Show #1431 - Monday, November 19, 1990

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


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Susan Slusky, a physicist from Highland Park, New Jersey

Barry Hamilton, an attorney from Rockville, Maryland

Jim Arnold, a law student originally from Kansas City, Missouri (whose 1-day cash winnings total $300)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
Capt. John Smith coined this term for the region that now includes 6 Northeastern states
    $100 8
The Hollywood Ten were producers & writers who ran afoul of this government committee in 1947
    $100 15
This sweet apple beverage becomes hard after it ferments
    $100 2
A musical composition telling a sacred story without costumes, scenery, or dramatic action
    $100 20
Joe DiMaggio could tell you the Columbus Clippers are a minor league farm team of this American League club
    $100 1
This state once known as Indian Territory was open to homesteaders in 1889
    $200 22
Type of stool mounted on a see-saw used to humiliate those accused of witchcraft
    $200 12
Last name of brothers Albert, Harry, Jack & Samuel, who founded a movie studio in Hollywood in 1923
    $200 16
No matter how you spell it, it still boils down to a tomato sauce mixed with vinegar & spices
    $200 4
After George I came to England from Hanover, this composer had "Water Music" performed for him
    $200 23
This former Cincinnati Reds catcher was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1989
    $200 30
Its state fair is held each August in Pueblo
    $300 14
The forts built in & near this city were the center of Spanish activity in Texas in the 18th century
    $300 13
What "Variety" means when it talks about B.O.
    $300 11
Derived from the Indians, this dish consists of corn & lima beans
    $300 5
Born in Ireland, he studied at the Stuttgart Conservatory & composed "Babes in Toyland" in the U.S.
    $300 25
Major League team sometimes called the Halos
    $300 9
Mark Twain's birthplace & the Pony Express Museum are in this state
    $400 24
Between 1702 & 1790, Burlington alternated with Perth Amboy as capital of this colony
    $400 18
"Touch of Evil" director who said, "Hollywood's alright, it's the movies that are bad"
    $400 17
When topped with foam made from steamed milk, espresso coffee becomes this beverage
    $400 6
Born in Bonn, he became a professional musician at 11 but was later taught by Haydn
    $400 26
This present Red Sox 3rd baseman has the 4th-highest career batting average of all time
    $400 3
This state calls itself "The Great Lakes State"
    $500 28
This lawyer from Braintree defended the British soldiers accused of the Boston Massacre
    $500 19
"It was tough being upstaged by a jackass", said this dancer who co-starred with Francis the Talking Mule
    $500 29
Said to ripen on St. Philibert's Day, filberts are also known as these nuts
    $500 7
This composer's "Ave Maria" is the finale of Walt Disney's "Fantasia"
    $500 27
Oakland A's slugger who in 1988 became the first man to hit 40 homers & steal 40 bases in a season
    DD: $500 10
In this "Land of Opportunity", you might have an opportunity to see the Crater of Diamonds

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jim Barry Susan
$400 $2,400 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jim Barry Susan
$900 $5,700 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
Late anthropologist profiled by her daughter in "With a Daughter's Eye"
    $200 12
Over 95% of Italy's people are of this religion
    $200 1
Pan y agua, it might be a meal in a Spanish carcel, jail
    $200 6
Louis J. Marcus invented these to hold Irene Castle's newly-bobbed hair
    $200 17
The Romans honored this goddess of agriculture with a festival called the Cerealia
    $200 25
Soldiers ready to fight at short notice, they disappeared as the American colonies formed regular armies
    $400 8
"Screwball" is the story of this screwball comedy star who married Clark Gable
    $400 13
The region of Calabria forms this part of the boot of Italy
    $400 2
You'll think it's fate that you know this Turkish word for fate
    $400 22
Sky Television, a satellite network held by this Australian-American, broadcasts to most of Europe
    $400 18
One of this creature's 9 heads was immortal, so Hercules buried it
    $400 26
In 1902 the Thomas B. Jeffrey Company made 1500 of these cars, a line later bought by Nash
    $600 9
"You Might As Well Live" is a biography of this Round Table wit who used the line in one of her poems
    $600 14
This river valley south of the Alps is Italy's most important agricultural region
    $600 3
In Swedish, this fish is lax
    $600 23
In 1894 George Parker patented his "Lucky Curve" feed for these
    $600 19
Helen of Troy was hatched from an egg after he seduced her mother in the form of a swan
    $600 27
When DC Comics rearranged its universe a few years ago, this heroine also known as Linda Danvers was killed off
    $800 10
Carleton Mabee titled his book about this inventor & artist "The American Leonardo"
    $800 15
La Torre Pendente, it was closed in January 1990 for much-needed repairs
    $800 4
By its translation, something taken cum grano salis is taken this way
    $800 24
Now under construction, the longest tunnel in the world is being built under this body of water
    $800 20
It may amuse you to know that she is the muse of dance
    DD: $3,000 28
This day is the last day of the 20th century, after that it will be all gone
    $1000 11
"I Got Rhythm" is a biography of this brassy Broadway belter
    $1000 16
On April 28, 1945 Mussolini & this woman, his mistress, were executed by partisans near the Swiss border
    $1000 5
In French, it's "Quand le chat n'est pas la, les souris dansent"
    DD: $2,700 30
The Army is restoring the Kissimmee River to its natural state to stem pollution of this lake
    $1000 21
Some legends say he abandoned Ariadne after she helped him escape from the labyrinth
    $1000 29
No one can claim to be related to this author, his last direct descendant, Elizabeth, died in 1670

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jim Barry Susan
$2,500 $9,900 $4,300
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

By population, this republic is the largest member of the British Commonwealth

Final scores:

Jim Barry Susan
$1,300 $8,900 $8,300
3rd place New champion: $8,900 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jim Barry Susan
$2,500 $7,700 $7,500
8 R,
1 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
20 R,
6 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $17,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1990-09-11
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