The most dangerous spider native to the U.S.; it's found in nearly every state |
a black widow
West Virginia was the first state to impose this type of tax on business, which it did in 1921 |
a sales tax
It can be any large city or the specific city in which Superman lives |
The one on Morocco's flag has one less point than the one on Israel's |
a star
Robert Sherwood's play, "The Petrified Forest", is set in this state, home of the Petrified Forest |
A month before the surrender, the Confederate Congress passed a law allowing them to be soldiers |
Blacks (or slaves)
While kangaroo rats are rodents, rat kangaroos belong to this order of mammals |
In 1915, the Supreme Court ordered West Virginia to pay this state $12,393,929.50 |
(Alex: With less than a minute to go.)
Occupation in the title of the following song:
"25 dollar 30 now 30 dollar 30 dollar 30 dollar 30 dollar give me a holler 30 dollar who will bid it at a 35 dollar bid?" |
The flags of each of this country's 6 states have a Union Jack in the upper left |
Laura Wingfield is the fragile heroine of this Tennessee Williams play |
The Glass Menagerie
This song that had been written for the minstrel stage became the Confederacy's unofficial anthem |
The most powerful cat in the New World, it feeds on many animals, including tapirs & turtles |
the jaguar
In 1734, Robert Harper founded this town at the junction of the Potomac & Shenandoah Rivers |
Harpers Ferry
From the Latin for "shopkeeper", this word is a synonym for druggist or pharmacist |
His wife's nephew, William Todd, designed the original bear flag of California |
Abraham Lincoln
The ghost of Gertrude Stein returns to this woman in the play "Gertrude Stein and a Companion" |
Alice B. Toklas
2 of the 4 cities that served as the Confederate seat of government |
(2 of) Richmond, Montgomery, Danville & Washington, Georgia
This dog, not the borzoi, is the tallest of all wolfhounds |
(Lois: What's the greyhound?) (Rick: What's the Russian wolfhound?) ... (Alex: The borzoi is another name for a Russian wolfhound. [*] is the correct response here.)
Irish wolfhound
During the 19th century, these 2 cities alternated as state capital, & one of them still is |
(Grinnell: What is [*]...) (Alex: [*] is one of them. [**] is the...oh I'm sorry. I gave you... I gave it to you. We'll have to throw out that question.) ... (Alex: [During Final Jeopardy] Grinnell, I must apologize. A little while ago on that response you gave, I jumped in so quickly, I may have disturbed your train of thought. I apologize for that.)
Wheeling & Charleston
A test for determining an item's quality or a film division of Walt Disney Studios |
Weapon seen on the flags of Kenya & Swaziland |
a spear
This Pirandello play about the creative process is subtitled, "A Comedy in the Making" |
(Alex: Anything?) (Grinnell: No.)
Six Characters In Search Of An Author
Unlike ours, the Confederate Constitution allowed this type of veto for appropriation bills |
a line item veto
The branch of zoology that deals with reptiles & amphibians |
The city of Weirton is bordered by Pennsylvania on the east & this state on the west |
This word for a tattered, dirty child is from the name of a demon in "Piers Plowman" |
The inscription on its flag means, "There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the prophet of Allah" |
Saudi Arabia
The tragic 1933 play "Blood Wedding" takes place in this country |
Not surprisingly, there was more turnover in this cabinet post than any other; 6 people held it |
War Secretary