When he was wounded in 1981, he jokingly said to his doctors, "Please tell me you're Republicans" |
Ronald Reagan
Act IV, Scene 3 of this play takes place in England, the rest takes place in Scotland |
Its name comes from Scottish Gaelic for "the drink that satisfies", dram buidheach |
Cambodian forces seize the U.S. merchant ship Mayaguez and its crew of 39 |
the 1970s
In his play "Love for Love", William Congreve wrote, "Oh fie, Miss, you must not kiss &" do this |
kiss & tell
As the play's title indicates, Pericles is Prince of this place |
While in this state in 1806-07, Captain Zebulon Pike described the great sand dunes in his journal |
They're also known as duck bills |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
the platypus
In names of cocktails, this color precedes "baby", "rose" & "lady" |
The Hindenburg explodes while docking at Lakehurst, New Jersey |
the 1930s
Winston Churchill told his people he had "nothing to offer but" these 4 things |
(Steve: What are [*]?) (Alex: Not necessarily in that order, but that's good enough. You got all four of them in there.)
blood, sweat, toil & tears
Petruchio comes to court Kate in this Italian town |
(David: What is Taming of the Shrew?)
This monument's pedestal is built within the star-shaped walls of Fort Wood |
(David: What is the Washington Monument?) ... (Alex: If you see it from the air, you see all those points to the star.)
the Statue of Liberty
These rats are noted for taking small articles and dropping off something else in return |
pack rats
Naturally, this liqueur whose name is German for caraway seeds is flavored with caraway seeds |
The Four Aces top the pop charts with "Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing" |
the 1950s
In the 1960s Timothy Leary advised, "Turn on, tune in," do this |
(David: What is "tune out"?) (Martha: What is...) (Alex: Sorry, Martha, you took too long.)
drop out
1 of 2 Shakespearean comedies that open in ancient Greek cities |
(David: What is As You Like It?)
A Comedy of Errors or A Midsummer Night's Dream
This state's St. Croix Island, near the Canadian border, commemorates a 1604 French settlement there |
The Romans called this ungulate Camelopardalis, meaning spotted camel |
Of Argentina, Greece & the U.S., the country with the lowest per capita wine consumption |
the U.S.
The Rough Riders charge up Kettle Hill in Cuba |
(Martha: What is the 1910s?)
the 1890s
What he really said was, "Damn the torpedoes, Captain Drayton, go ahead!" |
David Farragut
The field where Richard III seeks "A horse! A horse!" |
Bosworth Field
It wasn't until August 14, 1909 that white men first viewed this great stone arch in Utah |
(Steve: What's the Natural Bridge?) ... (Alex: We have less than a minute to go.)
the Rainbow Bridge
Sloths & anteaters belong to the order Edentata, which means without these |
According to its label, Southern Comfort originated on the banks of this river |
the Mississippi
Samuel Finley Breese Morse sends the first public message via the telegraph |
(Martha: What is the 1900s?)
the 1840s