Show #1405 - Friday, October 12, 1990

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


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Gary Stein, a student originally from Oakland, California

Bob Tutelman, an engineer from San Diego, California

Carol Kirk, an attorney originally from New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $7,401)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: All of the correct responses will begin with that letter of the alphabet.)
    $100 11
1943's "Yankee Doodle Mouse" was the 1st Oscar-winning cartoon starring this cat & mouse
    $100 26
In France, Henry IV said every peasant should afford to have one of these in the pot on Sundays
    $100 10
The oldest department store chain in Canada is named for this bay
    $100 6
Tulip mania gripped this country from 1634-37 and many people lost fortunes on the bulbs
    $100 4
All Scandinavian flags were inspired by the Dannebrog, the flag of this country
    $100 1
A synonym for entrails; you can spill your own or hate someone else's
    $200 12
Of Best Assistant Director, Best Producer, or Best Best Boy, the one that was once an Oscar category
    $200 27
Some British barristers now believe this affectation from 17th-century France has had its day
    $200 16
The French town Nemours is the ancestral home of this Delaware manufacturing family
    $200 7
This flower whose name is from the French for "thought" is said to signify remembrance
    $200 5
Name for the ceremonial flag that is trooped during a British monarch's birthday celebration
    $200 2
Thought to have come from Egypt, these wandering people were originally called Egyptians
    $300 20
"It Happened One Night" in 1935 that she won the Best Actress Oscar
    $300 28
The revolt that began in 1618 against the Hapsburg ruler of Austria lasted this many years
    $300 17
Founded in Two Harbors, Minnesota in 1902, this company originally sold sandpaper & added tape later
    $300 23
This flower was named for a Greek youth who was obsessed with his own beauty
    $300 8
Symbol appearing on the Israeli flag
    $300 3
To encircle with a belt, or, perhaps, with an elasticized undergarment
    $400 21
She received an Honorary Oscar for Outstanding Juvenile Performance in 1960 for "Pollyanna"
    DD: $1,500 29
Champlain founded this city in 1608; 12 years later, it had only 60 people and showed little promise
    $400 18
From 1958-65, this company called itself Thompson Ramo Wooldridge
    $400 24
The lotus belongs to this family of lilies
    $400 9
The flag of Barbados has 2 blue stripes, 1 yellow stripe & this symbol of Neptune the sea god
    $400 13
Mrs. George Burns might have felt at home in this famous New York City mayoral residence
    $500 22
Upon receiving a Special Oscar in 1982, Barbara Stanwyck gave a tribute to this actor, her "Golden Boy"
    $500 30
Ornate furniture, Rubens paintings, & Bernini's gilded churches represent this art style
    $500 19
In corporate income tax, it's the deduction allowed for exhaustible mineral deposits
    $500 25
The leaves of the purple foxglove contain this powerful poison
    $500 15
The star on the Soviet Union's flag stands for this
    $500 14
A magnificent Spanish or Portuguese nobleman of high social position

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Carol Bob Gary
$1,400 $1,400 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Carol Bob Gary
$2,000 $2,300 $1,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 24
This capital of Georgia is known as Dogwood City for its flowering trees
    $200 15
An increase in fluid pressure in this causes glaucoma
    $200 11
As a bookkeeper can tell you, a business that's making money is in this
    $200 1
It's also known as "The Late Unpleasantness", especially in the South
    $200 6
It's pretty easy to open once you pierce the eyes & drain the milk
    $200 12
The only tokens of this child's identity were a locket & a ring
    $400 26
This Montana city founded by prospectors in 1864 lies just east of the Continental Divide
    $400 20
Eating this part of a grain of cereal provides roughage in your diet
    $400 16
Though actually colorblind, an angry bull is said to do this
    $400 2
In the 1840s 2 wars broke out between the British & the Sikhs in the Punjab region of this country
    $400 7
With equal amounts of flour, butter, sugar, & eggs, this cake makes for heavy eating
    $400 13
The title of this Dickens work refers to tough living & working conditions in Coketown
    $600 27
Its metropolitan area includes the towns of Englewood, Littleton & Aurora, among others
    $600 21
It's not this insect, but a parasite transmitted by it that causes malaria
    $600 17
It describes an eloquent or persuasive speaker
    DD: $800 3
Turn of the century war that inspired the following march:

"I'm with you and you're with me, / And so we are all together, / So we are all together, / So we are all together, / Sing with me, I'll sing with you, / And so we will sing together, / As we march along. / We are marching to Pretoria, Pretoria, Pretoria"
    $600 8
Its leaves are used in salads & its roots are roasted & ground to make a coffee substitute
    $600 14
Out of luck & money in England, Martin Chuzzlewit left to try his fortune in this country
    $800 28
Founded in 1609 this Southwestern capital once served as the capital of a Spanish colony
    $800 22
Some exposure to sunlight is necessary for the body to produce this vitamin
    $800 18
It's how Shakespeare described jealousy in "Othello"
    $800 4
Tolstoy's "Sevastapol Sketches" are based on his experiences during this war
    DD: $1,500 9
It's the only food product derived from the fruit of an orchid
    $800 25
In different tales, Mr. Creakle & Mr. Squeers ran these
    $1000 23
Crystalline bodies made up mainly of cholesterol; they can also form in the bile duct
    $1000 19
From a French phrase, it's a person who exercises power behind the scenes or through another
    $1000 5
In 1713 the Treaty of Utrecht ended the war named for this English queen
    $1000 10
The root of this plant yields the starchy substance known as tapioca

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Carol Bob Gary
$3,000 $8,300 $3,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of the 10 states Governor Dukakis won in the 1988 presidential election, this 1 has the most electoral votes

Final scores:

Carol Bob Gary
$3,000 $10,199 $6,400
3rd place New champion: $10,199 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Carol Bob Gary
$4,500 $8,300 $4,500
16 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
0 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
9 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $17,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1990-08-21
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