Show #1433 - Wednesday, November 21, 1990

Steve Robin game 2.
Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


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David Litt, a sales account manager from East Brunswick, New Jersey

Martha McClendon, an insurance administrator originally from Guntersville, Alabama

Steve Robin, a marketing director from Scottsdale, Arizona (whose 1-day cash winnings total $9,900)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Can we keep up with them? We'll find out soon enough.)
    $100 1
In the end, his pursuit of Moby-Dick cost him more than a leg; it cost him his life
    $100 17
In recent years, Doug Flutie & Bo Jackson won this award for outstanding college football player
    $100 16
When English forces looted the city in 1860 they brought this dog breed back to the West
    $100 11
Celestial Seasonings uses chamomile flowers to make this type of drink
    $100 6
This naval hero was appointed Commissioner to Algiers in 1792, but died before the appointment reached him
    $200 2
In his 1921 novel he compared Leopold Bloom to a modern-day Ulysses
    $200 20
Don Newcombe was the first to win this award for best pitcher in the Major Leagues
    $200 18
From 1937-45 this country controlled the city
    $200 12
Its name was acquired from its flavor, which is a blend of cloves, cinnamon & nutmeg
    $200 7
This Jamaica-born actress was Mayday, James Bond's arch-villainess, in "A View to a Kill"
    $300 3
Jeeter Lester, a poor Georgia sharecropper, is the central figure in this Erskine Caldwell novel
    $300 23
The National Hockey League champion team gets this trophy for 3 weeks, then it goes back to the Hockey Hall of Fame
    $300 19
The bulk of street traffic consists of this type of vehicle
    $300 13
Menthol, an ingredient in many medicines for colds & coughs, comes from this herb
    $300 28
Huge statue near Giza whose head was partly destroyed when used as a target for gun practice
    $300 8
His vehicle to both Broadway & film stardom was "The Great White Hope"
    DD: $500 4
Believing Alexei Vronsky has tired of her, she throws herself under a train
    $400 22
Janet Evans was the 1989 winner of this memorial award for upholding the ideals of amateurism
    $400 24
The classic recipe for this dish calls for a particular breed, the white Peking
    $400 14
When Nero made his entry into Rome, the streets were sprinkled with this expensive yellow spice
    $400 27
Preston Sturges' mother gave this famous woman the scarf that killed her in 1927
    $400 9
As a teenager, this producer of the hit song "We Are The World" played trumpet for Billie Holliday
    $500 5
In Vladimir Nabokov's novel, 12-year-old Dolores Haze is this title character
    $500 21
In this league, Eastern & Western Division champions play for the Grey Cup
    $500 26
Named after its inaccessibility to commoners, it contains the Hall of Supreme Harmony
    $500 15
In French, this herb used in bearnaise sauce is estragon
    $500 25
This game is of Basque origin, and its name comes from Basque for "merry festival"
    $500 10
This playwright changed his name to Imamu Amiri Baraka when he became a Muslim

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Steve Martha David
$4,100 $500 -$400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Martha David
$6,400 $500 $1,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
When he was wounded in 1981, he jokingly said to his doctors, "Please tell me you're Republicans"
    $200 1
Act IV, Scene 3 of this play takes place in England, the rest takes place in Scotland
    $200 11
Its name comes from Scottish Gaelic for "the drink that satisfies", dram buidheach
    $200 2
Cambodian forces seize the U.S. merchant ship Mayaguez and its crew of 39
    $400 17
In his play "Love for Love", William Congreve wrote, "Oh fie, Miss, you must not kiss &" do this
    $400 6
As the play's title indicates, Pericles is Prince of this place
    $400 21
While in this state in 1806-07, Captain Zebulon Pike described the great sand dunes in his journal
    $400 28
They're also known as duck bills
    $400 12
In names of cocktails, this color precedes "baby", "rose" & "lady"
    $400 3
The Hindenburg explodes while docking at Lakehurst, New Jersey
    $600 18
Winston Churchill told his people he had "nothing to offer but" these 4 things
    $600 7
Petruchio comes to court Kate in this Italian town
    DD: $895 22
This monument's pedestal is built within the star-shaped walls of Fort Wood
    $600 27
These rats are noted for taking small articles and dropping off something else in return
    $600 13
Naturally, this liqueur whose name is German for caraway seeds is flavored with caraway seeds
    $600 4
The Four Aces top the pop charts with "Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing"
    $800 19
In the 1960s Timothy Leary advised, "Turn on, tune in," do this
    $800 8
1 of 2 Shakespearean comedies that open in ancient Greek cities
    $800 23
This state's St. Croix Island, near the Canadian border, commemorates a 1604 French settlement there
    $800 26
The Romans called this ungulate Camelopardalis, meaning spotted camel
    $800 14
Of Argentina, Greece & the U.S., the country with the lowest per capita wine consumption
    DD: $500 5
The Rough Riders charge up Kettle Hill in Cuba
    $1000 20
What he really said was, "Damn the torpedoes, Captain Drayton, go ahead!"
    $1000 9
The field where Richard III seeks "A horse! A horse!"
    $1000 24
It wasn't until August 14, 1909 that white men first viewed this great stone arch in Utah
    $1000 25
Sloths & anteaters belong to the order Edentata, which means without these
    $1000 15
According to its label, Southern Comfort originated on the banks of this river
    $1000 10
Samuel Finley Breese Morse sends the first public message via the telegraph

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Martha David
$10,200 $2,800 $405
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This actress who co-wrote 2 Tracy & Hepburn films was 88 years old when she died in 1985

Final scores:

Steve Martha David
$6,200 $4,600 $1
2-day champion: $16,100 2nd place 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Steve Martha David
$10,100 $3,300 $1,300
26 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
10 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $14,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1990-09-11
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