Show #8852 - Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Deb Bilodeau game 1.


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Jeremy Felton, a chemist from Cary, North Carolina

Deb Bilodeau, a winemaker from Oakland, California

Daniel Ciarrocchi, a writer from Baltimore, Maryland (whose 1-day cash winnings total $16,001)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: A new series premiering for Earth Day.)
____ & ____
(Ken: You'll have to expand both of the two abbreviations that we've combined.)
    $200 30
A desert bull may walk 50 miles a day to find food & water; he's guided by this, an elephant's proverbial strength
    $200 28
Chill out! Waiting idiomatically, you "cool your" these lower body parts
    $200 11
Those born under this Aug.-Sept. sign associated with both chastity & a fertility goddess can be a bit of a paradox
    $200 14
Anatomical term for being human or for your relatives
    $200 3
This country superstar & "American Idol" is a real Okie from Muskogee, where she was born in 1983
    $200 1
    $400 29
In night footage, using a branch to bypass an electric fence is one example of this, thought pre-Darwin to be a human only ability
    $400 27
Speaking for the Lord, in Deuteronomy he says, "I have led you 40 years in the wilderness"
    $400 12
You'd expect celebs born under this sign, like Halsey & Donald Glover, to achieve work-life balance
    $400 25
An idiom says that 2 people who don't get along "mix like" this pair of liquids
    $400 8
Tulsa's Olivia Jordan, 2015 winner of this title, represented her country at the Miss Universe Pageant
    $400 4
    $600 26
Seen in rare footage of a herd crossing a river, the rarest Asian subspecies is the Borneo type, also known as this word that makes it sound tiny
    $600 19
After an 86-year drought without winning a World Series, this A.L. team has now won 4 of them in the last 19 years
    $600 16
It sounds like a water sign, but it's an air sign & those born under it, such as Abraham Lincoln, are intellectual & highly social
    $600 7
Port of Spain is the capital of this Caribbean nation
    $600 13
Tulsa-born Taylor Hanson was just 14 when his band of brothers hit No. 1 with this 1997 smash
    $600 5
    $800 22
Young prize fighters do it for practice; young elephants learn confidence & survival skills from this activity
    $800 20
An elderly woman recognizes this now-old Washington Irving character & asks, "Where have you been these twenty long years?"
    $800 2
Don't get stung with an incorrect response--know the brightest star in this sign's constellation is Antares
    $800 24
Sweet & sour pickles are called this pair & taste like neither of them
    $800 17
To win this contest during the 2011 NBA All-Star Weekend, Oklahoma City-born Blake Griffin jumped over a car
    $800 9
    $1000 23
This episode title is the common name of the biggest subspecies Loxodonta africana, & of the 27-nation landscape where it roams
    $1000 21
It took Fritz Hollings 36 years to become South Carolina's senior senator, as this man stuck around for a while, living to 100
    DD: $1,000 6
Known for passion & determination, this first sign of the zodiac bears the item sought by Jason & the Argonauts
    $1000 18
Per a Tin Pan Alley song, love & marriage go together like this other pair
    $1000 15
Born in Moore, Oklahoma in 1981, Randy Wayne starred as Bo's cousin Luke in the 2007 TV movie titled them: "The Beginning"
    $1000 10

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Daniel Deb Jeremy
$2,600 $2,800 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Daniel Deb Jeremy
$7,600 $3,200 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: By Ambrose Bierce--He originally called it The Cynics Word Book and I think we're going to find out why.)
    $400 3
12th & 13th century commercial fairs in this "bubbly" region of France made it an important medieval financial center
    $400 17
"Interview with the Vampire"
    $400 29
Lysander, an admiral of this city-state, starved Athens into surrendering in 404 B.C. during the Peloponnesian War
    $400 28
Between 1901 & 1903 Swedish explorer Otto Nordenskjöld led a scientific expedition to this continent far from Scandinavia
    $400 30
Jessica Walter played Lucille, matriarch of the dysfunctional Bluth family, on this sitcom
    $400 1
"A small square of silk or linen... especially serviceable at funerals to conceal the lack of tears"
    $800 4
A big festival in Menton, France is named for citrons, these, & together with oranges, they are used to craft amazing things
    $800 18
For young adults, "Looking for Alaska"
    $800 13
To gain a port, Florence leaned hard into this nearby 4-letter city in the 14th century, finally taking it in 1406
    $800 27
For his discovery of this nuclear process of splitting atoms, scientist Otto Hahn was awarded the 1944 Nobel Prize for chemistry
    $800 11
Carolyn Jones played this macabre TV mom in the 1960s; Catherine Zeta-Jones plays her on "Wednesday"
    $800 2
This variety of prose narrative:
"a short story padded"
    $1200 5
The Chestnut Fair on this large French island isn't limited to chestnuts; it has beer, wine & cheese too
    $1200 19
"The Name of the Rose"
    DD: $2,500 12
1462's Battle of Piltown was the only major battle fought in Ireland as part of these dynastic civil wars
    $1200 24
Hall of Famer Jim Otto started 210 consecutive games for the Raiders at this demanding position that begins offensive plays
    $1200 8
(Hi, I'm Brianne Howey.) I grew up with a single mom & love playing this title single mom to Ginny on a Netflix comedy drama
    DD: $2,500 14
From medieval times: "the kind of clothing worn by a man whose tailor is a blacksmith"
    $1600 6
A yearly science fair is sponsored by a university in this French city that hosted the 1968 Winter Olympics
    $1600 20
    $1600 22
In 732 he defeated an invading Muslim army in the decisive Battle of Tours, earning the nickname "The Hammer"
    $1600 26
Some historians say the First this German word began when Otto the Great became emperor in 962
    $1600 9
Didn't everyone want kind & patient Caroline Ingalls, played by Karen Grassle on this series, to be their mom too?
    $1600 15
This sandwich fixin' with a name from French: "one of the sauces which serve the French in place of a state religion"
    $2000 7
In 2022 one of France's grandest renaissance fairs, the Roi de l'Oiseau, celebrated this writer & his creation Gargantua
    $2000 21
Introducing George Smiley,
"Call for the Dead" (1961)
    $2000 23
Formed in the 14th century, this elite army corps of the Ottoman Empire had a name from Turkish, meaning "new troops"
    $2000 25
In the late 1800s, Austrian architect Otto Wagner was a leader in this new-sounding style with works on the Vienna Railway
    $2000 10
She played a mom on 2 very different shows: "Married... with Children" & "Sons of Anarchy"
    $2000 16
Early in the book, under "AB":
"to move in a mysterious way, commonly with the property of another"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Daniel Deb Jeremy
$8,300 $16,500 $8,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Born in 1932 & the son of a percussionist in the CBS Radio Orchestra, he's been nominated for 53 Oscars

Final scores:

Daniel Deb Jeremy
$16,502 $16,601 $16,000
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $16,601 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Daniel Deb Jeremy
$10,800 $15,200 $8,000
16 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
11 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $34,000

>" target="_blank">[game responses] >" target="_blank">[game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2023-02-07
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