>1>Show #8847 - Tuesday, April 11, 2023>div>


>[&lt;< previous game]

> href="showplayer.php?player_id=15570" rel="external">Kat Jepson>, an artist originally from Virginia Beach, Virginia

> href="showplayer.php?player_id=15571" rel="external">Mark Sutch>, a theatre professor from Concord, North Carolina

> href="showplayer.php?player_id=15566" rel="external">Robbi Ramirez>, a writer from Orlando, Florida (whose 1-day cash winnings total $23,800)

>[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

ble class="round"> <tr>
>BAD BOYS IN BOOKS>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr>
>ARCHITECTURALLY SPEAKING>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr>
>I GOT THE RECEIPTS>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr>
>A PRESIDENTIAL LAST NAME>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr>
>WHALES>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> able> >Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):
>TIME FOR A "LITTLE" MUSIC>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457340" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">16>td>
>Archie Costello leads the Vigils, a gang of school kids enforcing the sale of this title sweet treat in a Robert Cormier "War" novel <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457348" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">24>td>
>To become involved with something lucrative before a larger group of people learns about it is to "get in" here <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457349" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">23>td>
>My friend, I can put you in a Ghost from this British car maker today... if you happen to have $400,000 <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457354" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">25>td>
>Dam, it's a vacuum, too! <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457355" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">30>td>
> href="https://www.j-archive.com/media/2023-04-11_J_30.jpg" target="_blank">These> whales sing complex courtship songs that can last up to 20 minutes & be heard miles away <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 11>td>
>This rock & roll legend passed away in 2020 <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 15>td>
Luke, the son of Hermes, betrays this title kid at Camp Half-Blood by poisoning him; not cool <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 21>td>
It's what you should avoid doing proverbially if you live in a glass house <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 26>td>
Folks were not happy he went electric at 1965's Newport Folk Festival but in 2013 the Fender Strat he used went for $965,000 Kat>tr>>td> </tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 18>td>
Baseball's Mookie & Hack (who had 191 RBIs in 1930>--you should know his last name!) <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 7>td>
Including the pilot & beluga whales, the suborder Odontoceti is characterized by this feature <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 1>td>
In 1983 Prince drove into the Top 10 for the first time in this title conveyance <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $600 12>td>
In this S.E. Hinton novel, it's the Socs vs. the Greasers, & Dally is a bit of a thug <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $600 20>td>
In other words, "when one won't tolerate temperature, remove oneself from food-making facilities" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $600 27>td>
In 1989 Jerry Jones bought this NFL team for $140 million; a decent investment, as it's worth more than $7 billion today <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $600 17>td>
A place where a river is shallow enough to be crossed by wading <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $600 5>td>
After about a year in its mother's womb, a baby of this whale species is born weighing up to 3 tons & as long as 25 feet Kat>tr>>td> </tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $600 3>td>
This country quartet has won 3 Grammys, including one in 2016 for "Girl Crush" >Mark>d class="right">Kat>tr>>td> </tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 13>td>
With a name fit for a Roman emperor, this rude boy falls into Willy Wonka's river & gets sucked up by a super pipe <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 19>td>
Curiosity, a good memory & some wagering skill are this colorful plan "for success" on "Jeopardy!" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 28>td>
Symbolically hot off the press, this book>--one of roughly 50 left in the world>--was auctioned in 1987 for $5.39 million <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 2>td>
An animated "Show" formerly on Fox, or an Ohio city <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 4>td>
These small whales have occasionally been known to grow 2 tusks instead of one <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 6>td>
"I'll keep you my" this, sang the All-American Rejects, though having a No. 1 hit might not be the best way to do that <tr> <td>
>&#160;   DD: $1,200 14>td>
"You've been brought up bad... Fagin will make something of you", says this rascal to Oliver Twist <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 22>td>
To reinforce a viewpoint, idiomatically as in "you need to" this structural support "your argument with hard facts" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 29>td>
In 2014 a golden oval item a man hoped to sell as scrap metal was actually this Russian treasure & worth $33 million <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 9>td>
Synonyms for this include prick, perforate & puncture <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 8>td>
The largest member of the dolphin family, it's easy to identify by its black & white coloring <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 10>td>
Be cool, relax & name this 1980 chart-topper by Queen
>Robbi >Mark >Kat
>$5,400 >$1,400 >$2,200
>Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
>Robbi >Mark >Kat
>$7,400 >$3,200 >$4,600
>Double Jeopardy! Round ble class="round">
<tr>d class="category_name">NO, PRIME MINISTER>tr> <tr>
>td>tr> able> <tr>d class="category_name">ADAPTERS>tr> <tr>
>td>tr> able> <tr>d class="category_name">ONE HOT MoMA>tr> <tr>d class="category_comments">(Ken: The Museum of Modern Art in New York City.)>tr> able>
<tr>d class="category_name">THE I.V. LEAGUE>tr> <tr>
>td>tr> able> <tr>d class="category_name">QUEEN VICTORIA GEOGRAPHY>tr> <tr>
>td>tr> able> <tr>d class="category_name">A LANGUAGE OF CONSONANT PLUS VOWEL>tr> <tr>d class="category_comments">(Ken: Each response is those two in that order.)>tr> able> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> able> >Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
<tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 28>td>
On live TV, Dutch PM Mark Rutte said don't perform this greeting ritual due to COVID, but forgot & put 'er there moments later <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 30>td>
(>I'm Joel Kim Booster.) In 2022, I wrote & starred in >"Fire Island", a modern retelling of this Jane Austen novel in which I find myself in the shoes of Elizabeth Bennet <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 26>td>
Jeff Koons' version of this colorful feline made famous by Peter Sellers on film is on floor 2 <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 27>td>
Most of it below sea level, the Imperial Valley in this U.S. state is noted for vast acres of irrigated farming <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 4>td>
Africa's Lake Victoria is home to a plethora of wildlife, including these "water horses" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 29>td>
In English, it's a pronoun of the first person plural <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 17>td>
In 1975 Malcolm Fraser, after 2 hours as Australia's PM, received a vote in Parliament of "no" this <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 25>td>
Novelist Dave Eggers helped Spike Jonze adapt Maurice Sendak's classic book into this 2009 film <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 1>td>
Her 1977 oil on canvas "From a Day with Juan II" was a bequest of this painter from New Mexico <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 21>td>
Latin term for the type of fertilization of an egg that takes place in a lab dish <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 6>td>
2 Australian states are named for her: Victoria & this one whose territory includes part of the Great Barrier Reef <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 3>td>
>in German
<tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457367" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">16>td>
>In 1938 this prime minister abandoned British naval bases in Ireland & stood by as Italy took over Ethiopia... oops <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457379" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">24>td>
>Not busy enough with "Downton Abbey", he adapted "Mary Poppins" & "School of Rock" as stage musicals <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457357" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">2>td>
>Gordon Parks' "Excerpt from" this film about a "Black private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks" is at MoMA & we can dig it <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457370" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">20>td>
>An immigrant one of these documents can enable the holder to travel to the U.S. intending to stay permanently <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457373" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">11>td>
>Victoria Peak rises nearly 3,700 feet in this English-speaking Central American nation <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457361" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">5>td>
>In Latin it's a form of the word for "thing"; it follows "in" to mean "concerning" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457368" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">15>td>
>In 1973 Luis Carrero Blanco became PM, taking power in Spain from this man, but was assassinated 6 months later <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457380" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">23>td>
>Neil Druckmann, creator of this video game partly inspired by the book "The World Without Us", helped adapt it for HBO in 2023 <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457364" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">9>td>
>Mais oui, you can take a trip back in time to 1899 & survey his "Tahitian landscape" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457371" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">18>td>
>In German, "in vertretung" means to do this, like voting "by" it on behalf of someone not present >Robbi>d class="right">Kat>tr>>td> </tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457374" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">12>td>
>Victoria is the main town on Gozo, the second-largest of this Mediterranean country's islands <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457362" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">7>td>
>En français, it means "of" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=457369" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">14>td>
>In 2014 this nation said no to PM Fredrik Reinfeldt & Stefan Lofven, running for the Riksdag for the 1st time, got the job >Robbi>d class="wrong">Mark>tr>>able width="100%">>d class="wrong">Triple Stumper>tr>>td> </tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 22>td>
This novelist did not adapt his own novel "About a Boy" as a movie but did adapt other writers' "Wild" & "Brooklyn" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   DD: $5,000 10>td>
His "Number 1A, 1948", which includes some of his handprints, has been on exhibit in the David Geffen Galleries <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 19>td>
This valve in a car engine opens to allow the fuel-air mixture to be drawn into the cylinder <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 13>td>
This explorer was the first known European to see Victoria Falls & named them for the monarch <tr> <td>
>&#160;   DD: $3,000 8>td>
This rhyming pair are the 12th & 13th letters of the Greek alphabet
>Robbi >Mark >Kat
>$7,400 >$13,600 >$23,800
>td> >td> >td>
> href="wageringcalculator.php?a=23800&b=13600&c=7400&player_a=Kat&player_b=Mark&player_c=Robbi">[wagering suggestions for these scores]

>Final Jeopardy! Round
</tr> <tr> able> >Final scores:
>td>tr> </table> <tr> <td id="clue_FJ" class="clue_text">At times they each lived on Vilakazi St. in Soweto, so it claims to be the world's only street home to 2 Nobel Peace Prize winners
>RobbiWho are Kissinger and Merkel>tr>r>$7,300>tr>r>>MarkWho are Mandela and Gandhi?>tr>r>$13,600>tr>r>>KatWho are Mandela + Obam>tr>r>$3,401>tr>table>Nelson Mandela & Archbishop Desmond Tutu>td> </tr>
r id="clue_FJ_stuck">
>Robbi >Mark >Kat
>$100 >$0 >$20,399
>2nd place: $2,000 >3rd place: $1,000 >New champion: $20,399
>Game dynamics: Game dynamics graph

>Coryat scores:

>Robbi >Mark >Kat
$7,200 >$13,600 $19,800
15 R
>(including 1 DD),
2 W
17 R,
>3 W
>22 R
(including 2 DDs),
>2 W
> href="help.php#combinedcoryat">Combined Coryat>: $40,600 > href="showgameresponses.php?game_id=7836&highlight=..." rel="external">[game responses]> <a href="showscores.php?game_id=7836&highlight=..." rel="external">[game scores]> <a href="suggestcorrection.php?game_id=7836" rel="nofollow">[suggest correction]>h4>
>Game tape date: 2023-01-18
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