Show #1513 - Wednesday, March 13, 1991

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


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Pat Buckley, an attorney from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Case van Kempen, a minister originally from the Netherlands

David Epstein, a lawyer from Irvine, California (whose 3-day cash winnings total $25,902)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Michael Romanov, a great-nephew of Ivan the Terrible's first wife, became ruler of this country in 1613
    $100 22
First four months mentioned in the rhyme that beings "30 days hath..."
    $100 16
He played Radar O'Reilly in both the movie & TV versions of "M*A*S*H"
    $100 11
As among bees, the breeding female in a termite colony is called this
    $100 6
The bottom front ones usually come in first, at about 6 months
    $100 21
It's the winning of all tricks in one hand of bridge, or a home run with the bases loaded
    $200 2
Prince Rainier & King Hussein attended the ceremony when this man became King of Spain in 1975
    $200 23
On a church calendar, this period leads up to the 12 Days of Christmas
    $200 17
She was the Baxter's maid
    $200 12
Like chickens, cockroaches have this muscular organ where they grind their food
    $200 7
Oversized babies are often born to women suffering from this insulin insufficiency
    $200 27
This dam in Washington has the highest hydroelectric capacity of any dam in the United States
    $300 3
She announced her abdication plans on January 31, 1980, her daughter Beatrix's 42nd birthday
    $300 24
In 358-59, Hillel II fixed the rules for compiling this calendar
    $300 18
Police scientist Barry Allen is this superhero's secret identity
    $300 13
This insect was named in the mistaken belief that it crawled into a sleeping person's ear
    $300 8
Giving this analgesic to children with flu may trigger Reye's syndrome
    $300 28
The Maryland Hunt Cup is considered the U.S. equivalent of this British steeplechase
    $400 4
After singing a treaty with Turkey, Francesco Foscari, doge of this city, was deposed in 1457
    DD: $700 25
The only day of the week named for a Roman god
    $400 19
The role of Heath Barkley in "The Big Valley" was his 1st after completing acting school
    $400 14
The drumlike membranes on a cricket's legs are its receptors for this sense
    $400 9
An MMR immunization protects against these 2 illnesses, plus rubella
    $400 29
In this song from "State Fair", "The moon is flying high"
    $500 5
Some say that King Haakon III of this Scandinavian country was poisoned by his stepmother in 1204
    $500 26
Some books list Washington's birthday as February 11, 1731, OS, the OS stands for this
    $500 20
Carl Kolchak, a crime reporter played by Darren McGavin, was known as this
    $500 15
Dragonflies exhibit an incomplete form of this process, with egg, nymph, & adult stages only
    $500 10
Acute conjunctivitis, also known by this colorful name, is highly contagious
    $500 30
In 1979 oil was discovered in this fishing ground off the coast of Newfoundland

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

David Case Pat
$900 $400 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

David Case Pat
$3,200 $600 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
He was born in Salinas, California, the setting for his "East of Eden"
    $200 2
The Flavian Amphitheatre came to be called this for a colossal statue of Nero at its entrance
    $200 12
Marcel Duchamp coined this word to describe Alexander Calder's wind-blown works
    $200 1
Edouard Benedictus invented the safety type of this by laminating two sheets together
    $200 17
Although he once went bankrupt, this "Ivanhoe" author's face adorns Bank of Scotland notes
    $200 26
When he won in 1990, President Bush called him "a courageous force for peace in the world"
    $400 8
Her 2nd antislavery book was 1856's "Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp"
    $400 3
Lao Tzu, an archivist & contemporary of Confucius, is considered the founder of this religion
    $400 13
The word that finishes the title of the self-portrait sold for over $47 million, "Yo..."
    $400 22
Willis H. Carrier, founder of Carrier Corp., is considered the inventor of this
    $400 18
In 1252 Florence, Italy began minting these gold coins which were accepted throughout Europe
    $400 27
This U.S. president won the 1919 prize for advocating the League of Nations & world peace
    DD: $2,000 9
Robert A. Heinlein, Ray Bradbury, & Frederik Pohl are best known for writing in this genre
    $600 4
Until 445 BC, plebeians were unable to marry this aristocratic class of Roman citizens
    $600 14
His detractors dubbed him "Jack the Dripper"
    $600 23
Wallace H. Carothers headed the DuPont team that invented this material in the 1930s
    $600 19
The Excelsior cent was designed in 1787 for this state
    $600 28
John Dunant won for organizing the convention here which set rules for treating war wounded
    $800 10
He was writing about his ancestors Miles Standish & Priscilla Mullins in "The Courtship of Miles Standish"
    DD: $1,500 5
Oedipus was a legendary king of this Greek city-state
    $800 15
In "Blam" & "Girl at Piano", Roy Lichtenstein puts this popular art form on canvas
    $800 24
Dietrich Winkel invented this tempo-keeping device, but Johann Malzel patented it
    $800 20
This Austrian monetary unit equals 100 groschen, not 12 pence
    $800 29
Better known for her Hull House, she won as President of the International League for Peace & Freedom
    $1000 11
Greed & lust for power release vicious passions in a Southern family in her play "The Little Foxes"
    $1000 6
King of Knossos who lent his name to a Cretan civilization
    $1000 16
Among his decadent black & white drawings is Salome holding the head of John the Baptist
    $1000 25
Sons of a paper manufacturer, these French brothers demonstrated the first hot air balloon in 1783
    $1000 21
This small South American country calls its monetary unit a dollar
    $1000 30
This former Berlin mayor won for improving East-West relations & lived to see the wall fall

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

David Case Pat
$10,100 $3,000 $11,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This country in the Southern Hemisphere was named for a province of the Netherlands

Final scores:

David Case Pat
$20,199 $2,000 $3,399
4-day champion: $46,101 3rd place 2nd place: trip to Las Vegas

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

David Case Pat
$9,100 $3,000 $10,400
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
11 R,
2 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $22,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1991-01-28
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