When he died in 1891, his obituary in the New York Tribune said his best work was "Typee" |
The Department of the Navy was established in 1798 under this second president |
John Adams
Evidence has been found that proves these largest mammals once had hind legs & feet |
the blue whales
In 1456, a posthumous trial granted by Pope Callistus overthrew her heresy conviction |
(Jim: Who's Jean of... [*]?) (Alex: Jean would be nice, too, but [*] is correct.)
Joan of Arc
This presidential assassin was buried in an unmarked grave in Green Mount Cemetery in 1869 |
John Wilkes Booth
He abdicated saying he "couldn't perform his duties without the woman I love" |
Edward VIII
Her first novel, "The Professor", was published after her death; her most famous work is "Jane Eyre" |
Charlotte Bronte
This agency, the GSA for short, manages & supervises the government's property & equipment |
the General Services Administration
This North American rodent made famous in a tongue twister is a kind of marmot |
a woodchuck
Though she was found innocent, a rhyme said Lizzie Borden axed her parents with this many total whacks |
(Richard: What is 40?) (Jim: What's 80?) ... (Alex: Listen to the song. She did her mother 40 whacks and then gave her father 41. So it adds up to [*]. I'm not sure of the sequence if she did Mom first and then Dad.)
A Baltimore monument whose cornerstone was laid in 1815 was the U.S.'s first to honor this president |
Louis XIV is said to have defined his supremacy by saying, "I am" this |
(Alex: With less than a minute to go.)
the state
The title of one of his macabre tales warns, "Never Bet the Devil Your Head" |
(Edgar Allan) Poe
In 1961, he became the first director of the Peace Corps; 11 years later, he was McGovern's running mate |
Sargent Shriver
These small African parrots got their name because they rub each other with their bills when courting |
He was released in 1971 after Nixon commuted his prison term but disappeared in 1975 |
(Richard: Who is Vesco?)
Jimmy Hoffa
This first railway system in the United States was chartered in the city on February 28, 1827 |
the Baltimore & Ohio
Roman emperor whose last words were, "What an artist dies with me" |
"Dead Souls" has been called one of the greatest novels ever written in this language |
Chief Justice who chaired the Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution |
Warren Burger
This sense in humans has been called distance chemoreception |
the sense of smell
Sentenced to death by poison for impiety & corrupting the youth, he turned down chances to escape |
The city was founded in 1729 & named for this family, the lords Baltimore |
the Calverts
Among other things, she wished her epitaph to express "my virginity" |
Queen Elizabeth I
Some say her unfinished novel "The Watsons" is an early version of "Emma" |
Jane Austen
In 1989, George Bush appointed Thomas R. Pickering to succeed Vernon Walters in this post |
U.S. representative to the United Nations (ambassador to the U.N.)
The bark of the red mangrove tree yields this chemical used in making leather |
In 1983, 32 members of this terrorist group got life for murdering former Italian prime minister Aldo Moro |
the Red Brigade
It's not only Baltimore's largest newspaper, it's Maryland's largest as well |
the Baltimore Sun
Czar who said "Better to abolish serfdom from above than wait 'til it begins to abolish itself from below" |
Alexander II