Show #1444 - Thursday, December 6, 1990

Bruce Ikawa game 5.
Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


[<< previous game]

Hugh Brennan, a sales manager from Belle Mead, New Jersey

Eric Gustafson, a computer programmer from Vienna, Virginia

Bruce Ikawa, a college professor originally from Indianapolis, Indiana (whose 4-day cash winnings total $60,599)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 17
In 1912, Mrs. Taft donated a dress to this museum complex & every first lady since has followed suit
    $100 12
Named for a Philadelphia hatter, it's been called the hat that crowned the West
    $100 1
Aptly, the ancient Games were held at this sanctuary 120 miles west of Athens
    $100 6
"The Clue of the Hissing Serpent" is one of the many mystery stories about these boys
    $100 22
If I loved you one of these & a peck, I'd actually love you five pecks
    $100 7
Lawrence Peter Berra's friends compared him to a fakir, hence this nickname
    $200 18
Her first name is Thelma, not Patricia
    $200 13
The English call it a bowler; the French, a melon; we call it this
    $200 2
The brothers who won the middleweight & light heavyweight divisions of boxing in 1976
    $200 8
A.A. Milne's son whose stuffed toys inspired Pooh & his friends was named this
    $200 27
Number of teaspoons in a tablespoon
    $200 23
This late flamboyant pianist once performed under the name Walter Busterkeys
    $300 19
After graduating from George Washington University in 1951, she began a career as a journalist
    $300 14
American women buy one quarter of all their hats just before this holiday
    $300 3
The Olympics feature freestyle wrestling & this other form
    $300 9
The talking cricket tells him, "Woe to boys who refuse to obey their parents and run away from home"
    $300 28
Of time, distance or speed, what a light year measures
    $300 24
His real name is Lloyd Vernet Bridges III, but you know him better by this nickname
    $400 20
The Quakers expelled this future first lady after she married a non-Quaker in 1794
    $400 15
Sherlock Holmes wouldn't be fully dressed without this soft woolen hat with ear flaps
    $400 4
When Ben Johnson was stripped of the gold for using steroids in 1988, the medal went to this American
    DD: $500 10
The heroine of this fairy tale is sometimes known as Briar Rose
    $400 29
What is properly called the International System or SI is usually referred to as this
    $400 25
William West Anderson who was TV's caped crusader
    $500 21
She lived in the White House longer than any other first lady
    $500 16
In the U.S. & England, men's hats increase in size by this fractional increment
    $500 5
In 1980, he set an Olympic record winning all five men's speed skating races
    $500 11
Charlotte A. Cavatica, who's one of these, says she drinks flies' blood because "I love blood"
    $500 30
Seen on electric bills, this unit is equal to 3.6 megajoules
    $500 26
Rugged leading man George Letz who was once married to Dinah Shore

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Bruce Eric Hugh
$1,700 -$500 $1,100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Eric Hugh
$2,700 $1,500 $1,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1920s
    $200 1
This comic strip featuring Daddy Warbucks made its debut in 1924
    $200 16
Sheridan wrote "The School for Scandal" & Moliere wrote "The School for" these women
    $200 26
The book of Revelation says "The devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and" this
    $200 11
Though English, John Constable & Joseph Mallord William Turner were forerunners in this French movement
    $200 21
Every US summit over 15,000 feet above sea level is in this state
    $200 5
In Russian, this Tolstoy epic is known as
"Voyna i mir"
    $400 2
Women who opposed the flat flapper look started the Maiden Form Company to market these
    $400 17
Weather condition in the title of John Colton & Clemence Randolph's play about Sadie Thompson
    $400 27
"The Lord set a mark upon" him, "lest any finding him should kill him"
    $400 12
This new art movement of the late 19th century derived its name from that of Bing's art gallery in Paris
    $400 22
El Paso got its name from being a place to pass over or ford this river
    $400 6
Dueling vice president whose daughter is the heroine of Anya Seton's "My Theodosia"
    $600 3
This song from the Black revue "Runnin' Wild" launched a national dance craze
    $600 18
The French title of his 1957 play "Endgame" is "Fin de partie"
    $600 28
He said unto the king, "My God hath sent his angel and hath shut the lion's mouths"
    $600 13
In 1550, he completed his last two frescoes, "The Crucifixion of St. Peter" & "The Conversion of St. Paul"
    $600 23
Little Rock is on this tributary of the Mississippi
    $600 7
This Gore Vidal book about America's Centennial was published in 1976
    $800 4
Court-martialed for defiance of his superiors, he resigned from the Army in 1926
    $800 19
This Italian theatrical form, popular in the 1500s, featured masks & improvised dialogue
    $800 29
"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before" one of these
    DD: $2,000 14
Painter of the 1892 work seen here
    $800 24
The Bitterroot Range forms the squiggly looking border between Montana & this state
    DD: $2,000 8
The murder of this Elizabethan playwright who may have been a spy is explored in "Enter from the Sun"
    $1000 10
Under the 1924 Johnson-Reed Act, people from this Asian country could not immigrate to the United States
    $1000 20
This author of "Awake" & "Sing" was one of the founders of New York's Group Theater
    $1000 30
Job 28:18 tells us "the price of wisdom is above" these gems
    $1000 15
Neoclassical painter who was virtual dictator of French taste from the Revolution until Napoleon's fall
    $1000 25
The strait in Washington connecting these two bodies of water is named for the explorer Juan de Fuca
    $1000 9
James Michener's 1978 novel about Maryland's eastern shore

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Eric Hugh
$10,100 $3,500 $9,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This 1951 Humphrey Bogart film was based on a book by C.S. Forester

Final scores:

Bruce Eric Hugh
$20,100 $3,400 $19,800
5-day champion: $80,699 3rd place 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Bruce Eric Hugh
$8,900 $4,000 $8,700
24 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
13 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $21,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1990-09-17
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