abbreviated "R&B" |
rhythm & blues
In TV commercials, Brooke Shields claimed nothing came between her & his jeans |
Calvin Klein
A variation of this is "4 eyes see more than 2" |
two heads are better than one
Plato placed this "lost continent" in the ocean west of Gibraltar |
He's chairman of American Ship Building as well as N.Y. Yankees' owner |
George Steinbrenner
This composer's 2-movement symphony is always performed in its "Unfinished" state |
This American designer went from pillbox hat in '60s to Penney's ready-to-wear in '80s |
A modern proverb says, "The opera isn't over till" she sings |
the fat lady
Antoine de Saint-Exupery hero who watered the only rose on asteroid B-612 |
the Little Prince
With earnings est. at $2,130,000, this Phillies' slugger was highest paid player for '85 season |
Mike Schmidt
The human voice, the bagpipe, & the clarinet are part of this instrument family |
(Ron: What are the wind organs--the wind instruments?) (Alex: No. All right, be more specific.) (Ron: What are the woodwinds?)
the reeds
Schiaparelli's perfume was "shocking", her autobiography "Shocking Life", & her color trademark, this |
shocking pink
Proverbially, "silence is golden", but this "is silver" |
Legendary city of gold described by Voltaire in "Candide" |
El Dorado
2 of 5 original members of Baseball Hall of Fame |
(2 of) Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb (Honus Wagner, Walter Johnson or Christy Mathewson)
1886 hit whose title came from remark by minstrel seeing kids setting fire in Old Town, La. |
(Alex: With less than a minute to go in the round.)
"A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight"
The theme song for this '80s "Omo" designer could be "Put Your Head On My Shoulder Pad" |
Norma Kamali
Every hill has its valley, every tide has this |
Term for wild uproar, it's the capital of hell in "Paradise Lost" |
Announcer who applied word "rhubarb" from name of fictional cat to a disturbance on the field |
Red Barber
U. of Rochester's school of music, it's named after photography giant who originally funded it |
the Eastman
Double F signature of this female family firm is featured on finest in Italian furs & bags |
This proverb refers to a former penalty for sheep stealing |
[Audible popping noise] (Alex: That is not the penalty, by the way, that gunshot is one of our lights blowing out.)
one might as well be hanged for stealing a sheep as a lamb
C.S. Lewis' magical land, sometimes reached thru an opening behind old coats hung in a wardrobe |