Show #333 - Wednesday, December 18, 1985


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Ron Marriott, a student originally from Cupertino, California

Jon Lindsey, an attorney from New York City

Denise Nielsen, a teacher from Thousand Oaks, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $8,399)

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Jeopardy! Round

THE '50s
    $100 2
You wore them to watch the "deepies"
    $100 11
At railroad crossings we should stop, look, & do this
    $100 18
Steven Petrosino drank a liter of this brew in 1.3 seconds
    $100 26
This kind of bear is actually yellowish, not pure white
    $100 16
In England, this color cat walking toward you is good luck
    $100 1
1 cup flour,
2 eggs, &
1 stick butter
    DD: $600 7
Series introduced by this Gounod piece:

[Instrument music plays.]
    $200 12
Joe De Rita,
Joe Besser,
Jerome Howard,
& Shemp Howard all were 3rd member of this group
    $200 19
Aaron Marshall took one of these for 336 hours
    $200 27
The only great ape that hunts is the smallest of the great apes
    $200 17
Before an opening, it's bad luck to wish an actor this
    $200 3
This job entails answering phones, greeting clients, & shielding the boss from pushy salesmen
    $300 8
Famous mountain climber who spent '57 & '58 crossing Antarctica
    $300 13
"Tom Dooley" was their only #1 hit
    $300 20
Waiter Roger Bourban ran a marathon in less than 3 hours carrying this
    $300 28
Animal that introduced the word "jumbo" to the English language
    $300 23
A ladder with an even number of these will cause climbers to trip or fall
    $300 4
Howard Hughes or Greta Garbo, for example
    $400 9
Clergyman who rose to fame by pushing "The Power of Positive Thinking" in '52
    $400 14
TV's Superman fought "a never ending battle" for these
    $400 21
Jim "The Mouth" Purol smoked 40 of these all at once
    $400 24
Biting the head off the 1st of these insects fluttering about in spring makes for a lucky year
    $400 5
This show is little Gary's big chance to show off his singing lessons to Auntie Barbara
    $500 10
In the '50s it became the 1st atomic sub launched & 1st to sail under the North Pole
    $500 15
Largest American maker of "quality" men's suits
    $500 22
Thomas Hunt "ran" 50 meters in 18.4 seconds this way
    $500 25
If you carry the heart of this amphibian in your pocket, you can steal & not get caught
    $500 6
The house in which an Episcopal minister lives

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Denise Jon Ron
$200 $1,500 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Denise Jon Ron
$1,000 $2,500 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Caesar said "The die is cast", upon crossing this river
    $200 1
He played for the Chicago Cubs & Brooklyn Dodgers before becoming TV's "Rifleman"
    $200 8
Style abbreviated "R&B"
    $200 17
In TV commercials, Brooke Shields claimed nothing came between her & his jeans
    $200 6
A variation of this is "4 eyes see more than 2"
    $200 9
Plato placed this "lost continent" in the ocean west of Gibraltar
    $400 2
He's chairman of American Ship Building as well as N.Y. Yankees' owner
    $400 12
This composer's 2-movement symphony is always performed in its "Unfinished" state
    $400 18
This American designer went from pillbox hat in '60s to Penney's ready-to-wear in '80s
    $400 7
A modern proverb says, "The opera isn't over till" she sings
    $400 10
Antoine de Saint-Exupery hero who watered the only rose on asteroid B-612
    $600 3
With earnings est. at $2,130,000, this Phillies' slugger was highest paid player for '85 season
    $600 22
The human voice, the bagpipe, & the clarinet are part of this instrument family
    $600 19
Schiaparelli's perfume was "shocking", her autobiography "Shocking Life", & her color trademark, this
    $600 14
Proverbially, "silence is golden", but this "is silver"
    $600 11
Legendary city of gold described by Voltaire in "Candide"
    DD: $2,000 4
2 of 5 original members of Baseball Hall of Fame
    DD: $2,200 23
1886 hit whose title came from remark by minstrel seeing kids setting fire in Old Town, La.
    $800 20
The theme song for this '80s "Omo" designer could be "Put Your Head On My Shoulder Pad"
    $800 15
Every hill has its valley, every tide has this
    $800 13
Term for wild uproar, it's the capital of hell in "Paradise Lost"
    $1000 5
Announcer who applied word "rhubarb" from name of fictional cat to a disturbance on the field
    $1000 24
U. of Rochester's school of music, it's named after photography giant who originally funded it
    $1000 21
Double F signature of this female family firm is featured on finest in Italian furs & bags
    $1000 16
This proverb refers to a former penalty for sheep stealing
    $1000 25
C.S. Lewis' magical land, sometimes reached thru an opening behind old coats hung in a wardrobe

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Denise Jon Ron
$4,400 $6,900 $5,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Total number of men who have been U.S. President during the current British monarch's rule

Final scores:

Denise Jon Ron
$1 $2,900 $8,801
3rd place: Panasonic compact disc player 2nd place: trip on Eastern to San Francisco & stay at the Holiday Lodge New champion: $8,801

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Denise Jon Ron
$3,000 $6,900 $3,800
9 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
19 R,
1 W
14 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $13,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1985-08-20
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