Michael Romanov, a great-nephew of Ivan the Terrible's first wife, became ruler of this country in 1613 |
First four months mentioned in the rhyme that beings "30 days hath..." |
September, April, June, & November
He played Radar O'Reilly in both the movie & TV versions of "M*A*S*H" |
Gary Burghoff
As among bees, the breeding female in a termite colony is called this |
a queen
The bottom front ones usually come in first, at about 6 months |
It's the winning of all tricks in one hand of bridge, or a home run with the bases loaded |
a grand slam
Prince Rainier & King Hussein attended the ceremony when this man became King of Spain in 1975 |
Juan Carlos
On a church calendar, this period leads up to the 12 Days of Christmas |
She was the Baxter's maid |
Like chickens, cockroaches have this muscular organ where they grind their food |
a gizzard
Oversized babies are often born to women suffering from this insulin insufficiency |
This dam in Washington has the highest hydroelectric capacity of any dam in the United States |
Grand Coulee Dam
She announced her abdication plans on January 31, 1980, her daughter Beatrix's 42nd birthday |
Queen Juliana (of the Netherlands)
In 358-59, Hillel II fixed the rules for compiling this calendar |
Hebrew or Jewish calendar
Police scientist Barry Allen is this superhero's secret identity |
(Alex: Whoosh! Who is [*]?)
The Flash
This insect was named in the mistaken belief that it crawled into a sleeping person's ear |
an earwig
Giving this analgesic to children with flu may trigger Reye's syndrome |
The Maryland Hunt Cup is considered the U.S. equivalent of this British steeplechase |
the Grand National
After singing a treaty with Turkey, Francesco Foscari, doge of this city, was deposed in 1457 |
The only day of the week named for a Roman god |
(Alex: [*], for Saturn, yes.)
The role of Heath Barkley in "The Big Valley" was his 1st after completing acting school |
Lee Majors
The drumlike membranes on a cricket's legs are its receptors for this sense |
sound (hearing)
An MMR immunization protects against these 2 illnesses, plus rubella |
measles & mumps
In this song from "State Fair", "The moon is flying high" |
"It's A Grand Night For Singing"
Some say that King Haakon III of this Scandinavian country was poisoned by his stepmother in 1204 |
(David: What is Denmark?) (Case: What is Sweden?) (Pat: What is Finland?) (Alex: You were all in the neighborhood, but you missed [*]. [*].)
Some books list Washington's birthday as February 11, 1731, OS, the OS stands for this |
Old Style
Carl Kolchak, a crime reporter played by Darren McGavin, was known as this |
The Night Stalker
Dragonflies exhibit an incomplete form of this process, with egg, nymph, & adult stages only |
Acute conjunctivitis, also known by this colorful name, is highly contagious |
In 1979 oil was discovered in this fishing ground off the coast of Newfoundland |
the Grand Banks